[QUOTE="ferret-gamer"] And that is comparing the 360 version Crysis 2 to Killzone 3. Lets see what they give Killzone 3 over Crysis 2(360):
1. Less pop-in and framerate stuttering. Well guess what, on PC neiter of those are even remotely a problem.
2. MLAA, again PCs have this capablity as well, Witcher 2 and Shogun 2 both support it, and the 5/6 series of AMD cards can force MLAA through drivers. The PC also can do things far exceeding MLAA's quality like super sampling, and large amounts of MSAA.
So that didn't help your case at all. Next attempt please?
What's funny is if you read the comments below most people think he's a fanboy. Because he probably is. The framerate of crysis on the 360 is awful. Most people below think Killzone looks better. So do I.
You are basically talking about a game that is the best the PC has to offer. You are saying it destroys the ps3. I never said the ps3 destroys a PC. You brought up one game that is playing to the strengths I've been talking about that the PC has. It's a huge open world environment and a 1st person shooter and it really doesn't look that much better. An argument can be made for either was my point. Both games do amazing things in different ways.
This is one game you have. The ps3 is how old now? And there is still a debate.
Like I said for any PC game there are just as many on PS3 if not more. I listed them.
Your problem is is that my argument is based in reality. And I'm saying the ps3 is pretty nifty and has it's advantages. Because it does. Even today. It's proprietary hardware and the games designed specifically for it are some of the best looking games out. As far as numbers what I'm saying is true.
There really isn't this huge advantage to being a PC gamer like you think. But you probably paid how much for it, so you have to justify it somehow.
That is Crysis 2. Not Crysis 1, Crysis 2 is not the best the PC has to offer. You changed your arument without ever admitting you were wrong. You claimed that the PC would struggle with games like Killzone 3 and MLB the show, you still have given no real argument to support that, and now you are just going with the "I'm saying the ps3 is pretty nifty and has it's advantages." You have yet to show how the PS3 has advantages over the PC, and why the PC would choke with those games.
The other parts of your argument aren't really worth addressing since you obviously don't have a gaming PC to know what you are talking about.
I did give examples though and explained to the best of my abilities. You are just refusing to or just not understanding what I'm saying. We are talking about propriety hardware and it is designed specifically to handle certain tasks. I used MLB The Show's jumbotron as an example. There is a lot more than that. But play the games. The ps3 is doing some amazing things that PC's or anything else aren't. I'm not saying the PC doesn't have it's advantages either. Having proprietary hardware has it's advantages. It's also designed that way because it has advantages. I already explained why. I don't know how else to explain. I told you that sometimes it's more efficient to have certain processes processing that way.
AS far as gaming it is to an advantage with certain tasks. Are you limited as far as what you can do? Yeah. You aren't going to have a huge open world with massive amounts of particle effects. But play a game like infamous and watch how the game plays and how it cuts between cinematics and gameplay and how fluid it is. There are also advantages as far as AI is concerned when dealing with things like that on a smaller scale. Little Big Planet while not a huge open world still is very impressive in it's own right. There are reasons why arcade style machines are designed differently sometimes and PC's have struggled with certain genres like fighting games in the past.. The way they are designed and processed isn't as efficient.
STreet Fighter IV is one of the few fightings games designed on PC Architecture. Is there a shift going on this gen? Maybe, but in the past fighting games were usually designed for proprietary hardware and struggled with PC's.
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