The top 5 douche bags of the gaming industry
Article written by KatanOmega on 5/03/09
Last edited on 5/03/09
Lets face it, the world is chock full of douche bags. Hell most of you reading this article are complete douche bags, especially if your an editor for N4G but that is for another article. Those of you that aren't douche bags at some point might have wondered to yourself "I wonder who the biggest **** douche bag in gaming is?" Well hopefully this article will help put that question to rest.
5. Cliify B.
When you see Cliffy B. in an interview or on an award show toting that chainsaw rifle it gives me douche chills all up and down my spine. Not to mention the fact that the guy actually had the balls to say in an interview "Metal Gear Solid is our example of the game we're not doing. Passive entertainment is on its way out." WTF, first of all ya couldn't hold Kojima-sans jock with both hands Cliffy. Secondly, if I wasn't laughing at the ridiculous dialouge in Gears 2 the whole time I would have fallen asleep. (I lol'ed at this part :lol: )
4. Teh Pwnerer
Were gonna go a little light on teh pwnerer because of the recent loss they have suffered. That does not change the fact that our boy Jeremy portrays gamers like a bunch of retarded chimps. Everytime I hear some jerk off little bastard on xbox live spouting some **** line he got from watching pure pwnage it makes me want to jump through the mic and punch his mom in the face.
3. Shane Bettenhausen
Former writer for EGM and cohost of the 1up yours Shane Bettenhausen should be wearing a cape and a big D on his chest. Anyone who listened to the old 1up podcast has heard this ultimate PS3 fanboy jerking off all over any Sony product that came his way all the while talking about how non biased everyone at EGM and 1up was. Shane was a blight on video game journalism and it's probably for the best that he is now working for Ignition Entertainment.
2. Jonathan "fatality" Wendel
Why god why did you choose pro gamer Jonathan "fatality" Wendel as a ambassador for gaming. Check this out "While I won my championships on ultra-performance PCs, I still go to Nintendo for fun and relaxation, playing with the same passion and sense of joy I remember as a kid on that original Nintendo console. This year I've become addicted to Wii, which lets me replicate the challenge of the physical sports I've played my entire life, such as tennis, bowling and golf. I bought all my business partners Wiis for Christmas. I even play Wii with my grandma. (Her favorite is Wii bowling.)" I wonder how much he got paid to say that, and to use his grand mammy in such an obvious **** plug is decpicable.
1. Dennis Dyack
Dennis is at the top of the heap for two reasons. 1. He developed Too Human for 10+ years and still managed to have it suck ass! 2. When the gaming community pretty much universally told him that Too Human sucked ass he went to every media outlet available to him , including his infamous apperance on 1up and made the weakest excuses possible. Dyack blamed everyone but himself for Too Humans failure including gamers. Well Dennis the tribe has spoken and it said your a total douche bag.
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