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People we are talking about RPG's not Third Person shooters.
All threads get there eventually... you know it.
out of them two...neither but if i had to pick maybe...the witcher 2 ffv13 & Yakuza 4 personally Also pkm b&w & DQX do u count deus ex as a rpg? if so then i vote for that as wellcampzorAren't the Yakuza games beat em ups that contain RPG elements? Back on topic Witcher 2 will probably be the better title.
It will probably sell the most, but Witcher 2 will still be the better game.It's pokemon black and pokemon white, you guys know it.
Aren't the Yakuza games beat em ups that contain RPG elements? Back on topic Witcher 2 will probably be the better title.[QUOTE="campzor"]out of them two...neither but if i had to pick maybe...the witcher 2 ffv13 & Yakuza 4 personally Also pkm b&w & DQX do u count deus ex as a rpg? if so then i vote for that as welljasonharris48
If ME is considered RPG, I don't see why Yakuza shouldn't ;)
It will probably sell the most, but Witcher 2 will still be the better game.
TC asked for most anticipated though.
Aren't the Yakuza games beat em ups that contain RPG elements? Back on topic Witcher 2 will probably be the better title.It is but you could argue if people call ME2 a RPG then so is Yakuza.[QUOTE="campzor"]out of them two...neither but if i had to pick maybe...the witcher 2 ffv13 & Yakuza 4 personally Also pkm b&w & DQX do u count deus ex as a rpg? if so then i vote for that as welljasonharris48
[QUOTE="campzor"] Aren't the Yakuza games beat em ups that contain RPG elements? Back on topic Witcher 2 will probably be the better title.
If ME is considered RPG, I don't see why Yakuza shouldn't ;)
It will probably sell the most, but Witcher 2 will still be the better game.
TC asked for most anticipated though.
Or Dead Space even. Although, you can't custom generate your characters appearance, so I guess ME2 really is an RPG.Aren't the Yakuza games beat em ups that contain RPG elements? Back on topic Witcher 2 will probably be the better title.It is but you could argue if people call ME2 a RPG then so is Yakuza. Alright that seems fair. (well in the case of ME2, ME1 was actually a RPG)[QUOTE="jasonharris48"]
[QUOTE="campzor"]out of them two...neither but if i had to pick maybe...the witcher 2 ffv13 & Yakuza 4 personally Also pkm b&w & DQX do u count deus ex as a rpg? if so then i vote for that as wellspookykid143
As much as I love Mass Effect, which is a whoooole hell of a lot, The Witcher 2 is going to be an all-around better RPG than Mass Effect 3, and possibly a better game. Dragon Age II looks meh so it's not even on my radar.
The Witcher is one of the best games I've played this gen, so I'm going with Witcher 2.
I was playing Dragon Age Origins a few months ago, but I dropped it after ten hours. I found the combat boring, and the story didn't interest me. I was kind of excited when I heard DA2 is going to have a faster combat system, so I decided to look at some gameplay videos. Sadly, it looks even worse than Origins, imo.
I'm more interested in DA2. The new combat system looks a lot different but I'm not going to judge it yet.
The Witcher 2 looks good and all but I never finished the first... just too boring. (the bad dialogue/character voices don't help).
edit: Mass Effect 3 and Skyrim is way above both of those two though.
Its Dragon Age for me but thats probably cuz I know nothing of the Witcher 2 and cuz I played the Dragon Age Origins and loved it
Well, the Witcher was incredibly boring, and wasted my time with bull **** at every possible opportunity, and Dragon Age was also incredibly boring and wasted my time with bull **** at every possible opportunity, so I'm not particularly interested in either of them.
I'll take Age of Decadence, or even Skyrim, honestly.
I mean, even if Skyrim ends up being a massive idiot fest with zero role playing, it will probably at least be fun and not an essentially linear slogging waste of time. There will almost certainly be pretty scenery and animals, and tons of stuff to do besides just hacking through copy-pasted dungeons like Dragon Age. Oh, and I can avoid collect-a-thons altogether, more than likely, and play as a Dark Elf if I want, or any person or animal less stupid and questionably sired than Geralt of Riviera (so basically every race and background in the ****ing game, besides High Elf maybe, if you want to be really charitable).
Hell, I'd take Mass Effect 3 over either of those games, even if it goes 100% Gears of War rather than just you know, 97% or 98% like ME2. There still will be nut punching probably, and Shepard might **** a Reaper to save the galaxy, or something, because his is the only penis which fits the prophesied orifice, or whatever horse puke BioWare cobbles together at the last minute, as the discs await printing.
I like Dragon Age: Origins more than The Witcher, but with more polish and better resources I think The Witcher 2 will be better than Dragon Age 2. It's between The Witcher 2 and Dark Souls for me.
For me its easily the Witcher 2. The first one was great. I also strongly recommend to read the books about Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski, it is great literature easily comparable to Robert E. Howard´s Conan in quality.
Without looking at lineage, I don't know, both are intriguing. Looking at the first two games in the series? Haha, DA2 all the way. The Witcher is mediocre. MEDIOCRE! That's right, I said DA is amazing and The Witcher is mediocre......what now?IbacaiIf the Witcher is mediocre..Dragon Age is pure trash.
[QUOTE="jasonharris48"]Last Guardian isn't a RPG it's an Action Adventure. I know but still have to mention it :P since it's my most anticappated title for 2011, if i had to replace it i'd say TES V. Oh it is going to be nothing short of amazing that's for sure.[QUOTE="johny300"]The Last Gueadian and Dark Souls.johny300
I can't believe how people can praise the Witcher so much.
The main thing people hate about DA2 is its combat (even though it is the same as DA:O, which people apparently loved).
I just find it very hypocritical when people bash DA2's combat, is the Witcher's any better ? Hermits also act like the Witcher is the second comming of Jesus just because it is a PC exclusive and made by a largely unknown Polish studio.
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