First things first, this list is not meant to classify the greatest FPS devs of all time, this is merely a list pointing out the proven FPS devs that are shaping the genre today, and will likely continue to be, and or become, the genre's leaders over the next few years.
2K Boston (Formerly known as Irrational Games):
2K Boston, AKA Irrational, is a great dev responsible for several awesome FPS's over the years like the legendary System Shock 2, SWAT 4, and the surreal Bioshock.
Upcoming games to look out for: Bioshock 2 (TBA)
Monolith Productions:
Monolith is a kickass studio, responsible for amazing games like No One Lives Forvever , No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.S. Way and F.E.A.R.
Upcoming games to look out for: Project Origin: This FPS is a sequel to the awesome F.E.A.R., and alreadly looks super. (2008)
Half-life 1 and 2, CS, and TFC. Need I say more?
Upcoming games to look out for: The Orange Box: Best. Value. Ever. (October 10th 2007
Infinity Ward:
Call of Duty 1 and Call of Duty 2; these guys are experts at creating intense nail biting FPS action.
Upcoming games to look at for: Call of Duty 4: ... which is looking incredible, BTW. (November 5th, 2007 )
The Marathon Series, and the Halo series. This is a proven dev with tons of commercial and critical success and a big handful of hits under their belt.
Upcoming games to look out for: Probably nothing for a while. Go try Halo 3, it's out right now.
Unreal Tournament, Unreal Championship, and Gears of War. These guys are insane.
Upcoming games to look out for: Unreal Tournament 3 (late 07 for PS3 and PC, early 08 for 360)
Far Cry. Though Crytek may only have one game under their belts, it was certainly awesome, and Crysis looks to be just as good, with open gameplay and the best graphics in a video game to date.
Upcoming games to look out for: Crysis ( November 16th 2007)
These guys started the FPS genre (insert mad props here) and they are still going incredibly strong.
Games to look out for: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (That's out now, right?) and Rage (TBA)
These are the guys that will be deciding the fate of the genre in the years to come, and regardless of where the System Wars lead us you will pretty much always be able to count on quality FPS action as long as at least one of them is around.
Three cheers for the shakers and movers of the best genre in gaming!
May we enjoy much more FPS awesomeness in the years to come. :D
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