C'mon .. ppl still care for Halo ... really !!! I didn't see a single topic about it since E3 !!Halo 4 is also hated on. Probably for the same reasons!
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[QUOTE="PAL360"]C'mon .. ppl still care for Halo ... really !!! I didn't see a single topic about it since E3 !!Halo 4 is also hated on. Probably for the same reasons!
I think Halo ODST and Reach werent necessary, but Halo4 does look different, in a good way! Probably because a new team is developping it.
Anyway, isnt Halo4 the most pre-ordered game this year? I remember reading it somewhere.
OMG someone said something bad about a PS3 exclusive so lets hurry and make a thread to cry about it.[QUOTE="youngmurk911"]
firefox won't let me post the link, but i'm seeing alot of hate for one of the best looking games this gen...why? whats wrong with it? it looks excellent to me
Leave PS3 exclusives alone
WTF how in hell you take something as simple as a walls,wrecked cards or foliage and try to ping it on some games,man this is what i hate about fan boys,they choose the crappiest and stupidest arguments (not to say silly) and try to downplay a game.. Dude RE 2 on PS1 had wrecked cars,the buildings have walls as well,and foliage.. The you say this is another chest high wall shooter,another lemming call it a corridor shooter,well because some of the footage show was inside a building,and we keep seeing people who are jealous that their system of choice doesn't get this game,and try to downplay it in the most pathetic ways. I don't even know why this game is call a shooter,ammo is very very scarce already confirmed by the developers,in fact at the star of the game the dude start with 4 bullets,is the reason why you can kill people in several different ways,this game is not Uncharted is sad that people are so green with envy for not getting this game that they downplay it using such pathetic arguments.. What will you say next hey the game has a dude with a gun that is all Call of duty..i mainly dont like it because i seem naughty dogg being a lil thief and stealing a bunch of terrain bits from other engines. either partial or full designs. i see alot of concrete barriers taken from bfbc2, and foliage and wrecked cards from darksiders.
i also see it as jsut another chest high wall shooter. its all naughty dogg is good at anymore since they walked out on jax & daxter and sold him off like a cheap prostitute
[QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]OMG someone said something bad about a PS3 exclusive so lets hurry and make a thread to cry about it.[QUOTE="youngmurk911"]
firefox won't let me post the link, but i'm seeing alot of hate for one of the best looking games this gen...why? whats wrong with it? it looks excellent to me
Leave PS3 exclusives alone
LOL those overhyped games have great scores. Lems are butthurt they don't get new IP's
looks to be too cinimatic just like uncharted, make me sit through cut scenes or QTE, it will make cows happy tho, they used to no good gameplay and nice shiny set pieces and graphics
The Uncharted games don't make you sit through cut scenes. You can skip them if you want.
C'mon .. ppl still care for Halo ... really !!! I didn't see a single topic about it since E3 !![QUOTE="omho88"][QUOTE="PAL360"]
Halo 4 is also hated on. Probably for the same reasons!
I think Halo ODST and Reach werent necessary, but Halo4 does look different, in a good way! Probably because a new team is developping it.
Anyway, isnt Halo4 the most pre-ordered game this year? I remember reading it somewhere.
Yes because it started taking pre-orders last year,while Black ops started way after,but already Black ops 2 on 360 by next week will surpass it,and a few weeks more the PS3 version will also surpass it,MS pick a wrong month for the game,Black ops 2 will eat it up.[QUOTE="derptholomew"]
looks to be too cinimatic just like uncharted, make me sit through cut scenes or QTE, it will make cows happy tho, they used to no good gameplay and nice shiny set pieces and graphics
The Uncharted games don't make you sit through cut scenes. You can skip them if you want.
Hahaha.... he did not know that because he hasn't play the game...lol You just destroyed his argument with little to no effort.LOL @ Lems spewing out their jealousy once again. If this game was a 360 exclusive Lems would be all over it lmao
Too bad you don't have new IP's coming out on your kinectbox
And another call it Chest high wall shooter.. lol All damn games are linear dude you are given the damn impression in some games that they are not but they are,all have a purpose and a line to fallow no matter how open they are,even to sand box games that apply,if you don't fallow the line in some way you don't finish the game simple... As for the corridor 3rd person shooter,i think you better see more videos of the game which show outside gameplay,and not focus on a few inside screens,all this on the fact that you haven't play this game for 1 second to call it that... period..i mainly dont like it because i seem naughty dogg being a lil thief and stealing a bunch of terrain bits from other engines. either partial or full designs. i see alot of concrete barriers taken from bfbc2, and foliage and wrecked cards from darksiders.
i also see it as jsut another chest high wall shooter. its all naughty dogg is good at anymore since they walked out on jax & daxter and sold him off like a cheap prostitute
I'm going to hate on any game that puts presentation before gameplay. It's what separates real gamers from posers. Movie games and cinematic are killing the industry, the only people ego can't see that are Sony fanboys. 360 games revolve around gameplay.Miketheman83So what is your perfect example of gameplay...?
