I think that very few system warriors are actually qualified to comment on how these specs translate into visual fidelity on a handheld.
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I think that very few system warriors are actually qualified to comment on how these specs translate into visual fidelity on a handheld.
cinematic graphics are what you are using ? Find actual gameplay and get back to me.3DS's technical Specs are...a Big Disappointment?
[QUOTE="LegatoSkyheart"]cinematic graphics are what you are using ? Find actual gameplay and get back to me.3DS's technical Specs are...a Big Disappointment?
Someone ignored the fact that the footage there is real time. MT Framework games render their "cutscenes" in game, in real time.
How are these specs a disappointment? If it's as powerful as a gamecube then thats amazing for a handheld device. You where seriously expecting it to be on par with the HD consoles?
[QUOTE="LegatoSkyheart"]cinematic graphics are what you are using ? Find actual gameplay and get back to me.3DS's technical Specs are...a Big Disappointment?
Their not called cinematic graphics, their called pre rendered and this trailer is actually realtime on the 3ds.
[QUOTE="LegatoSkyheart"]cinematic graphics are what you are using ? Find actual gameplay and get back to me.Those aren't prerendered and the engine Capcom uses for their console games is capatable with the 3DS. Even Nintendo developers were surprised.3DS's technical Specs are...a Big Disappointment?
Takeuchi said "The images since the game's E3 unveiling have all been real time rendered on the 3DS development hardware. It seems as though people didn't believe us at first, but we'd like you to know that the 3DS is capable of this level of expressive power."
The big deal is because it could have been a lot better. Its like people being impressed with the Wii (coming from the Xbox/PS2/GC) before seeing the 360/PS3/PC. Anyways its not going to stop me from buying one. :)How are these specs a disappointment? If it's as powerful as a gamecube then thats amazing for a handheld device.
It's different, and Nintendo will find the going tougher than they've ever had it before- the smartphone market collectively might dent Nintendo's market more than the PSP ever could have. However, I highly doubt the effect will be anything 'noticeable.' Sure, the 3DS might sell 80 million units instead of 160 million like the DS did, but really, does that really bother anyone, including Nintendo, all that much? Again I'm sure the 3DS will be a huge hit, but the hardware just isn't going to be able to keep up. Though what I'm really interested in is what will Sony's next move be. Given the meteoric rise of smartphone usage over the last several years, I personally don't see any need to separate the mobile and handheld markets anymore (especially among older audiences). It's gotten to the point where simply replacing a slide-out keyboard with slide-out physical buttons (ala the Go), and of course attracting big-name developers, is all that's necessary to turn a smartphone into a capable gaming device.[QUOTE="charizard1605"]
[QUOTE="NVIDIATI"] Since this time there will be a lot more competition in the future and for once Nintendo won't be the casual one. Not that I'm saying the 3DS wont do well, but I'm just saying how its different then before.
I think Sony would be crazy not to make the PSP2 an Android-compatible smartphone w/ physical buttons, because that market readily embraces the type of technological advances, multifunctionality and even premium prices Sony likes to incorporate into their devices. Plus they could get the PSP Phone heavily subsidized through carriers, which would help push a lot of units. And they could also release a standalone device ala the iPod Touch and PSP 1, which would probably sell worse than the 3DS but would still add to their total sales.
Those numbers are better than Gamecubes (GCN) (looking at the numbers alone), also 3DS benefits because the resolution in total is 800x240 so it displays more than 100,000 less pixels than the GCN, so it has to work less than the GCN for GCN like results.How are these specs a disappointment? If it's as powerful as a gamecube then thats amazing for a handheld device. You where seriously expecting it to be on par with the HD consoles?
After following the development of a bunch of different processors and video cards, i basically don't put stock in any numbers released by companies. I mean, there are processors today that are 2ghz that are faster and more powerful than processors from a few years ago that were over 3ghz.
[QUOTE="NVIDIATI"] This is on an iPhone 4, which has weaker hardware then the Tegra 2... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtcLSXKk5To
Why are you even bringing up iPhone 4? We're talking about the 3DS and how it's Technical Specs aren't dissapointing at all. If anything that iPhone 4 video that you showed me is probably going to be outdated in about a year or a couple of Months.
