I hate online passes because they restrict freedom, and ultimately the consumer loses. I pay for two LIVE accounts, my own and my little brothers, and my family has two Xboxes. WIth online passes, either the content is locked to the account or it's locked to the console - either way, someone is losing out on value even though the game has been bought new:
If I register the game to one account, the other account is robbed of features. I bought the game new - I shouldn't have to jump through any hoops to have said game work with any profile I own and pay for.
If I register a game to a single Xbox, then we have a "Singleplayer" Xbox and a "Multiplayer Xbox". If I want to play Halo at the same time my brother is playing CoD (assuming in some world where the both had online passes), I'd be sh*t out of luck.
That's ignoring the fact that most console games don't even ship with a co-op mode, have a short single-player and a derivative multiplayer. So I'm paying more money for that takes little risks and diminished value. Yet publishers have tricked some people into believing that giant corporations are are victim?
Screw that. I'm all for supporting developers, but I'm have to support myself as a consumer first. Any console game that ships with an online pass is getting rented or bought used, without a second thought.
Not everyone has two of the same systems, thats a rare occasion. This already happens with PC games and programs like Microsoft Office. They're not trying to trick people, thats dumb, they're just losing revenue. Some companies might need to close or discontinue making a certain franchise due too cheap people. Also it's a known fact games cost much more to make now a days, so I don't see this as a problem, because the devs deserve and need that revenue. Also, if you have enought $$$ to buy 2x 360 and pay for 2x live accounts, I don't see you not having enough $$$ for a $70 game (60 + 10 online pass). Don't say it's a rare case unless you have data to back it up. It may not be the majority, but you have no idea on how often it happens. It could be them sweeping a huge amount of people under the rug for all you know. I'm not cheap. I'll pay for anything that gives me value. Refusing to buy something because the price tag doesn't reflect it's relative value is not always being cheap - in my case it's making smart purchasing decisions.
I don't buy $100 textbooks for every class because that's a waste of money. I go on Chegg or Amazon and look for deals - or I just don't buy the book at all because in most semester classes, we don't even touch the books. Yet on the same token, I've spent $200 on books in the last month, from C++ Reference Manuals, 3ds and Maya materials, and a ton more. Same principle with games - I buy every Halo, Fallout, and Elder Scrolls game new without thinking about it. I know that for $60, I'm getting my money's worth. I don't drop that kind of cash on CoD, sports games, or GeoW because I know I'd be bored within a week. I'm not going to spend my cash on a game like Darksiders new - I'll either wait to it's cheap (either used or on sale) or I'll rent it. It doesn't have the value to justify me wasting a whole $60 on it.
Just because I can afford something doesn't mean I'm going to bend over backwards and let some greedy publishers take anymore money than they are entitled too. If they want $10 extra, they better cram that game with some much content and replay value that I feel the need to mail them a handwritten letter telling them how awesome they are for making my life better with their game. If they can't handle that, then they should take the NASA approach and do more with less.
Developers are people, and true enough they need money. But this isn't a charity. If they want to charge me more for their product, I expect their product to deliver more.
You really think the majority of people own multiple of the SAME console??? I don't need research, f*ck that. Also, what happens when you buy a PC game of MS office??? Can only be used on one computer without registration right? Plus a lot of school books that people buy used online from like amazon don't always include all the required stuff for classes. Schools are catching on also, a lot of times you are forced to buy a bundle to get something that can only be used once, like a pdf manual which might be required. And why do you think you have to bend over backwards for the developers who are making these games for you to enjoy? they're the one's making the games and deserve the profits. Honestly I don't think the developers should have to bend over backwards for people like you.
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