The Witcher 3 Is The Greatest Open World Game Of All Time

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#151  Edited By MirkoS77
Member since 2011 • 17997 Posts

@ultimateimp said:
@MirkoS77 said:
@ultimateimp said:
@MirkoS77 said:

Talk about misinformation. There are two separate areas, and huge ones at that: the mainland which encompasses Velen and Novigrad, and the isles of Skelliege which you can freely sail between. But from what else you wrote and edited in, something tells me you already know this and facts aren't your highest priority.

You didn't even mention White Orchard, the beginning area, which leads me to believe you're either an idiot who talks about a game he hasn't played, or worse you're an idiotic blind CDPR fanboy who didn't play the game, but is trying to aggressively defend the game because he's a blind CDPR worshipper. Since I'm the kindest, friendlist and most generous person in this world, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it's the former.

What, a tutorial area that you never need to go back to after you've left it? I'd hardly qualify that as part of the main game-world, as give me one single reason to go back to that area once completed in the early hours of play. But OK, you apparently being such a sweetheart, let my generous side come through in turn and grant you that third. I'm not sure what math you've taken, but that doesn't equate to 4-5. But something tells me you're going to cite, what.......Kaer Morhen and the Royal Palace? The funny thing is, you're obviously dumb enough to argue that areas such as these being separated by loading screens is enough to claim the rest of the game isn't open world. If you weren't going to mention these, then what makes 5? By your brilliant logic, Skyrim's not an open world either as many things (such as doors) necessitates loading screens.

What a crock of shit.

But let us get onto some of your other complaints (lest we remain misinformed) to see how true they really are: "The areas seem to be populated by the same copy pasted tree", and "bandits have all the same design".

Right, I rest my case. I'm not an idiotic blind fanboy, I'm just a person with little tolerance for people who spew flat-out bullshit.

I was wrong, it was neither. Not only are you a blind worshipper of CDPR, you're an idiot who has the intelligence that rivals that of a chimpanzee with down syndrome. Not only did you prove my points, by naming the maps individually, you also used PR shots to prove I was "wrong" without realizing that they prove my points.

Well, this "chimp" was smart enough to be able to see your laughably transparent and predictable responses oncoming a mile away and preempt them before they were even made. Not bad for a chimp with Down's Syndrome if I do say so myself, although I find this more of a testament to your stupidity than of a retarded chimp's intellectual capacity. Only someone like you would be patting themselves on the back in proclaiming victory because (by their estimation) a chimp was able to predict their oncoming points before they were even made.

So......congratulations, I guess?

It does not surprise me the point of those pics flew right over your head, that being: a variety in bandit models, and no C & P trees. Both of which run contrary to and disprove your points. I'd tackle all your other falsehoods such as the animations but can't be bothered for the effort vs. payoff which would fall on deaf ears anyway. I'm playing the game right now, so I and everyone in here who has that holds any semblance of objectivity knows what you vomit up in your attempt to pass off as fact is sewage. So sorry, your bullshit remains what it is: nothing but explicitly inaccurate bullshit. But already know this, don't you?

Are you uninspired's alt, by any chance?

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#152 AM-Gamer
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@mems_1224: So much fail in one post. W3 shits on the predictable quest of skyrim and yes NPCs do attack each other.

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#153  Edited By AM-Gamer
Member since 2012 • 8116 Posts

I have to agree with you on this TW3 does several things far better then most open world games.

1. The actions you choose to do effects the world more dramatic them most open world games. It's not just option A and B like most games.

2. It's extremely well written.. the chemistry and the relationships between the characters is very believable. Even the love scenes weren't bad which I find surprising as most scenes like this in games are cringe worthy.

3. The production values are insane.. from outstanding graphics, great voice acting and one of the best soundtracks ever in a game(still can't get the heart of stone theme out of my head).

4. The character are awesome. No you can't make your own but who cares? Nobody you create could hold Geralts jock strap.

5. The game actually has some really epic boss battles.. probably the best ever in a open world games. Many open world games leave this out or just have really bad ones.

So yes I agree.. probably the best open world game of all time and one of the best games of all time.

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#154 B_rich84
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Witcher 3 is the greatest open world. All the quests have real dialogue even the witcher contract quests. Almost all RPG's have some form of fetch quests with no meaning, at least the Witcher hides with good writing.

