2009 is pretty much over and nothing is really gonna change much so I don't want to hear that "let's wait till the year is over" BS. The consoles did pretty well for themselves. The PC was also great.
In terms of exclusives, the systems did pretty well. Well, that's not actually completely true. The PS3 and 360 were pretty "lackluster" for the most part. But, you know, they did ok. The big boy consoles just didn't do as well as some people would have you believe. Especially, when compared to some other systems.
Where am I going with this? What is this thread about? Well, I pretty much said it in that last paragraph. More specifically, the last two sentences. Now, I don't feel like going into the numbers game because the spreadsheet is not readily available at the moment, but the PS3 and the 360 but particularly the former did not do as well as some here would have you believe. Throughout 2009, those two consoles have gotten their butts kicked 5 ways to Sunday by the PC.................... and the Wii.
"Oh goddamit, Silverbond! It's always you and that damn Wii!"
Hold on, friend. I only do what I do because it's the truth. And the truth should be acknowledged more often than it actually is here in SW.
"The truth? The truth? You can't handle the truth! The Wii is a casual piece of trash!"
Well, that piece of trash Mariowned (I'm trademarking this, btw) the PS3 and the 360. So....
"Oh yeah? Well, let's look at the total library..."
Now, hold on. If we're truly being honest with ourselves, you know and I know that Cows and Lems have NEVER agreed about total library. Furthermore, Cows never talk about total library when discussing the PS3's fabricated "victory" in 2009.
Anyways, the PC won this year. The Wii came in second. After the Wii is the PS3. Then, there is the 360. Fact, not fiction.
Quite frankly, everyone should know this but whatevs.
Hopefully, everyone is now educated. Actually, I might have to school SW on more topics so stay tuned.
To review: These are the standings for 2009: PC>Wii>PS3>360.
Have a nice day. :)
BEST SPREADSHEET EVAR!!!!!(credit goes to Stevo)*
*please note the spreadsheet is specifically for 2009, if you want the overall spreadsheet look in one of the stickies located at the top of the board
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