[QUOTE="Spartanx23"][QUOTE="TacoJelly"] Hey, I have all the money in the world for gaming but I bought a Wii because it offered something I wanted in gaming... SOMETHING NEW.
If you don't want the games for Wii, than tough, cuz with Wii on a selling spree... nobodies gonna want to develop for 360 or PS3.
And what about games like No more heros? or Disaster? or Battalion Wars? or many of the other games you're simply glossing over? Some of the games you listed for PS3 or 360 are either unproven (example mass effect) or suck (example Motorstorm). So stop speaking like what you say is the gosple.
So you thought the Wii was going to give you something new in gaming. Hum. What has it given you so far, that the 360 and PS3 havn't? For that matter. What has the Wii given you that the older machines didn't.
Your answer I'm sure will be fun, fun, fun! It's as if you thought you were never having fun with games to begin with. You probably never thought to take the Wii-mote away from the Wii.:|
Do that, and you'll see right through your own argument.
Same games dude. Same games. Games were always fun, and they always will be. You don't need gimmicks to change gaming for the better. Those games you listed need to be pushed by the latest technology in order for them to be fully realized.
If anybody's games are getting the glossed over treatment, it's Nintendo's.
Right back at you. Lets take the GPU out of the 360. We will see right through your argument. The Wii isn't a better way to play games, its just different, and different is good for the industry.
I'm not exactly finished.
You played The Legend Of Zelda right? The Legend Of Zelda TOOT was a completely amazing game. It had mood, setting, gameplay, graphics, and it was able to draw you in. Great game! It was the raw horsepower of the N64 that made that happen! The original Zelda will always be one of my favorite games, but games are supposed to evolve and there supposed to be able to draw us in further than before.
But I didn't need some Wii-mote to draw me in!!!!! We needed better tech!!!
Do you think Mass Effect can be as immersive on the Wii,Gamecube, or Xbox?
You brought up Halo. Sweet game indeed, but can Halo evolve into a better experience without the 360?
Halo and Zelda were great starts for there franchises, but they evolved and became better.
The Wii cannot take that step. Mario Galaxy, Metroid 3, and SSBB won't be able to take that step. The power simply isn't there.
Zelda TP didn't take a leap over ZeldaTOOT, but you can bet that Halo 3 will walk all over Halo when the time comes!
I'm not into gimmicks, and if Nintendo stays on this path, It might take 5 years before I truely experience the next Zelda.:(
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