I was making a point that even an iPhone can pump out visuals like that. Once a real contender comes into play the 3DS will just look "old."Not to the general public. The iphone and droid are not considered gaming device by the vast public. Nintendo is known solely as a gaming company.
The big deal is because it could have been a lot better. Its like people being impressed with the Wii (coming from the Xbox/PS2/GC) before seeing the 360/PS3/PC. Anyways its not going to stop me from buying one. :)[QUOTE="Crossel777"]
How are these specs a disappointment? If it's as powerful as a gamecube then thats amazing for a handheld device.
It could of been alot better.
It also could of been 600 dollars and killed Nintendo.
When the Wii-specs were revealed did anyone stop and think about the efficiency of the new hardware?
It runs at like 17 W on or 14 W off.
That stuff takes a lot of money. I bet that they put a lot of effort into making this run efficiently. More than sony or microsoft would be willing to, because it would make them look bad in the specs department.
Seriously though, my priorities are that the thing works, works well, and does new stuff.
I was making a point that even an iPhone can pump out visuals like that. Once a real contender comes into play the 3DS will just look "old."[QUOTE="NVIDIATI"]
Why are you even bringing up iPhone 4? We're talking about the 3DS and how it's Technical Specs aren't dissapointing at all. If anything that iPhone 4 video that you showed me is probably going to be outdated in about a year or a couple of Months.
Not to the general public. The iphone and droid are not considered gaming device by the vast public. Nintendo is known solely as a gaming company.
The idea with the iPhone is to attract a consumer who wouldn't normally game in general. Same way Nintendo made the Wii into a casual's hook. They're reaching out and pulling them in. Slowly they'll make better games and such to please the audience as their demand grows for a greater gaming expedience.The big deal is because it could have been a lot better. Its like people being impressed with the Wii (coming from the Xbox/PS2/GC) before seeing the 360/PS3/PC. Anyways its not going to stop me from buying one. :)[QUOTE="Crossel777"]
How are these specs a disappointment? If it's as powerful as a gamecube then thats amazing for a handheld device.
The big deal is so what!? No one actually cares if it could have been a lot better. No one is touting the 3DS to be the evolutionary technology in portable electronic devices. Besides, bumping up the technology will increase its price. What has been shown is already impressive.
[QUOTE="NVIDIATI"] I was making a point that even an iPhone can pump out visuals like that. Once a real contender comes into play the 3DS will just look "old."
Not to the general public. The iphone and droid are not considered gaming device by the vast public. Nintendo is known solely as a gaming company.
The idea with the iPhone is to attract a consumer who wouldn't normally game in general. Same way Nintendo made the Wii into a casual's hook. They're reaching out and pulling them in. Slowly they'll make better games and such to please the audience as their demand grows for a greater gaming expedience.I don't think the Iphone is remotely a concern right now. It is not advertised as a gaming experience. People who buy it arn't buying it for games. It is not directly competing against Nintendos handhelds at this time.
Nintendo has basically owned the handheld market for longer than probably most posters in this thread have been alive. I don't think they're in danger of going belly up or losing out to a phone. I can play games on facebook but I wouldn't call facebook a gaming system.
I also don't see how having higher specs and thus a price higher than any current CONSOLE would equal more sales for them. That logic does not make sense.
Yeah, it has two miserable 200 mhz CPUs with a miserable under 200 mhz GPU and miserable 64 megs of slow ram. 3DS games look like garbage all of the sudden because of this :lol:
Yeah, it has two miserable 200 mhz CPUs with a miserable under 200 mhz GPU and miserable 64 megs of slow ram. 3DS games look like garbage all of the sudden because of this :lol:
Since I know nothing about specs or care, I cannot tell if this is serious.
Yeah, it has two miserable 200 mhz CPUs with a miserable under 200 mhz GPU and miserable 64 megs of slow ram. 3DS games look like garbage all of the sudden because of this :lol:
Since I know nothing about specs or care, I cannot tell if this is serious.
Yeah, it has two miserable 200 mhz CPUs with a miserable under 200 mhz GPU and miserable 64 megs of slow ram. 3DS games look like garbage all of the sudden because of this :lol:
Since I know nothing about specs or care, I cannot tell if this is serious.
