If you play games because of graphics you should rather not game on the consoles at all. The graphical difference was huge already when Crysis came out.
i had a monster PC when Crysis came out and struggled to get 15FPS on 'high' settings, no PC could run it well enough for it to be playable
Uncharted 2, God Of war 3, killzone 2 has some of the best visuals on any platform, hence they won most of the best graphics awards in their repsective years, I playd GOW3 again the other day and it looks staggeringly good
its the 'talent' that primarily makes the game look good and not the 'hardware', hardware is only a tool and while it can certainly aid and help graphics, it is not the be all and end all by any means
which is why Skyrim looks half a gen better than Oblivion on the same hardware,
A "MONSTER" PC at Crysis's release ran it fine at high settings. People who were lucky enough to SLI a pair of 8800GTs ran it fine on Very High with no mods. Heck you only needed one to run it at good frames on high. So yeah, you are 100% wrong there.
Visuals yes they are great but they are by no means real technical marvels. And no that is not why. They were not the absolute best. 2007 was Crysis, 2008 was Crysis Warhead, 2009 was Cryostasis, ARMA II, or Shattered Horizon. 2010 was Metro 2033 or ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead (Both games were criminally robbed of their rewards too.) 2011 will be Battlefield 3. So why did other titles win? Because they base it off best looking "for the tech thats available to the respective platform."
You can't demonstrate your technology is there is no one who can put it together well to show it off. Yet your artistic visions will always be limited to the hardware you develop for and more powerful hardware brings in more ways to do things, ect. Both are equally important. None is more important than the other. That is why a technical horsepower can be held back from poor design, while console games would look terrible if it wasn't for people who knew how to create objects, textures, ect. All the little things make a huge difference.
Skyrim looks better than Oblivion (Maybe not modded PC Oblivion though) because they understand the hardware better. They've had what, 6-7 years to mess around with console hardware now and about 3 games using the same engine. They also aren't SpeedTreeing the whole thing with 5 different trees and putting in dungeons because they can. Now that they've had time to code and develop for console hardware and much, much more powerful PC hardware is out, they can focus putting more effort into the art department.
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