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#155  Edited By organic_machine
Member since 2004 • 10143 Posts

While "best" may be a bit bold, I think it's stellar and a great example of what open world games aspire to be. Thank you for making this thread, as it was getting tiring to see people shitting on the game. People have a strange and predictable tendency to shit all over a great game whenever it gets over hyped in any way (see salt_the_fries, or go back into my post history and see me shitting all over the original Bioshock).

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#156 Snowywonders
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I literally just beat the game today. Started playing it late summer but once fall started life got busy again, so only played in short bursts after that until this last week when I've played it for at least 8 hours per day.

The Witcher 3 is the best game I have played this generation, nothing really comes close. ( I haven't played MGS yet tho).

Regarding best open world game? Still the best I have ever played and it dethroned my previous favorite single player game RDR.

Even after 10 days logged into that game, the first thing I thought of was starting a new game on NG+ . Hardest difficulty again and this time not using quen at all, ever. Should be fun.

Only thing left to decide is if I should do Heart Of Stones DLC first on my regular play through or hit it up for the first time on NG+.

Only problems I can think of in The Witcher 3 is the decisions the player makes leading up to the final ending.




When I beat it, I got the depressing ending and the last time I remember feeling this shitty in a video game was when my friend logged into my xbl account and lost my rank 50 in the halo 3 MLG playlist.

I reloaded to the save before you find Ciri and did it again in a single sitting until I got the ending I was expecting.

I'm currently in the progress of brainwashing myself into believing the first ending never happened.

Overall, Witcher 3 is a masterpiece of a game unparalleled in many areas. Makes buying a ps4 for it alone worth it. If no other game was came out this generation, I'd most likely still be satisfied with this generation.

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#157  Edited By organic_machine
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@Snowywonders: Get the DLC, so far it rocks.

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#158 Ross_the_Boss6
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I agree, which is why I'm ashamed I haven't come close to beating it.

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#159  Edited By UltimateImp
Member since 2015 • 1192 Posts

@MirkoS77: For someone who hasn't played the game and didn't know there was a beginner area and more than 2 maps, you sure are saving a lot of your free time trying hard to get yourself humiliated. Though, you've scraped the bottom of the barrel of pettiness when you ran out of anything creative to say and started copying what I said (I don't blame you, you've shown allegiance to a disc) and used PR shots as defense. Just admit you didn't play the game so we can move on.

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#160 mrbojangles25
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From a strict presentation perspective, as in visuals and how alive it feels, yes I will agree it is the best. And the game as a whole is a lot of fun.

But if we are focusing on strictly the open-world qualities (not gameplay, story, etc), I have had more fun exploring the worlds of Fallout and TES; they share a similar amount of random encounters, caves, and so forth, but Bethesda's are richer and more involving.

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#161 deactivated-66e3137ab3ad5
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As an open world game, I doubt it's up there with the likes of GTA and Skyrim. It's an excellent game, but I wouldn't say it's the best open world game out there. If the open world aspect is what we're judging these games on, then no, I don't think Witcher 3 is the best.

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#162  Edited By MirkoS77
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@ultimateimp: sorry to disappoint, but that's not going to happen as it's not the truth. But given your other falsities and your talent for embracing them to try to pass off as fact, accepting and propagating lies isn't a burden too much for you to bear I imagine. Just think of my refusal to concede the truth as one more lie added to your pile. You'll manage.

No need to be creative in my writing when you write your ignorance and extreme bias all over the wall for all to see. You do my work for me; all that's required is a basic C & P with two pictures in mockery to expose you an idiot. You still say , "PR shots", (worse being you think that this disproves anything), and have failed to articulate how those pics don't counter your statements that bandits hold no variety and trees are copy and pasted when those two shots entirely disprove you.

We're not arguing about resolution or bullshots, Einstein, we're discussing content. Bandits have variety, and trees are not C & P. Nor is what you say about the animations accurate either, but if you're too stupid and stubborn to not concede to pictures that have been shown explicitly to your face, well, let's just say I'm glad I didn't further waste my time as you're not interested in facts, but of going on your little hate-filled crusade.

Buuuuuut anyway....this is the extent to which I can be bothered. I stand in favor that this exchange has run its due course considering your incapability to back up what you say without instead resorting to insults and evasion, and I'm content with parting in mutual contempt.

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#163 harrygooch
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The combat is still like assassins creed and batman. Which sucks.

