Geez, just got off a 3 day ban i've been itching to get in here.
ok as for the post itself, it was pretty good, it just put into words information anyone whould know after being here a few months.
However, i dotn agree with the proposal that the metagame hurts sw. In fact, i agree with everything RPGamer said. the metagame is what makes sw fun.
How is it "dishonest" or 'unacceptable" or "unfair" to use tactics such as baiting, trapping and pwning? I use almost all the tactics frequently. The way i see it, the metagame is a game of wits. I could have lived without all the D&D references, but heres what i know of the term metagame. In Super Smash brothers, "metagame" refers to "the game within the game". It comes to a point where physical skill and human reflex can only go so far in competitive smash, and you have to outthink your opponent to win. that is a metagame. the game within the game.
There is more to sw that facts and opinions. I think the use of metagame tactics comes with experience as rpgamer said. It gets to a point where sw gets boring so i find new ways to get things interesting. What i commonly do is instead of heading straight to a debate, i would bait the user in question into responding to me a second time. If he does, i know he's up for a debate. Sometimes, they fall predicably into my trap which i already knew the answer to, and other times, they surprise me and come with an arguement i wasnt expecting, and so i have to adjust myself to adapt to thier unexpected rebut. It makes things interesting.
Plus, it is in no way unfair to use metagame tactics. People should be able to see them coming a mile away and respond accordingly. A few days ago i tried to use these same tactics in a debate against cakeorrdeath. Being the skilled debater he is, he didnt fall for them so i had to adjust my strategy. that made things very interesting. It was one of the best debates i had been in in a very long time. If someone is defeated by a metagame tactic ( a game of wits) they probably werent worth debating anyway. Which is why i use the metagame almost constantly (except personal attacks and copy&paste). otherwise SW just gets boring.
1. Super Smash Bros Melee has a metagame - and that metagame is all of the strange moves that become possible by exploiting the movement system in the game - I'm sure you're probably aware of them, but anyone who isn't should YouTube or Google "advanced" techniques for playing SSMB. The goal of players using these moves is simply to win, a player who hasn't been exposed to this style of fighting, who is just looking for a fun game, will never get an attack off. The best players in tournaments have basically taken it to the point where it's a few seconds of chicken, and then a rock-paper-scissors game to see who lands the first move in what will be a deadly combo.
However, I can agree that metagame is not always bad, it's simply that a great deal of metagame thinking can be corrupt. Paying your friend to disrupt your opponent during an SSMB match, for example, would be an unacceptable metagame tactic. It comes across that way, that metagame thinking is always bad. It isn't, but this type of metagame thinking that I've discussed here is a bad thing.
2. One of the problems with traps is that whatever falls into them tends to decay, and they don't always kill cleanly when they're sprung. You'd think most people would see them a mile away, but they don't - they walk right into them, blindly, often not the people who you intended to trap.
A common thing in SW is simply to react, earlier today I saw a thread where the TC had actually made a clever joke about the Killzone 2 hype, essentially by hyping Red Steel 2 based solely on the lack of information about the game. It was clever - I thought it was pretty obvious that he was mocking the insane amount of hype built around a game we know little about, but the thread quickly degraded into a pointless Halo vs. Killzone 2 discussion, with a couple of jabs at the Wii.
The message was lost.
3. I've said that trapping and probing are questionable, not that they are unacceptable. There's a difference. Pwning is always an unacceptable tactic. What's the point of the constant "/thread" posts - especially when, most of the time, what they've had to say *isn't* the end of the debate. It would be far better for them to have posted "/mind" because the type of poster who puts out their opinion, and doesn't believe that a valid rebuttal exists, has done just that.
4. What I'm really concerned with here, for lack of a better term, is "people who are playing us for chums". Fakeboys are essentially only here to get their kicks by seeing how many feathers they can ruffle, fanboys are only here to espouse propaganda and take potshots - I've listed their tactics, and I feel that a solid debater doesn't need to rely on them.
5. In a debate against someone I respect, like Cake, I wouldn't waste my time playing games, there's no point. Using some kind of "trick" to throw them off is arguing from a position of weakness, and something that comes from a mentality of "winning". If I'm absolutely convinced there is no acceptable alternative to my viewpoint, I'd still rather fight with a dagger than a landmine. However, I come from a mentality of "shaping" - that is, at the end of discussion, my goal is for the other party to have a better view into something they might have misunderstood, or simply something to which they had never been exposed. If I see an opportunity to shape, I'll take it, if I don't, I want to disassemble the opposing viewpoint as quickly and as cleanly as possible.
As I said to RPGamer, it's a matter of taste...
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