The Oblivion Arena fan. No matter how many times you kill him he always comes back.
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Every female in star ocean 4. Worst voice acting ever.FPSfan1985
What I was going to say.
The males weren't much of an improvement in that game though...
I didn't think Tricky was that bad. I rather liked anyone who had a gamecube... prince tricky from star fox adventures. Damn i hated him.
Anyway, one of my choices would be Midna from Zelda: Twilight Princess.
EDIT: Actually, Fi from Skyward Sword is FAR worse now that I think about it.
This ^. This woman right here!
There's soo much wrong with having her as a character in videogame - from the idea that someone can become popular just by doing stunts like licking PSPs and saying dumb stuff like "Epic, epic for the wiiin!" to the idea that videogame developers can hire videogame "journalists" and then laugh out loud at the idea of impartial and independent criticism of their work - that my jimmies are rustled beyond repair.
10/10 - would rage again... and again.
I guess I'm the only one who liked Zeke. :P
Fiona in Mercenaries 2.
Every supporting character that wasn't Bonnie or the Marshal in the first half of RDR.
Photagrapher in inFamous.
Max Payne in Max Payne 3
"Boo hoo, I want to kill myself."
"Man, I wish that bullet would've killed me instead."
"I'm so sad about my wifes death even though I came to terms with that at the end of the last game."
"*cool sound line that doesn't actually have anything to do with anything*"
Every female in star ocean 4. Worst voice acting ever.FPSfan1985
i was particularly just going to say Lymle, kay? :P
kratosmems_1224This guy easily. He is just a whiny sellout that got his behind whipped. Not Kratos from Tales Of Symphonia but Kratos from Crybaby of War.
so my list is:
Then this Abused character ever since they included him in TvC and MvC3:
This character is due to the annoying crying when off of Yoshi:
This guy for Blocking the Screen with his blabbering:
and last but definitely not least, actually he's second only to Kratos, this Dipstick holding a Dipstick:
Nix from InFamous 2. God I hated her.
Zeke was awesome, made a mistake but he still stuck around and was pretty cool aside from saying "Cashola."
Why has no mentioned the greedy fairy Tingle oh and that god forsaken Owl from Ocarina Kapoera Gaborea or whatever his name is.
Rico from Killzone, so annoying and so stupid. He throws an F bomb every sentence, it's like if he doesn't he will die or something.
Navi from Zelda is also annoying, my God that brings back some memories..... :P
Oh and cecsoro from Skyrim Dark Brotherhood, I was annoyed and creeped out at the same time.
Oooooh but he is nothing compared to.... BOLO SANTOSI!!! My ears cry at the sound of her name.Rico Rodriguez
Rico every f*cking thread this question is asked. There wouldn't even BE a Killzone 3 without his stupid ass there to f*ck things up for everybody. Seriously, if the developer's plan was to create the epitome of douche, they did it with Rico.
I personally think its samus, only in metroid other m. Team ninja turned her from awesome alien killing bad*ss to whiny emotional Weaklingslugger909
And I almost had that rubbish completely out of my memory. In recent games, yes, Samus from Other M. There are probably more annoying characters in the past, but that one really sticks out to me.
Zeke from inFamous was just awful.
I hear he was better in the second, but I never bother to play it. Zeke gets my vote
Tatl wasn't annoying in Majora's Mask (She didn't constantly bother you like Navi)any female in a resident evil game
any sprite/pixie in a TLoZ game
danika in guildwars; factions (like omg shut up)
just about everyone in killzone
I would say Ashley from Resident Evil 4 (I kept getting mad at her that I actually shot her a few times and got a game over on purpose)
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