The smiley was there for a reason ;)
Besides, this is System Wars. A place, where fiction is turned into facts :lol:
Oh no now I won't be able to list me 3DS specs like a hemit :cry: I guess Ill have to stick with good old fashion ingame screens/gifs...
Put it this way,
If the games actually manage to look this good in practicehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr3bvrvJYyo, which I still doubt to be honest, then I will be more than happy.
If they look about as good as say some of the best Xbox games, the original Xbox, then I will be happy. I just want developers to make sure they are pushing the system to take advantage of that power.
3DS's technical Specs are...a Big Disappointment?
you should listen to this man TC. plus i highly doubt you even know what those numbers mean. we also already have a thread on this.
That's a video, a cutscene or something. Almost every device out there can produce video on par with that, it's the gameplay that's gonna either benefit or suffer from the final specs.
Yeah, it has two miserable 200 mhz CPUs with a miserable under 200 mhz GPU and miserable 64 megs of slow ram. 3DS games look like garbage all of the sudden because of this :lol:
Since I know nothing about specs or care, I cannot tell if this is serious.
The smiley was there for a reason ;)
Besides, this is System Wars. A place, where fiction is turned into facts :lol:
I adblocked the :lol: smiley. Makes SW a much less annoying place :PThe whole powerful as a 360 nonsense was hard to believe anyway. The 3DS is powerful for a handheld device though.racing1750i suspect that something was lost in translation there. i think the devs were talking about how easy it is to port their 360 and PS3 tech over to the 3DS. as i understand it although the pica200 is a fixed function design, a combination of nintendos own additions to it (i think they mentioned at e3 that it also has its own extra shaders above a standard pica200) and DMPs APIs makes it easier for devs to get their PS3 and 360 tech..their engines so to speak...working on 3DS. capcom mentioned that they managed to do that very quickly and produce that demo. it seems that perhaps people assumed that if PS3 and 360 tech could be ported over easily then it must mean the 3DS is roughly as powerful. this of course is not the case. the wii can run the same engine in oblivion..gamebyro. but its not going to produce an oblivion. im also stunned that many people thought that they were going to get iphone specs or higher (tegra 2...really?) with a new 3d screen, a second touch screen, built in wireless, 1.5GB of storage and other bits and bobs for 200 quid (assuming thats the launch price). what are you guys smoking...and can i have some? :). overall im surprised in a couple of areas. 1) im surprised at 64MB of ram..i thought it would be around 44MB. 2) im also surprised at the dual core CPU. i was expecting a faster single core. a couple of things also irk me though 1) the cut in the GPUs speed is a concern. hopefully its a battery thing rather than a hardware yield or cooling thing and ninty can get it closer to 200Mhz with a firmware update or something in the future. for people who are concerned bout battery..they could sell higher capacity batteries....though it shouldnt make a hige difference in power drain (its the screens that take the lions share of the juice). 2) the low speed of the CPUs. i was expecting faster. i know there are two of them though so maybe thatll be enough. like the GPu hopefully its a battery decision and ninty can make them go faster in the future if they wish. 3) that 4Mb of vram may also be a problem down the line....though skimping on ram is a console tradition amongst all manufacturers that nintendo continues to carry out :P.
I'll be enjoying the games more so than i will be enjoying the specs.
The games look excellent and thats what matters most.
I'd actually rather not have it be as powerful as an HD console. Why make a handheld that powerful? You'd probably be looking at 400-500 bucks a unit if that were the case. Ninty's not stupid and they know that won't sell, except to the most hardcore. Small screens do not require huge processing power to make great graphics. And I don't play a handheld for the graphics. I play a handheld to pass time on the bus, train, plane, etc.
Kid Icarus didn't look like a current gen game to me. As for all those static screen shots...can't believe people are still fooled by those time and time again. RE5 is all FMV and SFIV looks like pixelated butt. Bread_or_DecideFooled by thier own eyes? Most of the games look great. And RE5 isn't coming to the 3DS, it's RE: Revalations which Capcom has alredy confirmed it running in real-time as has been stated, I don't know, 14 billion times. Plus, unless you went to E3, none of us have experienced the 3D aspect.
I'll be enjoying the games more so than i will be enjoying the specs.
The games look excellent and thats what matters most.
