So, this thread has been completely derailed huh?meetroid8
I agree with you. And I know you like Nintendo games just like me. This isn't an issue of Nintendo the game maker, this is an issue of Nintendo console maker.
Their console is a pile of **** this gen. Worst graphics, sound, online (friend codes and no profiles, hackers and flat out broken modes), and new controls that harmed far more often then they helped. Worst game library, lower standards in all areas (see: The Conduit hype) , no DLC (waa waa gotta pay, o wait Gears 3 recently got 5 new maps for FREE) nor achievements.
No media features at all, not even CDs or DVDs, though of course the second something gets added like Netflix, it's all awesome to have right!? What else. Voice chat fiasco, no games support it, then some games support WiiSpeak, others support Headbanger headset, others support both, still others support neither! Too many peripherals and controllers, need a Wiimote, Nunchuk, CIassic Pad and Motion Plus at a bare minimum to play it's good games, and possibly Balance Board, Gamecube pad for Smash, one or more voice chat peripherals, and all sorts of plastic shells for the Wiimote. O and a pen and paper for all your friend codes.
Why is the Wii's harddrive miniscule when HDD space is so cheap and and there's so much to download? Why are there no demos nor previews of games available? Why are entire genres missing? Why is Xenoblade the first good RPG for 5 years? Why are there no decent racers apart from 1 or 2 karting games? Why do I have to worry about games being localised or not? T
oo much hype, never enough substance. I was mad into the Wii hype for the first couple years, I defended it and it's sales and preached the bogus BS that "The sales are good, the games will come, the problems will be worked out!" In the end, it's the same as the N64 and GC. Awesome first party, dirt everywhere else, handily demolished by the competition. And don't even have the crutch of being more powerful/prettier like N64 and GC were compared to PS1/PS2.
I seriously, SERIOUSLY wish Nintendo would just go 3rd party. Let me play Zelda and Mario on my Xbox or PS.
I am the biggest fan in the world of Nintendo's games, Mario Galaxy is like crack to me and I adore it. But the Wii as a whole is suckage :/
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