This Wii craze is making me sick. When I think of sweet games that I want from the Wii, the only ones that come to mind are Mario Galaxy, Zelda TP, Metroid 3, SSBM, and...?! And what?! 4 freaking games! There are no games for this system! There are no cutting edge graphics! This isn't an evolution in gameplay, and don't bring up remakes or spinoffs, because the Wii's game lineup is utter garbage!
Wii sports is a fun game, and I've played it to death, but the only other game I can stand is Zelda TP. Why? It's Zelda, that's why, but I admitedly would rather have played that game on the Cube. Same goes for the others.
Meanwhile nobody wants to pick up a PS3, because it's to expensive.:( Go get a job, and save gaming! Why nobody can spend the extra $150 to get a 360 is beyond me. Let alone the fact that they can pick up a core for $50 more.
The 360 and PS3 are about to hit their full stride going into 2008. Although I hate Sony's online it doesn't matter, because at the end of the day both the 360 and PS3 out perform the Wii. The 360 simply has online mastered to the fullest and it just keeps getting better. Now how about some sweet games! The Wii has next to nothing compared to the 360 and PS3.
This is system wars, and the PS3 and 360 controll it. The Wii should never even be mentioned here, because of its inferiority. The games that the 360 and PS3 have are on a whole nother level! Halo 3, Motorstorm, Dirt, Too Human, MGS4, GTA4, Kane & Lynch, Mass Effect, Alan Wake, Brothers In Arms 3, Call Of Duty 4, Battlefield Bad Company, Gran Turismo 5, Burnout 5, Resident Evil 5, Forza 2, Bioshock, Half Life 2 Orange, Blue Dragon, Assassins Creed, Oblivion, Heavenly Sword, Lair, Fable 2, Rainbow Six Vegas, Sega Rally Revo, Project Gothem Racing 4, All Pro Football 2K8, NBA 2K8, Lost Planet, The Club, The Darkness, Virtua Fighter 5, Stranglehold, Drakes Fortune, FF13, Viva Pinata, Crackdown, Gears Of War, Killzone PS3, and the list goes on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Better games on next gen systems, and yet here Wii are.:| That stupid system is on a selling spree and everybody's happy.:) Everybody's like; yah go Nintendo, or It's good to see Nintendo dominating again! I say no. This dumb Wii rediculousness is out of control. What's the point of putting motion sensing controls into every single gaming genre? All of the sudden this makes games better? Why Sony jumped on Nintendo's bandwagon I'll never know, because they didn't need Six-Axis. They just need six games worth playing right now, and thier focus got all out of wack.
Microsoft needs the Elite to be a hit, and Sony needs someone to buy that Playfreakingstation 3! I knew the would sell like nobody's business at $250 clams, but why in heavens name can't the other machines move more than they are? The 360 has tons of games, so I don't see peoples excuse one way or the other. The PS3 will hit it's stride come Christmas, and I better see some price cuts, so that these cheapo's can start to help out the Hardcore Gamers!!! Not hold them back.
I don't want to play games with grandma!:| I want to play HD games like Halo 3 online or Lan, and I want the latest and greatest hardware being pushed to the limits! Thanks for the rehashed games on last gen hardware Nintendo. Way to hold gaming back.
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