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#164  Edited By UltimateImp
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@MirkoS77: Nah, the only reason you're stopping is because you know I'm always right, and you know you poked your head in the lion's den and now you're pissing your pants as is evidenced by you not even being able to disprove any of my points. You used pictures that proved me, lol. Just like science, you don't have to believe it for it to be true.

I already caught your lies, you didn't play this game. Your tricks won't work on me!

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#165 Juub1990
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@charizard1605 said:

@Juub1990: What would you call Skyrim, then?

An open-world RPG. It's as as sandboxish as Zelda, which is to say not at all.

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#166  Edited By Animal-Mother
Member since 2003 • 27362 Posts

No....No it's not

Up there? Yeah it is.

The greatest lol.

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#167 DarkLink77
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Good to see that @charizard1605's talent for hyperbole has survived intact.

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#168 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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@DarkLink77 said:

Good to see that @charizard1605's talent for hyperbole has survived intact.

It's true, breh. I justified this pretty well in the OP.

I highly recommend you give this game time (assuming you have not played it already, that is)

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#169 DarkLink77
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@charizard1605 said:
@DarkLink77 said:

Good to see that @charizard1605's talent for hyperbole has survived intact.

It's true, breh. I justified this pretty well in the OP.

I highly recommend you give this game time (assuming you have not played it already, that is)

Yeah, but you think Skyrim is good, so I treat your opinions on open world games the way I treat texasgoldrush's opinion on anything... with an enormous fucking mountain of salt.

And no, I haven't. Played some of the first one, own the second one, have not finished either.

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#170  Edited By deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
Member since 2006 • 82724 Posts

@DarkLink77 said:
@charizard1605 said:
@DarkLink77 said:

Good to see that @charizard1605's talent for hyperbole has survived intact.

It's true, breh. I justified this pretty well in the OP.

I highly recommend you give this game time (assuming you have not played it already, that is)

Yeah, but you think Skyrim is good, so I treat your opinions on open world games the way I treat texasgoldrush's opinion on anything... with an enormous fucking mountain of salt.

And no, I haven't. Played some of the first one, own the second one, have not finished either.

Skyrim was fun, though :-3

And hey, if it make you feel any better, I'm not the only one who says any of this about Witcher 3, you know.

I am not the biggest fan of either of the first two games. Too much jank. Witcher 3 on the other hand, though.

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#171 DarkLink77
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@charizard1605 said:
@DarkLink77 said:
@charizard1605 said:
@DarkLink77 said:

Good to see that @charizard1605's talent for hyperbole has survived intact.

It's true, breh. I justified this pretty well in the OP.

I highly recommend you give this game time (assuming you have not played it already, that is)

Yeah, but you think Skyrim is good, so I treat your opinions on open world games the way I treat texasgoldrush's opinion on anything... with an enormous fucking mountain of salt.

And no, I haven't. Played some of the first one, own the second one, have not finished either.

Skyrim was fun, though :-3

And hey, if it make you feel any better, I'm not the only one who says any of this about Witcher 3, you know.

I am not the biggest fan of either of the first two games. Too much jank. Witcher 3 on the other hand, though.

Witcher 2 seems more like my kinda game, tbh. More story less stuff for the sake of stuff, which is what Bethesda games are, and the vibe I get from The Witcher 3.

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#172 mems_1224
Member since 2004 • 56919 Posts

@DarkLink77 said:
@charizard1605 said:
@DarkLink77 said:

Good to see that @charizard1605's talent for hyperbole has survived intact.

It's true, breh. I justified this pretty well in the OP.

I highly recommend you give this game time (assuming you have not played it already, that is)

Yeah, but you think Skyrim is good, so I treat your opinions on open world games the way I treat texasgoldrush's opinion on anything... with an enormous fucking mountain of salt.

And no, I haven't. Played some of the first one, own the second one, have not finished either.

Its better than the first two games. The first game is a sin against gaming, the 2nd one was super boring but 3 is actually pretty good despite an open world thats too big for its own good.

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#173 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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@DarkLink77 said:
@charizard1605 said:
@DarkLink77 said:
@charizard1605 said:
@DarkLink77 said:

Good to see that @charizard1605's talent for hyperbole has survived intact.

It's true, breh. I justified this pretty well in the OP.

I highly recommend you give this game time (assuming you have not played it already, that is)

Yeah, but you think Skyrim is good, so I treat your opinions on open world games the way I treat texasgoldrush's opinion on anything... with an enormous fucking mountain of salt.