Exactly what who i was thinking of when i read the op.... poor poor cows. Its bad enough we've had to listen to them rant about their overhyped exclusives all generation , now we are hurting their feelings when we just play the system wars game... cows are the worst.... easily[QUOTE="TheEroica"][QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]OMG someone said something bad about a PS3 exclusive so lets hurry and make a thread to cry about it.
Leave PS3 exclusives alone
LOL those overhyped games have great scores. Lems are butthurt they don't get new IP's
I have a ps3 and yep still find a lot of the hype to be waaay over the top from the quality of the games... which exclusives do you find to be the most groundbreaking?I personally love how the haters are calling TLOU a shooter based on an E3 demo where the protagonist finds a gun with a whopping FIVE bullets. :lol:nervmeisterYes in that very same demo you fight a total of 4 people... and they all had guns/ammo... big friggin whoop? what do you want to call it then?
[QUOTE="nervmeister"]I personally love how the haters are calling TLOU a shooter based on an E3 demo where the protagonist finds a gun with a whopping FIVE bullets. :lol:MBirdy88Yes in that very same demo you fight a total of 4 people... and they all had guns/ammo... big friggin whoop? what do you want to call it then? It's a survival adventure game where guns/ammo are few and far between.
[QUOTE="MBirdy88"][QUOTE="nervmeister"]I personally love how the haters are calling TLOU a shooter based on an E3 demo where the protagonist finds a gun with a whopping FIVE bullets. :lol:nervmeisterYes in that very same demo you fight a total of 4 people... and they all had guns/ammo... big friggin whoop? what do you want to call it then? It's a survival adventure game where guns/ammo are few and far between. Takes 1 shot to kill people, they will have 4-5 ammo on each. its a shooter with limited ammo, no need to mask it. Resident evil had very limited ammo, still a friggin shooter/survival.
An exclusive getting a lot of hype along with a lot of hate in SystemWars. How shocking.Stevo_the_gamer
didn't know alot of people here already played the last of us, we only seen 8 mins of actual gameplay, hell we haven't even seen the infected in gameplay "which is awesome for Naughty dog to keep that a secret" and its been proven by many game developers who got to play the demo behind closed doors that the E3 gameplay demo played very differently when they played it themselves "Hideo Kojima himself has said the game isn't scripted" so let the haters hate, if this was a 360 or a pc exclusive i'm sure the haters would be singing a different tune. Naughty dog has proven that they can make good games, its funny that haters say uncharted are movies but they admit they liked uncharted 2. funny.
I'm not sure I can classify TLOU as a shooter. All the Tomb Raider games have guns. But, I can hardly call any of them as shooters.
Uncharted, Tomb Raider and TLOU are all action-adventure games. I have no idea why people struggle to call them that.I'm not sure I can classify TLOU as a shooter. All the Tomb Raider games have guns. But, I can hardly call any of them as shooters.
OMG!! A Sony exclusive getting hated on?!!! It's against god, for god's sake. Get over it, TC. Popular stuff get's hate, see Halo, GTA, MGS, Madden, COD.firefox won't let me post the link, but i'm seeing alot of hate for one of the best looking games this gen...why? whats wrong with it? it looks excellent to me
LOL @ Lems spewing out their jealousy once again. If this game was a 360 exclusive Lems would be all over it lmao
Too bad you don't have new IP's coming out on your kinectboxDavekeeh
I agree. In the same way that if Gears 3, Forza 4 and Halo 4 were PS3 exclusives, they would be the second comming to cows....and only possible on PS3, of course.
LOL @ Lems spewing out their jealousy once again. If this game was a 360 exclusive Lems would be all over it lmao
Too bad you don't have new IP's coming out on your kinectboxPAL360
I agree. In the same way that if Gears 3, Forza 4 and Halo 4 were PS3 exclusives, they would be the second comming to cows....and only possible on PS3, of course.
Well said. Every Cow on my post admits they want Gears and a few say Fable after playing it. The lems ALL admit they want GoW and Uncharted here.[QUOTE="jun_aka_pekto"]Uncharted, Tomb Raider and TLOU are all action-adventure games. I have no idea why people struggle to call them that.I'm not sure I can classify TLOU as a shooter. All the Tomb Raider games have guns. But, I can hardly call any of them as shooters.
Correct. Some are slanted more towards action while others are slanted more towards adventure. But, neither side can be considered as shooters. I mean I wouldn't classify Crysis PC as a flight sim just because the player can pilot a VTOL dropship in Level: Ascension.
It looks nice but it's hyped like the 2nd comming by some people (mostly cows).
And that just won't happen.
