Because you haven't actually experienced them for yourself. You're going by what other are saying. Perhaps the performance isn't great for them but just fine for someone else. You wouldn't know until you tried but you can't because you can't afford either console.
Does that matter you loser? I have BF4 on my PC and I play it at over 60fps on ultra settings.
Again does being slower than PS4 mean it's runs like crap? Are you trying to say the PS4 edition also runs like crap since 10fps is really nothing.
Why don't you back up your claim where I said Digital foundry is wrong loser? I said how would YOU know the games run like crap when you've neither played/owned or seen them in person. You've only seen videos of games which is the WORST way to judge them by.
You keep waiting moron because I never made any such claim.
That is totally irrelevant you asked me how do i know,and i answer you is time you do the same,does BF4 runs at the same speed and resolution on xbox one just because you own one.?
Does owning an xbox one and BF4 change the results does experiencing it for your self make the game gain parity.?
Nice spin,does the xbox one version just because you own it fix the limitations it has.?
Answer and stop spinning....
You are the one who claimed that was using other person opinion,so if you don't take that opinion as been right yeah your are doubting it or denying it,is not the first time i pasted Digital foundry all over your face and you just hold to the fact that i don't own a PS4 which you don't either from what i know.
So once again does owning any of the 2 consoles change the end results yes or no.?
No i go by DF which was the xbox one version is 720p with worse AA,and 10 FPS slower across the board,now prove them wrong or me for that matter since i am using their opinion..
Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa... Say so the one who say Infamous had playschool color from watching a video...hahaha
When you have to run the game through software to find the differences, then the differences are minor...
Dude many sites say the difference can been seen by just watching the games on normal screen,the xbox one version of 720p games look blur because of the blown pixels,games like BF4 have more jaggies on xbox one,and frame drop on xbox one are more abundant and that is something you notice just from looking the machines the use is to actually account to what the difference amount dude,but the difference is easy to see.
Remember this which you people deny and tag as just a rumor,and then pulled Activision early claims of 1080p for the xbox one.?
I think that leak came from inside
blu ray are a static content. this is about a dynamic content - rendering of a 3d video game scene.
technically, they are limiting the size of the rendered scene from 1920x1080 (2073600 pixels) to 1920x800 (1536000 pixels).
on a 1080p television, the order 1886 will leave 537600 pixels unutilised, that's about 25.9%.
the game renders in 1920x800 - that's not enough to be considered 1080P.
if the game were in 1920x1 - "there's no upscaling", but the aspect ratio is different, and there would be unutilised pixels all the same. do you consider that 1080P? If not, why not, when you consider 1920x800 1080P?
No they are not rendering at a 2.40:1 ratio without freaking black bars requires more pixels than 1920x1080p don't you get it,is the ratio of the game what make it have those black bars,just like Blu-ray movies which are 800p because they are presented in that ratio.
The game is rendering 1920x1080p just the black part are black pixels,but they are pixels never the less,is like using 1920x1080p pixels to draw a completely black screen,just because you can't see anything but black doesn't mean the PIXELS aren't been render..
Blu-ray movies are tag as 1080p period and many have that ratio and 800p,the fact is those pixels still are render.
My reading comprehension is fine. It causes pain in the ass of sony drones as soon as someone mentions how pathetically weak the 900pStation is. So, yes go and see a physician for your butthurt.
butbutbut the 900p...hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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