I think that its looked down at so much, because as a gamer you have to give up alot to pick the Wii as your main console,
Graphics: visually games are not anywhere near what today's standards are set at
Online: Theres only a very small selection of games to play online with the Wii and theres no headset or HDD to increase online functions
Mulitplats: Developers are focusing most if all mulitplats on the 360/PS3/PC, while the Wii is getting almost none of these games, and multiplats are the most common types of games.
For giving all this up your only really getting motion controls which at this time has only been really successfull on a few games, and a overall poor library which at this time only has 10 AA and up games rated at GameRankings, while most other systems have 2 or 3 times that amount already.
None of which ultimately matter to REAL gamers, as market evidence shows. For one thing, graphics have reached a plateau. Are games really better today than they were back in 2001-2005 because you can see wrinkles in someone's face now? Even enhanced physics has done virtually nothing for current gen console games yet. You can argue that the physics in Crysis did advance the gameplay, but that's on the PC. That's on a machine with power that console gamers will not see until five to ten years from now.
As for online, since when did online suddenly become the gold standard that EVERY game must have? All online does is encourage devs to skimp on gameplay depth in favor of extraneous features that people pay attention to only because it's shoved down their throats.
Multiplats are there to siphon your money. People only make a big deal about them with the PS3 and 360 because those two systems are actually within striking distance of one another, but when the time comes that the Wii has double the marketshare of the PS3 and 360, no one will care about multiplats the same way no one cared about the PS2 getting or not getting multiplats.
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