Time for an update eh?
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^ I'm not allowed to put scans so I linked to the news story instead.
Anyhoo, new update: Weapons of GTAIV + Liberty City in detail. Check it out! There's lots more updates coming but I need more space so I've asked the first few posters to delete their posts.
Awesome thread. I expect nothing less from the-very-best ;)---OkeyDokey---
Thankyou. :D
[QUOTE="fuzzysquash"]I wonder if there's a countdown timer anywhere for this game?jg4xchampNo but there is for MGS 4.
lol. You've run out of reasons for why MGSIV is gonna be better. Now, I can't insult MGSIV (since it's my 2nd most anticipated game of the year) but there's no way in hell it's going to be better than GTAIV. Here's a few reasons (better than yours) why it will be better.
1. Online multiplayer + the game takes 100 hours to complete. MGSIV has online MP but will probably take 15 hours or so to beat.
2. GTAIV is easier for anyone to pick up and play but it's also very deep. After you're done with the game, you can explore the city and cause mayhem at any time. MGSIV will be difficult for newbies to get into and once you're done with the game, you're done.
3. GTAIV is the GOTY for 2008. MGSIV isn't.
I win.
You forogt to mention that they are using Euphoria..... unless you did mention it and I'm dumb:Piammason
I did mention it initially and I took it out to make room for other things. I'll put it back in as soon as the first few posters delete their posts so I have more room.
I'm excited about the multiplayer now. So the whole city is open during multiplayer?II-FBIsniper-II
According to the new info (which has been translated, so take it with a grain of salt) the map used in multiplayer is the same map that is used for single player, ie. yes, the whole city will be open.
That's assuming the info's been translated correctly. I'll update the MP section when I get more room.
I just want to know when and where was Permanently Destructable Environments confirmed?
It was confirmed in February by PSM3 who did a 12 page exclusive preview on the game.
[QUOTE="Conjuredevil"]I just want to know when and where was Permanently Destructable Environments confirmed?
It was confirmed in February by PSM3 who did a 12 page exclusive preview on the game.
looks awesome. I'd been wondering who that person in your sig was.
Prostitute, no surprise for GTA.
I actually didn't know she was a prostitute when I put that sig up...I just think chicks with lollipops are hot for some reason.
I got my own 5 reasons.
1- Visually MGS 4 just looks better.
2- MGS 4 will have the better, deeper, and more cinematic story. ITs the end of an era for Solid Snake.
3- I combat Lola with Meryl, Naomi, and a monkey.....seriousaly who doesnt like Monkeys
4- Forget sales and pick up and play. I want challange and the best boss fights. Thats Metal Gear baby.
5- The game is to holy for inferior people like Jandurin to play.
6- Lets be honest Metal Gear Solid 4 is gonna win GOTY. Im gonna own you in MGO, and come timesplitters 4 im gonna own you in that. and just for you i wont get it for the 360, i will get timesplitters 4 for the PS3.
Metal Gear Solid 4>GTA 4
Metal Gear Solid 4 is being renamed to Metal Almost as awesome as Adrian Lima but not Really Solid 4.
Grand Theft Auto 4 is being renamed
Grand really good game but not the best game Auto 4.jg4xchamp
1.MGSIV does look visually better but consider the sizes of the game... the environments are much bigger in GTA.
2. MGSIV might have a better story but it will be over quicker. GTA:VC had a terrific story, on par with some MGS games imo, and GTAIV could repeat that.
3. I love monkeys thanks to TS, you win that point.
4. I don't care about sales but pick up and play is a big +. You can play GTA for years after you've finished it. You can't play MGS until you wanna replay the whole game again and it's not like you do that right after you finish it for the first time.
5. :lol: So is GTA though.
6. Wishful thinking dude. There's no way in hell I'd lose in Timesplitters. Metal Gear? I might lose in that, but definitely not TS. So much of my teen years was spent kicking people's asses in TS. :D
"Metal Almost as awesome as Adriana Lima but not Really Solid 4"... :lol:
Who's hotter?
[QUOTE="noswear"]looks awesome. I'd been wondering who that person in your sig was.
Prostitute, no surprise for GTA.
I actually didn't know she was a prostitute when I put that sig up...I just think chicks with lollipops are hot for some reason.
I got my own 5 reasons.
1- Visually MGS 4 just looks better.
2- MGS 4 will have the better, deeper, and more cinematic story. ITs the end of an era for Solid Snake.
3- I combat Lola with Meryl, Naomi, and a monkey.....seriousaly who doesnt like Monkeys
4- Forget sales and pick up and play. I want challange and the best boss fights. Thats Metal Gear baby.