And no, I haven't. Played some of the first one, own the second one, have not finished either.

Skyrim was fun, though :-3

And hey, if it make you feel any better, I'm not the only one who says any of this about Witcher 3, you know.

I am not the biggest fan of either of the first two games. Too much jank. Witcher 3 on the other hand, though.

Witcher 2 seems more like my kinda game, tbh. More story less stuff for the sake of stuff, which is what Bethesda games are, and the vibe I get from The Witcher 3.

Nah, that's the amazing thing about Witcher 3, in spite of being an open world game, it has a full focus on its storytelling and with some incredible writing. Let me put it to you this way, the point of The Witcher 3 is not the open world, like it is for, say, the Bethesda games. Instead, the open world here serves to reinforce and emphasize the game's storytelling ambition, give it some sort of larger framing context. The Witcher 3 is how open world games should try to be.

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#174  Edited By texasgoldrush
Member since 2003 • 15267 Posts

@DarkLink77 said:
@charizard1605 said:
@DarkLink77 said:

Good to see that @charizard1605's talent for hyperbole has survived intact.

It's true, breh. I justified this pretty well in the OP.

I highly recommend you give this game time (assuming you have not played it already, that is)

Yeah, but you think Skyrim is good, so I treat your opinions on open world games the way I treat texasgoldrush's opinion on anything... with an enormous fucking mountain of salt.

And no, I haven't. Played some of the first one, own the second one, have not finished either.

and its the same way I treat your opinions....

Bioshit Infinite is deep......what a laugh.

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#175 DarkLink77
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@charizard1605 said:
@DarkLink77 said:
@charizard1605 said:
@DarkLink77 said:
@charizard1605 said:

It's true, breh. I justified this pretty well in the OP.

I highly recommend you give this game time (assuming you have not played it already, that is)

Yeah, but you think Skyrim is good, so I treat your opinions on open world games the way I treat texasgoldrush's opinion on anything... with an enormous fucking mountain of salt.

And no, I haven't. Played some of the first one, own the second one, have not finished either.

Skyrim was fun, though :-3

And hey, if it make you feel any better, I'm not the only one who says any of this about Witcher 3, you know.

I am not the biggest fan of either of the first two games. Too much jank. Witcher 3 on the other hand, though.

Witcher 2 seems more like my kinda game, tbh. More story less stuff for the sake of stuff, which is what Bethesda games are, and the vibe I get from The Witcher 3.

Nah, that's the amazing thing about Witcher 3, in spite of being an open world game, it has a full focus on its storytelling and with some incredible writing. Let me put it to you this way, the point of The Witcher 3 is not the open world, like it is for, say, the Bethesda games. Instead, the open world here serves to reinforce and emphasize the game's storytelling ambition, give it some sort of larger framing context. The Witcher 3 is how open world games should try to be.

See, you say that, but I've seen this level of hyperbole before. I'll ask you again in six months and see what kind of answer I get.

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#176 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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@DarkLink77 said:
@charizard1605 said:
@DarkLink77 said:
@charizard1605 said:
@DarkLink77 said:

Yeah, but you think Skyrim is good, so I treat your opinions on open world games the way I treat texasgoldrush's opinion on anything... with an enormous fucking mountain of salt.

And no, I haven't. Played some of the first one, own the second one, have not finished either.

Skyrim was fun, though :-3

And hey, if it make you feel any better, I'm not the only one who says any of this about Witcher 3, you know.

I am not the biggest fan of either of the first two games. Too much jank. Witcher 3 on the other hand, though.

Witcher 2 seems more like my kinda game, tbh. More story less stuff for the sake of stuff, which is what Bethesda games are, and the vibe I get from The Witcher 3.

Nah, that's the amazing thing about Witcher 3, in spite of being an open world game, it has a full focus on its storytelling and with some incredible writing. Let me put it to you this way, the point of The Witcher 3 is not the open world, like it is for, say, the Bethesda games. Instead, the open world here serves to reinforce and emphasize the game's storytelling ambition, give it some sort of larger framing context. The Witcher 3 is how open world games should try to be.

See, you say that, but I've seen this level of hyperbole before. I'll ask you again in six months and see what kind of answer I get.

