I cant believe that they let this guy do the review with a closing argument of "good luck topping it" lol
Professional fanboy reviews are always an instant FAIL.
Look at what he said here... http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/103/1033110p3.html
Read the closing argument, you seriously wont believe it!!!
He's talking about racing simulators and not consoles, that doesn't make him a fanboy -.- Seriously do you honestly think a professional reviewer who has access to ALL consoles and pretty much every game is biased in a way? When you own all consoles you don't see exclusives being released to "destroy" the competition, you're just happy to find more good games to play. And in his oppinion Forza 3 set the bar in the racing simulator genre pretty high. Read the whole review, it sounds like a fantastic game.
You do know that the reviewer is a big GT fan and the he's the same guy who review Forza 2 and gave it a 8.9. If he taken to the game this much after he himself called the series soulless than Forza 3 must be good.
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