@LegatoSkyheart said:
Seriously way better game than A Link to the Past which how it won over most Nintendo games I'll never quite understand.
I know it's going to be odd coming from me since I'm a huge MGS fan and I even voted for Snake Eater in this thread, but..
ALttP is a much tighter game really. It played perfectly back then and it still does today. Game hasn't aged a day. It's excellent. It's a perfect example of how truly great game design isn't affected by the times.
MGS3 is awesome. I love the damn game. As far as beginning to end play throughs go, it's definitely in the dozens for me (between original and Sub version). But if I were to add up all the time I spent dicking around on save files in every different area of the game, it would add up to well over 50 play throughs.
All that said though, the game is terribly flawed. The controls were inexcusable on release day. Some simple actions could involve up to six buttons, some of which are pressure sensitive. Much of the pressure sensitive stuff made little sense anyways. Beyond the messy controls, the game took a huge step back from MGS2 in terms of responsiveness. Many actions had an odd delay and collision boxes were a joke. It was also the first MGS game to throw any semblance of balance out the window. You could just run straight through most of the areas if you wanted to. If you came across opposition while doing that, you could just slam every guard in sight with Snakes stretch arms, while taking very little damage. This even worked on extreme lol. Even the AI was worse than MGS2. Somewhat excusable because of the larger organic environments, but still.
And the whole camo swapping and survival menu was a mess. Slow ass multi layered menus that take you straight out of the action. The idea of survival stuff was great, the execution was horrid. Nobody wants to go into a pause menu and play a simple version of operation so Snake can tend to his wounds. Nobody wants to pause the game every few feet to get the best blend with the environment.
Of course that's just all the bad, the game does plenty of good. Boss fights were a lot of fun. The stealth play is tense and varied if you didn't cheese it. The action was satisfying. Level design was really good. Tons of easter eggs, tons of room for experimentation, a bad ass soundtrack, a story that hit all the right notes, one of the best final stretches in a game EVER.
Snake Eater is AWESOME. But it's easy to see how A Link to the Past can be considered the better game.
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