[QUOTE="smashed_pinata"][QUOTE="CubeJL"][QUOTE="smashed_pinata"][QUOTE="CubeJL"][QUOTE="GundamGuy0"][QUOTE="CubeJL"][QUOTE="goblaa"][QUOTE="CubeJL"][QUOTE="goblaa"][QUOTE="CubeJL"][QUOTE="goblaa"][QUOTE="CubeJL"] [QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]Try one of these next time...
giant list
giant list
Why not both? Or are you a fanboy?
It's really as simple as this: the Wii has absolutely nothing I'm intereted in playing. I'm sorry, I lied: SPM looks pretty cool. But I'm not willing to spend $300 to play it.
When the Wii is for real, I'll buy one.
So what does that have to do with the wii having no good games? Just because a game does not appeal to you, does not mean it appeals to no one. If you want to talk about your disapintment in the lack of shhoter and military games on the wii, start a blog.
You asked "why not both?" And I gave you my answer. That's all.
Great. :roll: You avoided my question. Why did you make this topic?
I apologize: I responded to the wrong person.
To answer your question:
I'm using GS scores as a barometer. And if you think the 360 offers simply "military games", then I would request that you review the 360 library. Talk about stereotypes...
I simply wanted to point out that the Wii offers a horrible game library, and try to bring Wii supporters back to center about the real issues here--games.
Apparently, I have struck a few nerves, wouldn't you agree?
This is why you ignored a large portion of games worth playing on the Wii... VC games.
I could then list all of the XBLA games and it would not go in your favor. I suggest we leave downloadable content out of this argument.
The reason I left it out, if you're curious, is because you cannot assume a high speed connection across all owners. I also pointed this out in the post.
To sum up folks, the TC here made a thread trying to state his opinion that he doesn't like the Wii library. Many disagree with him on that, and have stated so, yet he just can't comprehend that. What on earth are we to do ?
I comprehend that just fine. You need do nothing.
If you comprehend it, then why make a thread about it? To tell people that you comprehend it?
Well, to get under Wii owners' skins of course!
I'm half joking--mainly, just to share my viewpoint that, while Wii sales are strong, it really doesn't amount to much when you hit the power button. Apparently, I struck a few nerves, which tells me, some folks know I'm right.
Ok gotcha. It's true i don't really know what is getting some people here offended or bothered. I mean, there is no ownage here of any kind, so i wonder why they are upset. :S
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