PC will always be better for multiplats. If there are some exceptions to this, it's only to prove the status of rule of that statement. PCs aren't really limited by hardware, at least theoretically (this means, if you can afford to continue upgrading it, you'll ever be ahead of the current games tech).
This comes from someone who always was primarily a console player, and PC second. I always played on both platforms (1 console + PC). But the PC always had an upper hand, tech-wise.
But there is one thing PC gamers have to realize: more and more, playing on the PC is less and less advantageous. If you were a hermit during the SNES, PS and PS2 eras, you really had a completely different experience that console-only players couldn't even imagine. Nowadays, it's about having a quality difference on multiplats, few exclusives (compared to what consoles offer), MMOs and a better gameplay experience on RTS and FPS. Of course it's worth it for some guys.
Add to this the fact that most people nowadays owns a laptop, that are just not powerful enough to play games correctly (this means: can't do it as good as, or better than consoles), for their daily activities, and would have to spend more (and in some ways, redundantly) on a gaming focused rig. This all makes me think that being a PC only player now is to put yourself in a diminished returns situation. And now you're not in that completely different environment as before. Gaming on PC is becoming more and more comparable to console gaming, these kinds of comparisons show it.
Yet, the first statement I made in the beginning is still valid: multiplats are and will continue to be better on PCs. This won't change, even as the diminished returns situation advances. It really makes no sense comparing multiplats on consoles and PC.
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