5- The game is to holy for inferior people like Jandurin to play.
6- Lets be honest Metal Gear Solid 4 is gonna win GOTY. Im gonna own you in MGO, and come timesplitters 4 im gonna own you in that. and just for you i wont get it for the 360, i will get timesplitters 4 for the PS3.
Metal Gear Solid 4>GTA 4
Metal Gear Solid 4 is being renamed to Metal Almost as awesome as Adrian Lima but not Really Solid 4.
Grand Theft Auto 4 is being renamed
Grand really good game but not the best game Auto 4.jg4xchamp
1.MGSIV does look visually better but consider the sizes of the game... the environments are much bigger in GTA.
2. MGSIV might have a better story but it will be over quicker. GTA:VC had a terrific story, on par with some MGS games imo, and GTAIV could repeat that.
3. I love monkeys thanks to TS, you win that point.
4. I don't care about sales but pick up and play is a big +. You can play GTA for years after you've finished it. You can't play MGS until you wanna replay the whole game again and it's not like you do that right after you finish it for the first time.
5. :lol: So is GTA though.
6. Wishful thinking dude. There's no way in hell I'd lose in Timesplitters. Metal Gear? I might lose in that, but definitely not TS. So much of my teen years was spent kicking people's asses in TS. :D
"Metal Almost as awesome as Adriana Lima but not Really Solid 4"... :lol:
Who's hotter?
Dude it was GTA and it was a chick with a lollypop.
DID you want a giant billboard saying she is probably a whore.jg4xchamp
lol. I hope we actually get to see Lola in the game. The "hot chick" that was used for the cover of GTA San Andreas wasn't even in the game!
Adriana Lima.
Hence Metal Almost as awesome as Adriana Lima but not really Solid 4.
I had Metal GOTY Solid 4 but that was underrating it>
and Metal God Solid 4 was overrating as Adriana Lima is my new God.
SO Metal almost as awesome as Adriana Lima but not really Solid 4 was perfect.
I need a good one for GTA 4.
As for something more serious. Only another long grueling month and we get some GTA greatness.jg4xchamp
Metal GOTY Solid 4...I like that one.
Grand Theft Better Than Any Other Game Ever Made Auto IV. You shouldn't doubt by instincts jg... you know I have good taste in everything, judging by my affection for Miss Lima... I just have a gut feeling GTAIV is gonna surpass all the other GTAs and easily win GOTY. I've never actually been proven wrong, ever.
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Dude it was GTA and it was a chick with a lollypop.
DID you want a giant billboard saying she is probably a whore.the-very-best
lol. I hope we actually get to see Lola in the game. The "hot chick" that was used for the cover of GTA San Andreas wasn't even in the game!
Adriana Lima.
Hence Metal Almost as awesome as Adriana Lima but not really Solid 4.
I had Metal GOTY Solid 4 but that was underrating it>
and Metal God Solid 4 was overrating as Adriana Lima is my new God.
SO Metal almost as awesome as Adriana Lima but not really Solid 4 was perfect.
I need a good one for GTA 4.
As for something more serious. Only another long grueling month and we get some GTA greatness.jg4xchamp
Metal GOTY Solid 4...I like that one.
Grand Theft Better Than Any Other Game Ever Made Auto IV. You shouldn't doubt by instincts jg... you know I have good taste in everything, judging by my affection for Miss Lima... I just have a gut feeling GTAIV is gonna surpass all the other GTAs and easily win GOTY. I've never actually been proven wrong, ever.
MY BLOG. MY top 10 list.Just a trivia.
If the MP-10 is what I think it is, then it's probably the HK MP-10. This is basically the MP-05 that uses the FBI 10 mm bullets instead the traditional 9mm. Because the bullets are larger, it has more punch and stopping power. The only difference is the gun uses a stright clip instead the curved clip for the 9mm. That's why the info on which bullet it uses is wrong. But of course for simplisty and fun factor and development effort and time sake, R* made the MP-10 uses 9mm bullets
[QUOTE="noswear"]looks awesome. I'd been wondering who that person in your sig was.
Prostitute, no surprise for GTA.
I actually didn't know she was a prostitute when I put that sig up...I just think chicks with lollipops are hot for some reason.
I got my own 5 reasons.
1- Visually MGS 4 just looks better.
2- MGS 4 will have the better, deeper, and more cinematic story. ITs the end of an era for Solid Snake.
3- I combat Lola with Meryl, Naomi, and a monkey.....seriousaly who doesnt like Monkeys
4- Forget sales and pick up and play. I want challange and the best boss fights. Thats Metal Gear baby.
