[QUOTE="credibilityzero"][QUOTE="AdobeArtist"][QUOTE="Jandurin"] [QUOTE="EVOLV3"]and they will now continue to buy GTA on the sony platform. Plus, RROD and 50$ online isnt helping.flowdee79
You've got crystal balls of steel.You really think more GTA will sell on the PS3?
There are many more 360s in the territories that actually buy GTA type games.
X360 has the larger userbase. And exclusive episodic content does very much help.
GTA4 PS3 will outsell the 360 version, if you want proof:
DMC4 sold more than the 360.
I wonder the sudden interest in a Multi-pltform game that was only on a PS brand?
like they actually care about it, and the gimmick that MS told you about is not gonna stop the giant sales going to be with the PS3 version, it is only for hardcore fans or gamers and even alot of hardcore gamers or fans not gonna buy it.
"if it is gonna be free then it's ok if not, to hell with them", that's what most hardcores gonna say, just like GT5p.
And the DLC is not directed for the casuala who are the majority of potential purchasers of the game.
I dont know if DMC4 DID sell more on the PS3 but Ill take your word for it. Anyway, DMC4 is an action game. It is noway near as established as the GTA franchise, and GTA is one of the biggest games ever. I think that you would have to be living under a cave if you call yourself a gamer and havent heard of GTA.
DMC4, on the other hand, was literally born from the PS and thats were the majority of its sales went I guess, I wouldnt be suprised if 360 casuals hadnt heard of it.
And mark my words, casuals will find out about the DLC...
I dont really care either way, as long as I know Im getting the version with the custom soundtracks and DLC.
Even if they are not too accurate about it, it also does tell something about the sales,
Your first point doesn't tell anything, you didn't understand my logic, I was bringing an example of a an EX-PS-only-game gone multi-platform and it sold more than the 360 version with it's bigger userbase, how much the game is being estabilished among gamers, casuals or hardcores, it doesn't matter, the scale of the sales are indeed less than GTA4, but it does make DMC 4 a solid example of what Im talking about.
Again you misunderstood me, I meant it was a PS only game and 360 owners didn't have it, which means most of them didn't care about it backthen, and they still do, it will sell, but the fact remains, it was a PS only game and casuals gonna go with the PS3 version, heck even hardcores who knows about the DLC wouldn't care, just like I said before, the DLC is a gimmick and it is directed to specific audience, casuals are not going to care/know about it, exactly just like what happened with DMC 4.
The same also happened with PES 2008.
Sony didn't pay any cent for the game and they will get the most sales, all they need to do is small marketing campagin.
Put Halo 3 in GTA4 shoes and you will know what I mean, do you really think that Halo gonna sell more in PS3? even if the install base is bigger? ofcourse not, Halo 3 would sell alot more on a Xbox console any given day, even if the install base is smaller than the comptition.
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