- Lost Sony their commanding lead from the previous two generations, reducing their marketshare from near monopoly levels to a distant, also ran third place 35%.
- Lost Sony all their profits from the PS1, PS2, and PSP; it was such a moneysink that even now, when it has been making money for nearly three years, it still hasn't recovered most of the intial investment that went into it.
- Cutback on, or failed to deliver, features that were promised and advertised, such as full PS2 backwards compatibility and OtherOS.
- Lost Sony most of their exclusive third party support.
- Led to some of the most massive f*ck ups in gaming history: from the APOCALPS3 in 2010 to the PSN hack and outage in 2011, the PS3 has attracted trouble over its lifetime.
- A lot of the initial problems for Sony came from the PS3's incorporation of The Cell and Blu Ray, twi highly complex technologies that were supposed to future proof the console, and make it a trojan horse for their speedy adoption. The Cell failed, a colossal failure that even Sony and IBM have completely abandoned; Blu Ray fared better, before it began to completely fade away, losing the HD media war to online streaming; those who prefer physial media largely continue to support DVD.
- Its exclusives either failed to deliver- like Gran Turismo 5- failed to materialize- like The Last Guardian, Agent, Final Fantasy Versus XIII- or were poor imitations of more successful games they were trying to ape- Uncharted, Killzone, Resistance, inFamous.
- Allegedly such a powerful console powered by the mythical Cell, and the PS3 still struggles to run most multiplat games properly, quite a lot of them simply skip a PS3 port (like The Witcher 2) because of the time and cost involved, or because of the PS3's eccentric architecture (Skyrim DLC). Multiplats that do make it to the PS3 almost always look worse than the Xbox 360 versions.
- Mandatory installs, disc checking, an inconsistent and patchy UI, lack of consistency in the user experience, PSN generally lagging behind Live even now, albeit not by as much, and an unsatisfying controller- tiny things that all cascade in a snowball effect to make the system that much worse.
Honestly, the PS3 is a complete failure. Sony should be ashamed of itself at just how badly it c0cked up this system, and how badly it continues to do so.
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