5- The game is to holy for inferior people like Jandurin to play.
6- Lets be honest Metal Gear Solid 4 is gonna win GOTY. Im gonna own you in MGO, and come timesplitters 4 im gonna own you in that. and just for you i wont get it for the 360, i will get timesplitters 4 for the PS3.
Metal Gear Solid 4>GTA 4
Metal Gear Solid 4 is being renamed to Metal Almost as awesome as Adrian Lima but not Really Solid 4.
Grand Theft Auto 4 is being renamed
Grand really good game but not the best game Auto 4.jg4xchamp
1.MGSIV does look visually better but consider the sizes of the game... the environments are much bigger in GTA.
2. MGSIV might have a better story but it will be over quicker. GTA:VC had a terrific story, on par with some MGS games imo, and GTAIV could repeat that.
3. I love monkeys thanks to TS, you win that point.
4. I don't care about sales but pick up and play is a big +. You can play GTA for years after you've finished it. You can't play MGS until you wanna replay the whole game again and it's not like you do that right after you finish it for the first time.
5. :lol: So is GTA though.
6. Wishful thinking dude. There's no way in hell I'd lose in Timesplitters. Metal Gear? I might lose in that, but definitely not TS. So much of my teen years was spent kicking people's asses in TS. :D
"Metal Almost as awesome as Adriana Lima but not Really Solid 4"... :lol:
Who's hotter?
Who's hotter?
:lol: TVB, you can't use Adriana & Alessandra, man! That's not fair!
Okay, who's hotter:
Big update people! Soundtracks of GTA, big thanks to my mates who did a lot of the sections, I would credit them but I don't want to (and they don't have GS accounts :P).
How freakin' awesome is K-DST! :D
:lol: TVB, you can't use Adriana & Alessandra, man! That's not fair!
Okay, who's hotter:
:lol: :lol:
So Sexy.
Now that made my metal gear solid :P
Um.....why did you post the radio stations and the soundytrack from III, VC and SA if we are talking about GTA IV here. We only know of 3 current radio stations...d-suhiti
I'll post the GTAIV ones when we get them too, don't worry.
I posted the old ones cause they're awesome.
[QUOTE="d-suhiti"]Um.....why did you post the radio stations and the soundytrack from III, VC and SA if we are talking about GTA IV here. We only know of 3 current radio stations...the-very-best
I'll post the GTAIV ones when we get them too, don't worry.
I posted the old ones cause they're awesome.
Indeed....VC with Flash FM - that was fantastic. And SA with K-DST. And i love that Lazlow is making a return w00t!
Indeed....VC with Flash FM - that was fantastic. And SA with K-DST. And i love that Lazlow is making a return w00t!
Too true. Can't wait to see Lazlow back. I hope they bring Amy from Kchat back as well.
Just wondering, why do I need to have played one or more of the last three GTA's to "play or understand" IV? creepy_mike
Wow...thanks for bringing that to my attention.
It's meant to say "you DON'T need to have played the older GTAs".
GTAIV is completely independent of the older GTAs, it will only have references to them, but you definitely don't need to have played them.
not diggin the hip hop selection..i hope to have custom soundtracks by the time this game hitsstereointegrity
The soundtracks I've posted aren't for GTAIV (since we still don't have that info yet)... they're for the older GTAs...
I personally don't mind the hip-hop stations... but the classic rock ones (and the modern rock) are just plain awesome.
Indeed....VC with Flash FM - that was fantastic. And SA with K-DST. And i love that Lazlow is making a return w00t!
Too true. Can't wait to see Lazlow back. I hope they bring Amy from Kchat back as well.
Just wondering, why do I need to have played one or more of the last three GTA's to "play or understand" IV? creepy_mike
Wow...thanks for bringing that to my attention.
It's meant to say "you DON'T need to have played the older GTAs".
GTAIV is completely independent of the older GTAs, it will only have references to them, but you definitely don't need to have played them.
Yea, like GTA:SA, if you haven't played GTA III or VC, it doesn't matter since the story stands on its own. But if you have played those games, man what fun times! the name of "Catalina, Claude, Rosie, you two 'Mob Helper's in San Fierro or that mission to LC in that restaruant" certaintly bring back found memories of the two previous games. Hope GTA IV will contain such surprise elements. Imagine if some guy named Tommy Vercetti shows up to give you a mission and one your contact for that mission is CJ! Man! That would rock hard!
