The lack of AA is truely being felt.
What is AA? AA pretty much means middle tier games in terms of production cost. Higher than indie but lower than AAA.
For gens up to gen 7 (during the middle-end of it) where they died due to high dev cost. AA games usually filled up consoles with various sorts of titles, BMX, Snowboarding, Skateboarding, Platformers, DDR type games, NBA Street, Fight Night, NFL Blitz, etc. There was much more variety.
100's of studio went bankrupt due to the cost of creating games and it's the main reason Sony and MS have been pushing indies so hard. Without them the consoles will look as barren as they really are.
Todays consoles consist of a bunch of safe sequels and remasters and maybe a few new IPs a year if that. Its the 3rd year and we are finally now getting some games at a somewhat ok rate. Even then most of the games releasing are from the typical big studios, Ubi, EA, Activision.
Japan is a shell of its former self although some would argue they are making a come back on consoles depite being absent for pretty much a decade (in volume).
Literally no variety and most games barely even do anything different, they are just shined up 360/PS3 titles.
Games cost too much to make and take too long to make so we end up having to rely on indies to fill the gaps and also less games as a result. Episodic or add content to game later is now a real concept. Paying $60 on the promise of receiving a whole game later, if you had told me this would happen 10 years ago I would have been replied, impossible.
In gen 6, consoles had Battlefield Modern Combat and PC had Battlefield 1942/2, Consoles had Unreal Championship and PC had Unreal Tournament. Games built to take advantage of their platforms unique aspects. That's just a few examples.
Reasons why good consoles are revered over history is due to the exclusives (gives them an identify) they got during their life times. I'll use the Dreamcast, Gamecube, PS2, and Xbox era as an example. Each console had tons of exclusive titles and a good majority of the games weren't on PC either and were built to the strengths of the console they were developed on. Xbox One and PS4 are pretty much the same consoles, only separated by 3 or 4 exclusive titles with everything else multiplat.
Consoles have lost what made them unique, games built specific to their platforms advantages without everything having to be homogenized for every platform. Barely any local multiplayer, yes I have friends and would love to play with them when they come over via local or online guest splitscreen. Console ish games like Ninja Gaiden, Conker, DMC, etc.They have pretty much turned into cheap watered down PCs where you have to pay to play online without any of the benefits of a real PC.
This gen sucks
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