Bu but teh spex make everything kewler! Quite honestly, I'm impressed with the specs after reading up on the ARM11's capabilities. At such a low resolution and small screen size that GPU should shine as well.for anyone who doesnt want to open the link
CPU: 2 x 266MHz ARM11
GPU: PICA200 133MHz GPU by DMP
Video RAM: 4MB
Storage: 1.5GB Flash-based
While these are obviously problems now, you have to look at where the market is heading. That's why I bring up mobile devices. You wouldn't have companies like Nvidia planning for a new tegra each year if 3D graphics on phones/tablets/etc wasn't something of interest. Companies like ID software and Epic wouldn't be showing off 3D visuals on an iPhone/Android device. Just looking at the big picture its very easy to see why gaming will grow in phones/tablets/etc. Even MS is planning their relaunch of Windows Mobile. Though current portable devices aren't the best examples, tech coming soon is the focus. Still a lot of speculation but I think you can see what I'm getting at.[QUOTE="Wasdie"]
You do understand they are finding a balance between price/performance/battery life?
Remember, the Nintendo DSdoesNOT require a massive subscription plan that is $50+ a month. Cellphone companies cut deals with the cellphone manufacturer's to give discounts on the phones and pay them back over time. Nintendo doesn't have that going for them, unless you want a pay to play plan...
Higher clock speeds = less battery time. Use a 4th gen iPhone to play 3d games and tell me how long the battery lasts. Not long at all, and the thing gets hot in your hand.
From what we have seen the graphics of the 3DSisare more than fine for a handheld. The thing will have longer battery life and be cheaper to manufacture than one with higher clock speeds requiring more cooling. Remember the thing can't get hot, it can't weigh alot, it has to be cheap to make (so they can sell for a profit), and it has to have a lot of battery life.
Use a smart phone for 3D applications for a few hours and you'll understand that battery life and heat become a major concern.
What was the major problem with the PSP? Price and low battery life. Price, although it wasn't to expensive, was still higher than the competition and the battery life suffered from both the graphics processing and the UMD mechanical parts. Do you want the 3DS to suffer similar problems?
The 3DS is pretty much current hardware. It's not coming out in 10 years, it's in development as we speak with current tech. I have no idea what point you're trying to make. Nintendo has found a good price/preformace ratio and they are just finalizing the design. The specs have probably been set in stone now for well over a year as developers got their hands on the development kits.
Epic and ID are showing off 3D visuals on the iPhone and Android to break into the markets and start new ones. Those markets are still extremely undeveloped. You're talking as if we have the kind of tech to bring current generation console power to a handheld system right now. Obviously this isn't the case.
The 3DS is a modern system, not some futurisitic device. You have to work within the limits of now. You can be looking at where the market is headed, you have to look at the tech now.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Kid Icarus didn't look like a current gen game to me. As for all those static screen shots...can't believe people are still fooled by those time and time again. RE5 is all FMV and SFIV looks like pixelated butt. BreakTheseLinksFooled by thier own eyes? Most of the games look great. And RE5 isn't coming to the 3DS, it's RE: Revalations which Capcom has alredy confirmed it running in real-time as has been stated, I don't know, 14 billion times. Plus, unless you went to E3, none of us have experienced the 3D aspect. I'll eat my keyboard if that's what the final game really looks like.
[QUOTE="BreakTheseLinks"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Kid Icarus didn't look like a current gen game to me. As for all those static screen shots...can't believe people are still fooled by those time and time again. RE5 is all FMV and SFIV looks like pixelated butt. Bread_or_DecideFooled by thier own eyes? Most of the games look great. And RE5 isn't coming to the 3DS, it's RE: Revalations which Capcom has alredy confirmed it running in real-time as has been stated, I don't know, 14 billion times. Plus, unless you went to E3, none of us have experienced the 3D aspect. I'll eat my keyboard if that's what the final game really looks like. Get that money for the dentist ready. The gameplay might not look as good as that video, if not it will be because cutscenes in RE5 on 360 also looked better than normal gameplay, like most other cutscenes on any system. But it's all rendered by the 3DS, and it as been confirmed many times, and the differences between 3D and 2D were detailed, and how the effects like blur, HRD, etc affect the graphics.
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