I can't beleive you guys are actually humoring this guy.
was his first thread created on this forum.
He joined YESTERDAY lol and he so far has created 4 threads here both bashing a 3 about sony one supposedly bashing MS. Interestingly enough the only threads he actively you'll find that the threads not bashing Sony are GHOST threads where he crated a thread he didn't really care about left it to die.
and here
After OP, TC VANISHISHES lol didn't care about those topics at all.
The only threads he's actively participated in are the ones bashing Sony games lol he may try to make some make up post in those ghost threads after reading this post but we can see the time line.
And low and behold, like every anti Sony fanatic since this gen began outside of SecretPolice, he cliams to be a hermit...right. Interestingly enough, NyaDC was called out the other day for NEVER posting about PC but claiming to be a PC fan and then this new account shows up...yeah
I'll post the same thing I posted on the first thread he created coming in on a desperate mission to cry about sony games..
From what i can tell it seems the PS3 had no games before UC came to the fore, so the only bragging rights Sony had was UC, and to that point it's not an amazing game, it just had to be hyped so much to sell consoles and make other system lovers jealous.
Can these guys get any more desperate?
Sure bud, sure. PS3 had not games before uncharted and it doesn't deserve any awards because you (who's alt are you again?) say so.
I have been gaming since the age of 5 back in 1995 on Mega Driver and PS1... i am sorry if you are so offended by my join date.
I think he's just calling out the fact that you're an alt
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