Since Epic's shooter was supposed to be the next big thing, I went along with it, and REALLY tried to love it. There are great things about Gears...mainly in the graphics department. However, the vast plethora of problems that can be found on that disk is just...unacceptable. I will give you a break down of what is wrong with the single, and multiplayer.
Single Player: Short, easy, and glitch ridden. Ones that can kill your progress in a level, and other annoying bugs, and bizarre glitches. Why? It was in production for almost three years! The story is totally terrible, it takes useless twists and turns, and still manages to a second thought. The characters are pretty generic (the exception being Dom). Every line out of Cole's mouth made me want to shut my console off. The unexciting cliff hanger found at the end isn't very desireable either...
Multiplayer: When people complain about the bullet lag...they arn't lying. The host advantage is very real as well. It makes things constantly unbalanced, and frustraiting. The modes seen here are basically identical...the exception being Annex. Again...glitches, glitches, glitches, and cheating to boot. There really isn't a single match where you JUST have a good game, or a good time.
Man, what a trainwreak of a game. :(
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