I would also like to point out that I "think" that xbox360 "possibly" could produce graphics as good as Killzone 2...however I do not believe it would be able to handle the composition (all that is done) in Killzone 2. I.E. physics/lighting/objects on screen/number of players avalible.
theres nothing special about KZ2s graphics. most people get caught up in the visuals.
the physics and death animations are nothing too special, ragdoll + motion capture. motioncaptured animations have little to do with system power and ragdolls have been done in almost every game. the overall physics again is nothing special, yes it looks good but its not like other games havnt done physics as well if not better.
the lighting again is decent, while it has numerous lights the quality of those lights is only decent. the way the lights interact and display. the number of interactive objects on screen in KZ2 is limited and hardly anything to call impressive as is the number of people on screen.
on top of that the overall quality of the objects in the environment are average to poor if you actually stop and stare the textures are pretty average throughout with a few good ones here and there, and some shadows are pretty bad.
however none of that matters. graphics which is the tech behind everything which most people confuse with visuals, is for boring people. most users care about the visuals, which is where KZ2 excels for one thing people complain about blur, well the object based moton blur is impressive, also the most impressive is the DOF effect constantly applied to the scene.
the difference in graphics and graphics capabilities of the two machines is null. its not even worth talking about since its so small.
People who aren't fanboys of certian consoles disagree...
"Graphics- If you have even a little bit of interest in this game you should already know how GREAT the the graphics are. Think of this game as the console Crysis. Outstanding graphics, by far the best graphics I have seen on ANY console game and yes. This game has better graphics than Gears of War 2...!!! Definitely 10/10"
"Graphics alone are rarely a deal breaker for a game, but for Killzone 2 they are at least one of its major pillars. Put simply, Killzone 2 brings realism to a level seen in barely a handful of games today. Despite being almost entirely in first person, Killzone 2 manages to deliver an unusually cinematic experience.
Advanced lighting and other effects like blur, lens flare, and depth of field in games have become common in recent years, but Killzone 2 brings them to a whole new level. Much of the timeKillzone 2 honestly looks like a computer-generated movie in playable form which has almost never been said for a game, much less one released in the middle of a console cycle."
Read more: http://action-games.suite101.com/article.cfm/killzone_2_playstation_3_review#ixzz0QucDIVMx
"The graphics in Killzone 2 are, by far, the best in any console game to date. Everything from the spectacular lighting effects, the incredibly detailed animation, to the environments, level design and weapon effects are truly top-notch. It's going to be a while before Killzone 2 is displaced as the best in the graphics department. Due to the game's non-linearity, Guerilla have gone all-out in creating the most spectacular-looking and immersive levels possible."
The game has been hailed by many as one of the best looking games of this generation. I will take it one step further and say that it is definitely the best looking game on any console to date. The lighting, textures, and art design are absolutely top notch.
Graphics: Do you even have to ask? Killzone 2 is technically the best console game on the market in terms of graphics. Thankfully, the art direction steps up to the plate just as impressively.
Phenomenal visuals prove that Guerrilla either met or surpassed that infamous E3 trailer. Some technical issues hold it back from being a completely flawless masterpiece.
Should I go on? there's more...
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