In terms of this topic while there are many games I will buy on this list, face it the Wii is lacking on high profile third party games.
Yes there are perfectly logical excuses for this which are:
#1 It takes 2-4 years to make a quality game and the Wii was a breakout success and has proven that it will stablize it's place only a few months ago.
#2 Third Parties are still testing the Wii's waters to see what sells and what doesn't.
But whether or not their are logical excuses for this one fact still remains, third parties as of right this second aren't taking the Wii too seriously.
I feel that Nintendo fans treat third party Wii games as how Xbox fans treat Japanese Xbox 360 games, or how Playstation fans treat exclusive games, or how PC Gamers treat Fighting Games coming to the PC; which by that I mean the game is automatically at least good and that it is a testament to their systems weak spot.
If you can't see the difference between having Tekken 6, Yakuza 3, Final Fantasy XIII, and Metal Gear Solid 4 on your console from having Nitrobike and Worms well I don't know what to tell you.
Just because it's a game that is in your hardwares weakspot doesn't mean it's automatically good.
So far there are only 2 high profile third party games coming to the Wii which, which are:
Monster Hunter 3
Tales of Symphonia 2
That's it. Those are the only games on the Wii that currently reach the calibur of "high profile".
Not to mention that both of those games aren't "Western" appealing by any means.
Yes I am aware that it has other third party titles like No More Heroes and Oboro Muramasa Youtoden, and yes I will admit that I am just as excited for those games as I am for Metal Gear Solid 4, but the fact is that those games aren't very appealing to many and aren't considered "killer" games.
Now this isn't to say that it will never get any high profile games. No developer is stupid enough to look past a platform with such a high amount of install base in it's life while still rapidly growing.
But as right now the Wii isn't too viable for someone who wants big, hard-hitting, third party games.
That's where I feel the users in this site are coming from.
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