I think this is the best RPG this generation...CD Projeckt is king of the mountain at the moment, but some glaring flaws will prevent them from holding that throne, especially after Mass Effect 3 is released.
I am not going to talk about combat flaws, they are being patched out. More unpatchable flaws here....here are three of my biggest whines
1) The endgame decision between saving Triss or freeing Saskia/Anais turns out to be an easy decision when it shouldn't. Why? Triss is rescued regardless, but by rescuing Triss, you sacrifice the hopes of Roche or Iorveth. Its clear that there is a right decision and the wrong decision and helping Triss is the wrong one. This makes the decision less impactful and less meaningful. In fact, it should have been if you free Saskia or Anais, you lose Triss, maybe even resulting in her death. That would have been a far more sadistic choice. Geralt has Yennifer anyway.
2) The Witcher 1 import is weak.....choices don't really matter much...only saving or killing Adda really matters. You get to meet Siegfried again under the right conditions, and Geralt mentions killing the King of the Wild Hunt if he did. Other than that, choices in the first have an even less effect then they did in Mass Effect 2. Here is where Mass Effect 3 will crush CD Projeckt.
3) Side quests....not as good as the first game. Less of them too. Even Dragon Age II beats TW2 in this department. While there are some good ones....Claws of Madness, Three Sisters, and Flickering Heart for example, they lack the dilemmas and the heft TW1 and the major DA2 sidequests had. Act III had barely any at all.
Still an excellent game...with amazing characters, plot, world, and soundtrack. And the quest at the end of Act I for Roche should go down in every gamers memory...incredible (Iorveth's end of Act I quest is great too, and has the most sadistic choice in the game).
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