Bren, he didnt say better, he said more, as in quantity! He said, Mass Effect is better, which isnt strictly true because of oblivion.
Look, which ever way you try and do this, the 360 is holding its own at the moment with rpgs. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see MS are trying to get jrpg developers on board to have more of an impact on japan.
Whether they succeed or not in the short term is not going to make microsoft go away. I'm sure 12 months down the line the ps3 will have the better jrpgs. But look at MS 5 years ago and look at them now.How long do you reckon your beloved jrpg developers are going to stay with sony?
OK, I apologise for going off topic here lol
um yes he did
1. link? :|
2. funny how the best scoring ps3 exclusive is another "mindless shooter"
3. 360 has way more and better exclusive rpgs than ps3 :|
i really suggest you leave this alone and let me own him because your starting to sound like him yourself. admit ownage?
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