[QUOTE="gamespot813"] HuhJustaBox
What? Do you or anyone else in here really care who sells the most consoles? Sure I had a PS2 and loved it. Do you think that I cared that it had the most market share? Heck no! All I cared about was the diverse game library that it offered and the huge number of quality titles that came out year after year. I guess no one plays systems for fun anymore?
If you had an xbox last gen--was it a huge disappointment because it did not sell nearly as many systems as the PS2 and MS actually lost money on it? I sure doubt your answer would be yes to the aformentioned question. Who cares who sells more.
Here is a novel idea--buy the system that offers the experience that you want/like. For me it was a PS3--it is offering sequels to all of my favorite games, offers a diverse line-up of games that Sony is known for, has blu-ray movies which is awesome on my 1080p set, free online play ( I would never pay for online as I rarely use this--I just like playing with family members scarttered around the country from time to time), etc.
If you honestly think the PS3 is failure-then I don't know what to say. I don't think the Gamecube or the xbox were failures last gen--just because they did not have the most market share. The only way a system is a failure is if it does not make the consumers happy, and so far I am very happy with my PS3 (I am urked that the game library is still small, but I know that it is about to explode, and I have patience, unlike many others here on these boards).
Of course you may have cared about the market share. If you didn't have a PS2, and instead got a Gamecube, would you be proud of that? If the Gamecube was the best selling machine, I'm sure you would've bought it just to talk about it or show it off to your friends or whoever that may come over. Part of your other reasoning must've been that it had alot of softwares that catered to your preferrence. The Playstation brand is strong, but it's not strong enough to save the PS3. No one in the right mind would think that the PS3 will suddenly sell more than the PS2 did last gen just because the HDTV is selling. Besides, the only hard data we have about what is good and what is bad is in sales. I don't like to argue about opinions about why the PS3 is better than the Wii because that can go forever.
What? I clearly stated I did not care about market share. Would anyone really buy a console by looking at how much market share it has? Look at the Wii for instance--it is selling like hotcakes--so I guess I just have to buy one, because it is the 'hot' item on the market at this present time! Give me a break for crying out loud. I happen to have no interest in what the Wii offers. That is not saying it sucks--it just is not the console for me.
Who in their right mind would buy something just to show it off and tell people that I have the device that has the most market share? Are you for real? I hope I am taking your comments all wrong and that I missed the sarcasm. And I never said the PS3 will sell more than the PS2. That is impossible--strictly due to its price point. Heck, I don't think anything will achieve the success that the PS2 had in a very very long time, if ever.
And sales has nothing to do with what is good and what is bad. It has absolutely positively nothing to do with quality. I guess Chevy Caviliers are far better than those fancy Porshes, and we all know tabloid rubbish papers are so much better than a good novel or the news paper because of the sales the tabloids generate, and the cheap generic $400 computers are far better than the high end gaming PCs because sales show $400 generic computers is where it is at.
Face the facts, none of the consoles suck. They all offer different types of experiences, so buy the one that caters to your needs/wants/likes.
What on earth happened to the quotes? Something went haywire!
I agree with you on some parts. I bought the gamecube last gen even though all my friends bought the PS2 and I didn't feel ashamed about it. I loved it.It's just that when it came to talking about all the great softwares on PS2, i was left out. That's why I bought a PS2 eventually lol. so may be you can see my perspective here (if there's momentum for a system, more people are bound to like it even if they don't in the first place). Sorry about the quote, i accidently deleted something.
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