Killzone reviewed ok enough, but there is still an underlyning issue that needs to be adressed.
Are we supposed to believe that the same gaming media who:
●tries to downplay every advantage the PS4 has over the xbone; even went out of their way to claim that a 50-60% advantage in performance for the PS4 meant little, and that 1080p now doesnt matter while implying 720p on xbox is better
●tried to defend Microsoft's grotesque anti-consumer DRM and always online schemes
IS going to give a PS4 game a fair shake and review it fairly? Yeah, im not buying it one bit because im not dumb.
-The same gaming media who rushes to Microsoft's defense at every turn
-The same gaming media who tries to downplay everything Playstation
Can people not put two and two together to get four anymore? This is getting ridiculous
Dont we all agree that PS4 games should be given fair treatment? You will notice harsher standards are only ever applied to playstation exclusives. A playstation exclusive is docked points for "flaws" that are other wise ignored in other games. Its insane. Lets call it out for what it is. This needs to be stopped.
To talk about Killzone more, I was reading the IGN review of Killzone and boom, right away you see a giant PAID ADD for RYSE front and center in between all the text.
You want to know what that means? It means Microsoft paid IGN for that add; thats how IGN makes their money - now we are getting into "bribing territory" ...and IGN put that PAID FOR ADD of RYSE right there in their review of Killzone. How much more blatant can you get.
Also, gamespot gave Killzone a 7. Polygon gave it a 5. Joystick and Kotoku panned it. Read the reviews, It was just blatant hate, and double standards - criticisms against Killzone that other FPS are much more guilty of yet are ever called out for. When you look how much effort went into making Killzone, its sad to see how unfailry Guerilla Games is getting treated due to political BS in the gaming media.
(BTW Polygon has already been exposed. They were FUNDED by Microsoft and have recieved money from them many times)
Then there is the way Knack is being panned for something its NOT. Hello, it was meant to be a simple game to enjoy with your kids etc.
The same sudden harsher standards better be applied to xbone launch games.
When the barebones QTE riddled Ryse gets good reviews just for looking good and being a "showpiece" title, while Killzone- the best looking next gen launch game by miles still gets shunned by critics, THAT will confirm everything and prove there is a agenda in gaming media (against Playstation and for Microsoft)
Are the same gaming "journalists" who penalised a PS4 game for any little flaw they could find, going to suddenly ignore worse flaws in Dead Rising 3 and give it good reviews despite its severe performance issues? That will confirm it too.
Forza is more of the same old -same old, but I bet these so called gaming "reviewers" will eat it up because it has the Microsoft name attached to its box.
As gamers we owe it to ourselfes to speak out against this BS. As a gamer of over 15 years it irks me to see whats going on, how Microsoft just buys off everyone and thinks they can buy their problems away. This must be stopped. We must FIGHT Microsoft like we did during the xbone DRM scandle. Do not allow any xbox shills or die-hard xboners to silence you.
And my recommendation to you is, dont listen to any of these reviews of PS4 games, If YOU are interested in a PS4 game, rent it- get it, what ever you can do, PLAY it for yourself, enjoy it, come to your own conclusions
Anyway, these so called reviews arent going to deter me. Still got Killzone and Knack pre-ordered!! Cant wait to play them! Happy Playstation day! Just 2 more days baby! PS4 is going to be huge! PS4 has PS2 vibes of popularity in the air. Nothing IS STOPPING this PS4 freight trane. Keep trying all you want M$ and M$ bought for gaming media. We the gamers have the power. Youre only going to get exposed further and further;)
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