I have not bashed it but damn you Sony fanboys are the most insecure group I have ever seen. Also since you say no one should bash because they have not played it then the same goes no one should praise the game. It works both ways and if you say well it is Naughty Dog and they make good games but not everyone feels they do. Sony fanboys such as yourself only want to hear that every single PS3 exclusive will be the best game ever when not everyone agrees.didn't know alot of people here already played the last of us, we only seen 8 mins of actual gameplay, hell we haven't even seen the infected in gameplay "which is awesome for Naughty dog to keep that a secret" and its been proven by many game developers who got to play the demo behind closed doors that the E3 gameplay demo played very differently when they played it themselves "Hideo Kojima himself has said the game isn't scripted" so let the haters hate, if this was a 360 or a pc exclusive i'm sure the haters would be singing a different tune. Naughty dog has proven that they can make good games, its funny that haters say uncharted are movies but they admit they liked uncharted 2. funny.
firefox won't let me post the link, but i'm seeing alot of hate for one of the best looking games this gen...why? whats wrong with it? it looks excellent to me
People have only ben irritated by some of the more stupid reactions to the game from fanboys, no one hates the game since it's not even out.
[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"]I have not bashed it but damn you Sony fanboys are the most insecure group I have ever seen. Also since you say no one should bash because they have not played it then the same goes no one should praise the game. It works both ways and if you say well it is Naughty Dog and they make good games but not everyone feels they do. LOL, you come in and talk sh!t about the game that you don't even know, don't even care, and probably won't ever own; people defend their game with evidence and you call them insecure? Who's the insecure one here?didn't know alot of people here already played the last of us, we only seen 8 mins of actual gameplay, hell we haven't even seen the infected in gameplay "which is awesome for Naughty dog to keep that a secret" and its been proven by many game developers who got to play the demo behind closed doors that the E3 gameplay demo played very differently when they played it themselves "Hideo Kojima himself has said the game isn't scripted" so let the haters hate, if this was a 360 or a pc exclusive i'm sure the haters would be singing a different tune. Naughty dog has proven that they can make good games, its funny that haters say uncharted are movies but they admit they liked uncharted 2. funny.
I have not bashed it but damn you Sony fanboys are the most insecure group I have ever seen. Also since you say no one should bash because they have not played it then the same goes no one should praise the game. It works both ways and if you say well it is Naughty Dog and they make good games but not everyone feels they do. Sony fanboys such as yourself only want to hear that every single PS3 exclusive will be the best game ever when not everyone agrees. lol, why does everyone here think i'm a sony fanboy, I very much prefer the pc. Also this isn't a game from a unknown studio, its a game from a studio who has proven themselves and knows about videogames and has been doing this since some of you guys were even born. Don't call me a sony fanboy, i'm a Naughty dog fanboy, thank you very much.[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"]
didn't know alot of people here already played the last of us, we only seen 8 mins of actual gameplay, hell we haven't even seen the infected in gameplay "which is awesome for Naughty dog to keep that a secret" and its been proven by many game developers who got to play the demo behind closed doors that the E3 gameplay demo played very differently when they played it themselves "Hideo Kojima himself has said the game isn't scripted" so let the haters hate, if this was a 360 or a pc exclusive i'm sure the haters would be singing a different tune. Naughty dog has proven that they can make good games, its funny that haters say uncharted are movies but they admit they liked uncharted 2. funny.
[QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"][QUOTE="Chris_Williams"]I have not bashed it but damn you Sony fanboys are the most insecure group I have ever seen. Also since you say no one should bash because they have not played it then the same goes no one should praise the game. It works both ways and if you say well it is Naughty Dog and they make good games but not everyone feels they do. LOL, you come in and talk sh!t about the game that you don't even know, don't even care, and probably won't ever own; people defend their game with evidence and you call them insecure? Who's the insecure one here?So which one of these posts did I bash the game? At least know what you are talking about next time. I only bash the sad PS3 fanboys.didn't know alot of people here already played the last of us, we only seen 8 mins of actual gameplay, hell we haven't even seen the infected in gameplay "which is awesome for Naughty dog to keep that a secret" and its been proven by many game developers who got to play the demo behind closed doors that the E3 gameplay demo played very differently when they played it themselves "Hideo Kojima himself has said the game isn't scripted" so let the haters hate, if this was a 360 or a pc exclusive i'm sure the haters would be singing a different tune. Naughty dog has proven that they can make good games, its funny that haters say uncharted are movies but they admit they liked uncharted 2. funny.
[QUOTE="rjdofu"][QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]I have not bashed it but damn you Sony fanboys are the most insecure group I have ever seen. Also since you say no one should bash because they have not played it then the same goes no one should praise the game. It works both ways and if you say well it is Naughty Dog and they make good games but not everyone feels they do.CanYouDigltLOL, you come in and talk sh!t about the game that you don't even know, don't even care, and probably won't ever own; people defend their game with evidence and you call them insecure? Who's the insecure one here?So which one of these posts did I bash the game? At least know what you are talking about next time. I only bash the sad PS3 fanboys. i didn't even bring up the ps3 in my post, i'm talking about the game and studio behind the game, i don't care that the last of us is a ps3 exclusive, i'm not 13 years old.
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