[QUOTE="stereointegrity"]not diggin the hip hop selection..i hope to have custom soundtracks by the time this game hitsthe-very-best
The soundtracks I've posted aren't for GTAIV (since we still don't have that info yet)... they're for the older GTAs...
I personally don't mind the hip-hop stations... but the classic rock ones (and the modern rock) are just plain awesome.
Yea, the oldie rock stations, both in GTA:VC and GTA:SA, such as VRock or KDST is and will always be my favorite radio stations because I grew up on those music! Also, for those few that doesn't know, KDST's DJ name is William Bailey, he is better known by his alias of Axel Rose....Yes, that Axel Rose, the one time raging, bi-polar diseased , riot causing front man of the band Guns n' Roses. My jaw dropped when I first heard he's gonna be a DJ in that game lol.
[QUOTE="stereointegrity"]not diggin the hip hop selection..i hope to have custom soundtracks by the time this game hitsthe-very-best
The soundtracks I've posted aren't for GTAIV (since we still don't have that info yet)... they're for the older GTAs...
I personally don't mind the hip-hop stations... but the classic rock ones (and the modern rock) are just plain awesome.
haha i just realized that those are from SA and 3 haha my bad..i liked 3's soundtrack all around and SA was amazingomg the soundtrack brings back so many memories :cry:
Vice City FTW! :D
The weapons section looks tyte too.
[QUOTE="noswear"]looks awesome. I'd been wondering who that person in your sig was.
Prostitute, no surprise for GTA.
I actually didn't know she was a prostitute when I put that sig up...I just think chicks with lollipops are hot for some reason.
Dude it was GTA and it was a chick with a lollypop.
DID you want a giant billboard saying she is probably a whore.jg4xchamp
I wasn't saying i didn't know her occupation, just i didn't know it was the specific character lola. (if i got name right...)
[QUOTE="fuzzysquash"]omg the soundtrack brings back so many memories :cry:
Vice City FTW! :D
The weapons section looks tyte too.
idk a lot of the weapons are all still the same. handgun to magnum. u get some smgs and some assault rifles, sniper of course
...but judging from the previews, they're more realistic and more fun to use (i.e. the rocket launcher)
GTA SA had one of the best Hip hop songs, not to mention the 90's was when rap was at its highest.
agreed though that GTA VC had the best sound track, also the best talk radiostaion VCPR.(they need to bring Maurice back)
[QUOTE="stereointegrity"]not diggin the hip hop selection..i hope to have custom soundtracks by the time this game hitsthe-very-best
The soundtracks I've posted aren't for GTAIV (since we still don't have that info yet)... they're for the older GTAs...
I personally don't mind the hip-hop stations... but the classic rock ones (and the modern rock) are just plain awesome.
Everyone loves a bit of classic rock. GTA VC nailed it.[QUOTE="the-very-best"][QUOTE="Conjuredevil"]I just want to know when and where was Permanently Destructable Environments confirmed?
It was confirmed in February by PSM3 who did a 12 page exclusive preview on the game.
I didn't know about it until I came into this thread and I can say must have for me I still don't know which version PS3 or 360 version if I get the 360 version I would have to wait until Fall to get it, but if I get it for PS3 I don't have to wait that long I just want to know what songs are confirmed for it yet.Maurice was in San Andreas I think, but my favorite DJ is Lazlo or Tommy the Nightmare from San Andreas I always listen to Lazlo's stations first.GTA SA had one of the best Hip hop songs, not to mention the 90's was when rap was at its highest.
agreed though that GTA VC had the best sound track, also the best talk radiostaion VCPR.(they need to bring Maurice back)
[QUOTE="Conjuredevil"][QUOTE="the-very-best"][QUOTE="Conjuredevil"]I just want to know when and where was Permanently Destructable Environments confirmed?
It was confirmed in February by PSM3 who did a 12 page exclusive preview on the game.
I didn't know about it until I came into this thread and I can say must have for me I still don't know which version PS3 or 360 version if I get the 360 version I would have to wait until Fall to get it, but if I get it for PS3 I don't have to wait that long I just want to know what songs are confirmed for it yet. I wonder how much it will affect the gameplay? Is it small things like trees and walls? If it's parts of building broken then that's awesome.New GTA IV trailer on 27th March.
Damn you rockstar and your teasing.
Thanks! Just put it in the news section...
Can't wait. :D
Imagine if some guy named Tommy Vercetti shows up to give you a mission and one your contact for that mission is CJ! Man! That would rock hard!
lol, that would be awesome. Houser has stated though that a lot of the old characters won't return since most of them died/are dead by now anyway... but I'd love to see Tommy make a cameo.
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