[QUOTE="HuhJustaBox"] Every spec sheet that was shown for the PS3 had small print in the corner that said something allong the lines of "prototype-specs subject to change". At that point in time where Ken K was giving his speech, that was what the PS3 was planned to have as far as all of the hardware. I am not sure if you realize that anyone watching those demonstrations of prototype hardware should be aware that any spec is subject to change. Assuming you understand the business industry and how the introduction of prototpyes work, you should not be making any deal of this--because it was a prototype being shown.
Do you remember the PS3 being shown in 4 colors--I guess by this thread then that was a lie too. However, again, it was a prototype--meaning nothing was finalized. Look at any prototype product being shown to the public, it always changes between that initial demonstration and the final build of the product. For example, look at car prototypes. Hyundai recently showed off their new Genesis concept that is being put into production. However, in the newes Car and Driver mag they updated us with info that the exhaust system was going to be altered, the grill was still being finalized, there was now going to be another engine choice for this car, etc. Did Hyundia lie? Of course not. However, I can link the video showing their demonstration of the PROTOTYPE stating which exhuast system they were using and all the others aforementioned. But that does not matter, as I understand (as does all of the consumers that watched this demonstration) that it was a prototype and things are subject to change.
A lie would have been if it said on the box of the PS3 that it has dual HDMI and when you opened it up it does not. Or if Ken K demonstrated the FINAL build of the PS3 and then sold you one that was different. And your comment of a prototype being an awful excuse at best... no I think you not understanding what a prototype is and how the industry works and then CLAIMING sony lied is what is truly awful.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Wzmf0ChL24 :roll:
"The Playstation 3 WILL have..."
WILL. A definitive. It WILL have...
Twist it any way you like. Colours is something i'm not bothered with because at the time they actually DID say they didn't know about that, and a week later said they'd decided on the black or the silver. Not the white. At no point did they say "hey, check out the duel-HDMI, unless we decide to scrap it...."
No. Only "hey, the PS3 WILL have duel-HDMI."
And even when you twist their words; what response do you have to it being a supercomputer? That if you were to take the two machines, the xbox would be the moon and the PS3 would be the sun? The PS3 being twice as powerful? The 360 being "xbox 1.5" - you MUST remember that one. That's what the 360 was refered to for about a year.
Or did they say "The playstation 3 is a supercomputer... the 360 is more like an xbox 1.5 *cough* SUBJECT TO CHANGE *cough*" ? :|
I did not watch the videos, and will assume that your quotes are correct. Now on to my point. I understand that Ken K claimed that it will have this and that and etc. However, the responsibility is on anyone watching to know that what is being shown is a prototype. No demonstration of a prototype will ever have the speaker showing off the specs of some product and then claiming after each one that it is subject tochange. It is inherent within the demonstration of a prototype that the specs are subject to change. Again, I can link the Hyundai demo too, but what happened was not a lie--as it was a prototype too. I think the problem here is the misunderstanding of what a prototype demo is all about. You have to go in realizing that this is the "dream" of the final product. You have to know that this is the snapshot of what company ABC is shooting for. On the flipside you also go into one of these demos with the idea that what they are showing you will resemble to a fairly high degree on what the final product will be about (i.e. you could claim lies if someone demoed the prototoype of an airplane, and then it changed into a bridge for final production).
Now the question is, does the final product from Sony resemble to a high degree of what the prototype was. I think just about everyone can aggree that yes it does.
As far as your supercomputer quote... well looking at the specs and the amount of floating point operations that the Cell can crunch then this claim it not too far off. The definition of a supercomputer is kind of slippery, but the amount of FP that it can calculate are similar to a supercomputer. Will this carry over into the making of games is yet to be determined. I think this ability will greatly help the PS3 to have far superior physics, and AI, but graphics don't have much to do with FP--so this will really not make much of a difference with graphics. However, some of the other specs will help in outputting of quality graphics. Also, please note that I am not a computer scientist, so don't shoot me if I am incorrect on FP calculations being helpful towards physics and AI (maybe someone with more education in that field could shed some light).
As far as the other comments (xbox 1.5, sun, moon, etc.), do you really want me to comment on this. Any level headed consumer can see that this is just normal hype and propoganda that any company does. Wow, imagine company A bashing company B and claiming that they are far superior to company B. Yeah that never happens in the real world (note sarcasm). Remember the article that MS employees posted slightly after the E305 presentation that countered what Sony claimed and they claimed that in fact the 360 was far superior to the PS3? How come the 360 games don't look far superior? Could it just be hype and propoganda that every company uses to persuade consumers to buy their product?
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