It has been six months, my friend

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#177 DarkLink77
Member since 2004 • 32731 Posts

@texasgoldrush said:
@DarkLink77 said:
@charizard1605 said:
@DarkLink77 said:

Good to see that @charizard1605's talent for hyperbole has survived intact.

It's true, breh. I justified this pretty well in the OP.

I highly recommend you give this game time (assuming you have not played it already, that is)

Yeah, but you think Skyrim is good, so I treat your opinions on open world games the way I treat texasgoldrush's opinion on anything... with an enormous fucking mountain of salt.

And no, I haven't. Played some of the first one, own the second one, have not finished either.

and its the same way I treat your opinions....

Bioshit Infinite is deep......what a laugh.

I don't think I ever called that game deep. Just really good with some neat concepts.

In fact, I don't think I've ever called a video game deep, with the exception of talking about depth in terms of mechanics.

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#178 mems_1224
Member since 2004 • 56919 Posts

@DarkLink77: he thinks life is strange has incredible voice acting and writing, ignore him

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#179 Frank_Castle
Member since 2015 • 1982 Posts

Totally false

Morrowind fucking slaughters all

Even hardcore Bethesda haters thoroughly acknowledge its greatness.

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#180 speedfreak48t5p
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Are you sure? Fallout New Vegas is pretty incredible and tough to beat.

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#181 jun_aka_pekto
Member since 2010 • 25255 Posts

It would have been nice if TW3 had free-explore after finishing the SP campaign.

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#182 mems_1224
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@jun_aka_pekto: you can explore after the main story....

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#183  Edited By deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
Member since 2006 • 82724 Posts

@jun_aka_pekto said:

It would have been nice if TW3 had free-explore after finishing the SP campaign.

It does? It just throws you back right before the final boss, but you keep all your EXP and items gained in the last boss fight regardless.

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#184  Edited By ocinom
Member since 2008 • 1398 Posts

Its a great game no doubt, but the title of GOAT? Maybe greatest this year. Some will argue that GTA V, Skyrim, RDR, Fallout 3, is the best open world.

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#185 R4gn4r0k
Member since 2004 • 49184 Posts

It has the greatest open world sure.

It's huge, it has tones of variety, unique sights, landmarks. It has country side, snowy mountains, castles, haunted forests and villages, swamps filled with monsters, ...

Even some of the best open world games don't have this much variety. It's amazing how huge it is, but still I never felt lost and every part I visited had it's own charm.

The enemies also always fit with the location, which is brilliant.

But that does not say this is the best open world game out there. It just has the best open world ^_^

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#186 FrozenLiquid
Member since 2007 • 13555 Posts

Not one fucking person

Seriously is there a place on the internet where hardcore gamers don't disappoint? smh

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#187 Jag85
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I'd say the greatest open-world game of all time is still Shenmue. Not only was it an open-world pioneer that was light-years ahead of its time, but it remains unique to this day. While most open-world games follow the Rockstar/Bethesda school of open-world design, Shenmue's approach to open-world design is radically different and refreshing.

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#188 deactivated-66e3137ab3ad5
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@FrozenLiquid:Seriously? I love that game, but that open world was fucking empty.

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#189 FrozenLiquid
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@khoofia_pika said:

@FrozenLiquid:Seriously? I love that game, but that open world was fucking empty.

Counter-points would include:

  • That's the entire point of SotC being open world. You spend a long time wondering why the entire place is barren, then at some point in your journey it finally hits you. No other open world game has turned its geography into a thematic issue. It's brilliant, and I'll contend it's one of the only open world games where people enjoy playing the game just to traverse the open world. Many open world games end up becoming chores. Which leads me to:
  • Being empty isn't a sin. Ubisoft fill their open worlds with so much stuff to do, it makes their open world stuff even worse.

So yeah.

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#190 FrozenLiquid
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@Jag85 said:

I'd say the greatest open-world game of all time is still Shenmue. Not only was it an open-world pioneer that was light-years ahead of its time, but it remains unique to this day. While most open-world games follow the Rockstar/Bethesda school of open-world design, Shenmue's approach to open-world design is radically different and refreshing.

The detail this game has per square metre/yard is still second to none in the genre. The only ones that came close were those walking simulators like Gone Home, which are tiny in comparison.

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#191 Xeno_ghost
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@GhostHawk196: "Romance options are actually good. Bioware needs to take a page from CDPR, make female characters hot and stop forcing the gay romance crap down our throats. I haven’t played Fallout 4 but I heard from all my friends that are playing it there are gay romance and you can even get with a robot. WTF?!?"

