There is also the fact that the game is going to be exactly like those console games whereas the 3DS games are all generally designed differently to play on a handheld, or at least to play differently due to the duel screens. His point is, why buy another of a game extremely similar to one bought a few months ago. No double standard here, if Sony would design their handheld games for a handheld it would be the same as the nintendo handhelds. That's my reason for not being interested in Vita also, I have a PS3 that does all the same thigns except on a bigger screen. I can't play games designed the way they are for a 3DS on another system.
My god that handheld experience BS is overused and just plain wrong. It's hilarious to see such an outdated and stupid argument like that STILL get used. I'm tired of repeating myself. You 3DS fans can stay deluded if you want. Those of us that aren't fanboys(for the record I do have a 3DS), can see the Vita has plenty of experiences made specifically for Vita AND full console type experiences.
I love how you boast about how his argument is wrong and outdated but you don't give any reasons to actually counter his argument.
Not too mention that they arent seeing that there are a ton of games on 3DS and DS that played drastically differnt than console games in the same genre. The best example would be the Zelda games on the DS. They play, control, and look nothing like the console games. That is what I am talking about, there are a good amount of games that are unique when played on one of Nintendo's handhelds compared to their console. You can't argue that or call it outdated when it is currently going on. Also, a game like I am playing now Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story, would not work at all on a console. They would have to completely change the design of the game to make it work. However, I can see just about all of the games on playstations portables playing just fine on a console.
I am not bashing the PSP or PSV, I am just saying why I do not have much interest in either of them. I know there are people that want a console experience on a handheld but thats not what I am looking for.
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