i don't use games as criteria because they are subjective i use functionality, that is not subjective xbl wins.
That makes no sense, functionally, they work the same.
I guess you just have to close your eye and pretend you are whisked away to XBL land where you have your own separate Internet network that takes over your ISP.
lol, there are ps3 titles that have no friends list support and even a few with no chat.dl speed on xbl is better.
there is not one single arcade or indie title that does not come with a demo.
i have to use my xbox for netflix a couple of times each week since it won't come up on my ps3.
crazy hackers have targeted psn.
no supervision of the games.
no install step in everything after you dl.
to say they are the same is delusional... no offense.
you may not care about those things but it is added functionality and unquestionably better.
Crazy hackers have been on Live from the start, you install on XBL you just don't see it, I have netflix on my PSN right now and never had a problem.. in fact, it runs better on PSN *gasp*, out of game chat takes away from games like COD that shouldn't allow players to talk after being killed, you know.. the only reason to play it on consoles versus PC.
Demo for indie games and the 1-2 minute DL time is what your hanging your hat on huh?
Well considering you don't have a browser or a interactive area like Home AND you have to pay to play online.... I think it's delusional to come to your conclusion....
no offense.
P.S. disregard if you "may not care about those things" ;)
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