If they took out the story and made a more open world like Metroid Prime then I'd love it. The platforming and combat were really solid in Other M. Metroid games are at their best when you have no idea where you're going (like in Super Metroid or Metroid Prime with no hints).
When people say that Other M is the worst Metroid game then they've clearly not played the bad Metroid games like the original, Return of Samus, and Hunters. God dammit, I've played Metroid flash games better than Return of Samus.
Nice generalization that fails because clearly, here's my generalization, you didn't play Metroid when it was a new game running on NES hardware, comparing it to the games of it's time. You probably played it after you played the far superior sequels aka out of order. Metroid on NES was AMAZING....obviously the SNES sequel was even better.
http://www.gamerankings.com/gameboy/585799-metroid-ii-return-of-samus/index.html (78/100)
Metroid II wasn't a bad game, it's just an old GB game but for it's time it was fun considering the hardware it was on but I would liken the impact of Other M to Metroid II, in that both were not great getting similar A/78-79% scores from critcs for their time.
Metroid II's excuse was it was running on horrible handheld weak GB hardware, which is NOT the same for excuse we can apply to Other M which was running on modern Nintendo home console hardware. In fact, Hunters destroys Other M in the world's critics eyes.
I own every single Metroid game, including Hunters. I've been with the series since day one, as a fan since day one, I paid top dollar for each one. It wasn't great either but it was good. Specifically I wasn't talkng about GB or DS Metroid, but rather the home console Metroid retail games. That said, Hunters was better for what it did and the world's critics agreed : http://www.metacritic.com/game/ds/metroid-prime-hunters 85/100 vs. Other M's 79/100 http://www.metacritic.com/game/wii/metroid-other-m.
Was Other M the worst game ever? No, but it was a major blow to the franchise for a home console retail metroid, and to fans for modern gaming. This is hard for people to understand in SW, but handheld gaming =/= console gaming. There are millions of people that will never, ever buy a handheld machine (3DS, Vita, Gameboy, DS, PSP, Gamegear, Nomad, none of them ) but that very same market/demographic will buy every home console Nintendo machine.
The expectations for a home console Metroid experience are higher for the public, that's how it is. Other M was our Metroid we got for the Wii, a modern gen system, and it just didn't deliver, sadly. Argue if you must, but that's the reality.
Really major blow to the francise? Dude you seem to be going overbord. The only reality I see is your high dislike for the game. Also didint MP3 come for wii so wasint that 2 metroid games for the wii. Both which I found enjoyable. I personally didint care for hunter I found it boring as dirt but hey thats just my opinoin.
Maybe I am, however consider this :
I waited for a new home console Metroid game for an entire generation (N64). Seeing what happened to Mario and then Zelda, definitely was neat to chat about with friends and fans about a new 64 Metroid game. It was a long wait, but it was an exciting wait. Then seeing teasers for a possible Metroid during the N64 era (always turned out to be other games, thanks Nintendo Power, EGM, and Gamepro :evil: ), and I didn't get a N64 Metroid. Millions didn't get one. Now, while we understand why, the reality was many fans didn't understand. We needed Gunpei Yokoi, which is a very sad tale for fans that want to look that up. Anyways, looking at Other M's success, do you think Nintendo will push for a New Metroid ASAP for Wii U next gen really soon? It seems like a safe bet, but who knows, perhaps not. Maybe just a 3DS version, maybe. As far as me having a high dislike for Other M, I didn't have a high dislike. I liked the game for all it's flaws, but unfortunately, I can also understand why so many non-fans and even fans decided to skip the title completely after the reviews and word of mouth got out.
I just worry that I may go through a whole home console generation again with No Home console Metroid. It already happened during my excruciating N64 years, and I would really hate for it to happen during my Wii U years. Or worse, we get another one akini to Other M. Other M had a lot of potential, so there's always that, but I think the Wii U hardware could make a Metroid game very exciting in seasoned, and talented devs hands.
I am a Metroid fan, so I'm going to be a little bit more critical of what gets delivered at top dollar, but that's okay. I never LOVED the handheld Metroids btw, but I did enjoy them as I approached them understanding they were crafting a Metroid on a tiny machine in my hands. The Home Console Metroids were my main course. I did say the game was a 79/100, which means it was a decent game. We are off track, my point was that it was the worst Metroid to me so far, and the critics (some reviews are more modern but...) put Other M right next to Metroid II for GB as the worst games in the series. Still, considering they are high "A" games, that's pretty good. I think over time, Other M will have the lowest rank for the series in time, but it may take years and a few console gens for those late reviews to pour in...probably from gamers that don't exist yet, or are 1-2 years old.
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