OUYA (cost: USD 99)
What is next gen about it?
Well, certainly not the power. As you can see its tiny and it will be extremely power efficient. That doesnt mean its gonna be weak though as it has Tegra 3 inside and in terms of power it is close to PS360, so be prepared for proper 3D games. It will also be able to play most multiplats even after PS4 and XBOX 720 arrive, because it will include onLive.
The most important part is that it is going to be completely open platform that everyone will be allowed to develop games for. Every single game will have to be playable for free (either in the form of a demo iversion, or in the way like League of Legends or Team Fortress 2 are).
But what Im looking forward the most will be independent games, because such open platform is a treat for developers and we will probably see tons of original and innovative games on it.
The controller features a touchpad (the large circle in the middle) which allows for some interesting gameplay possibilities.
inb4 "old" - it doesnt get any love here in SW although it should so it deserves its own thread.
example of graphics optimized for nVidia Tegra 3:
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