but there are more than 3 ways a console can win.
PS3 wins to many people because it's a BR player for example.
and exclusives being a separate point from the overall library is ridiculous and makes no sense because exclusives are part of the overall library. you might say "well thats for people who own all systems". that's irrelevant, this isn't fanboy wars, we compare each system, not each system based on what other systems someone may or may not own.I'm just gonna make a guess and say more people bought a ps3 for it's BR, than there are people who own a PS3, 360, gaming PC and Wii anyway.
I mean lets say someone makes a console which only has one game that's exclusive. the console could be $600 and have the specs of a NES and the one game it has is worse than E.T., yet according to people who would use just exclusives as the factor for determining a winner, that console would be better than a styem that is reasonlably priced with the graphics of a ps3 or 360 and 1000 games that are all multiplats and most of them are at least decent and a good amount are awesome. makes no sense.
I have never judged a gaming system by the fact it can play movies. I guess to some that could be a big adavange. BR movies still cost to much IMO, so even though I own a PS3 and a HD tv I have not bought any.
Has I stated there have always been 3 major factors exclusives, library and sales. To answer your question ET would have to score an A or better to be in the exclusives argument. Plus part of a score is the valve of the game. Your right there a system could have 1 exclusive but the Wii had more than 50 games which scored A or better. These are 50 games which can not be found on any other system. A number of games which only the PC can beat. On another note to answer another question you had many games don't score well because the cost of the game is to high compared to the valve the game gives the player. One thing to never forget this is system wars and no system wins because really you could just say the PC wins all three areas and were done.
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