I am sooo tired of people saying that the Orange Box is a GREAT DEAL. "Oh wow!! 5 GAMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!!!" You can't beat that!!" It isnt 5 FULL games. The only entire game on there is Half Life 2.....Ok.....
Half Life 2: The entire game is on here with "updated" graphics.....but still looks a little dated FULL GAME
Half Life 2 Episode 1: EXPANSION of Half Life 2
Half Life 2 Episiode 2:EXPANSION of Half Life Episode 1
Portal: Have nothing negative to say about this one. Awesome Addicting game......BUT.....it is very short. Can easily be beaten in a day or two.
Team Fortress 2: Some people might enjoy this but it got old to me VERY VERY fast. And it's also a pretty shallow multiplayer. You only get a couple game modes.
It isnt 5 full length games. I'm not a huge Half Life fan....so I gave this a rental and Portal is my absolute favorite in this package. Portal is awesome but, being that the game is too short and Slob Newell being an annoying fat, disgusting pig.....$60 just doesnt cut it.
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