Yes total freedom for all your desires baby YEAH!!!

"This is one of the most important points, they were criticized for not having enough Triss content, instead of making a DLC and making you pay for it (I’m looking right at Bioware), they just put it in a patch. HAS ANY OTHER DEVELOPER BEEN THIS GOOD? I DIDN’T THINK SO…"

Thats nice it really is but still, Bethesda make better open worlds.

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#192 MegaChurchPastr
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The Witcher 3 is a fantastic open world game, yet I think other games do "open world" better, namely the Elder Scrolls and GTA series.

Good call on Shenmue above...that junk felt like real world and real life...having to grind on the forklift, lol

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#193 deactivated-66e3137ab3ad5
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@FrozenLiquid said:
@khoofia_pika said:

@FrozenLiquid:Seriously? I love that game, but that open world was fucking empty.

Counter-points would include:

  • That's the entire point of SotC being open world. You spend a long time wondering why the entire place is barren, then at some point in your journey it finally hits you. No other open world game has turned its geography into a thematic issue. It's brilliant, and I'll contend it's one of the only open world games where people enjoy playing the game just to traverse the open world. Many open world games end up becoming chores. Which leads me to:
  • Being empty isn't a sin. Ubisoft fill their open worlds with so much stuff to do, it makes their open world stuff even worse.

So yeah.

I understand perfectly well what the point of the open world in SotC was, and I love the game for what it attempted to do and how well it pulled it off. I believe the setting of the game worked perfectly well. But we're talking about the best open world here, not the best game to have an open world. Purely as an open world, would you say the world of SotC is better than, say, Skyrim, or GTA 4, or Witcher 3? I wouldn't. I rate an open world based on how alive it feels (SotC does this very well, no doubt), how much it immerses me (again, it does it very well), how much content there is (SotC, through no fault of its own, really, doesn't do this at all), how meaningful that content is (again, same point), and, well, basically just how much fun it is to just aimlessly mess around in that open world. No matter how wonderful SotC was, you cannot mess around in its world and just have fun doing nothing. That's what makes an open world game a good open world game, IMO, and SotC shouldn't be in this discussion based on those points.

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#194 with_teeth26
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@speedfreak48t5p said:

Are you sure? Fallout New Vegas is pretty incredible and tough to beat.

as a raging New Vegas fanboy, I enjoyed Witcher 3 more. I dont think its as good of an RPG (in terms of pure RPG mechanics) but overall its a better made game.

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#195 jg4xchamp
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@khoofia_pika said:
@FrozenLiquid said:
@khoofia_pika said:

@FrozenLiquid:Seriously? I love that game, but that open world was fucking empty.

Counter-points would include:

  • That's the entire point of SotC being open world. You spend a long time wondering why the entire place is barren, then at some point in your journey it finally hits you. No other open world game has turned its geography into a thematic issue. It's brilliant, and I'll contend it's one of the only open world games where people enjoy playing the game just to traverse the open world. Many open world games end up becoming chores. Which leads me to:
  • Being empty isn't a sin. Ubisoft fill their open worlds with so much stuff to do, it makes their open world stuff even worse.

So yeah.

I understand perfectly well what the point of the open world in SotC was, and I love the game for what it attempted to do and how well it pulled it off. I believe the setting of the game worked perfectly well. But we're talking about the best open world here, not the best game to have an open world.

Nah, thread basically asked greatest open world game. Shadow of the Colossus is in a way an open world game, although with the loose as definition he's going with Zelda technically fits, and Mario 64. And well yeah if Chaz is asking best game in the genre, well No. Brother is high.

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#196 BlbecekBobecek
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Agreed. Witcher 3 is head and shoulders above its competitors.

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#197 faheem_s_i
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Witcher 3 is something special. For me it's a definite top 5 of all time and easily best game of this gen.

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#198  Edited By deactivated-5a44ec138c1e6
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@MirkoS77 said:

@ultimateimp: sorry to disappoint, but that's not going to happen as it's not the truth. But given your other falsities and your talent for embracing them to try to pass off as fact, accepting and propagating lies isn't a burden too much for you to bear I imagine. Just think of my refusal to concede the truth as one more lie added to your pile. You'll manage.

No need to be creative in my writing when you write your ignorance and extreme bias all over the wall for all to see. You do my work for me; all that's required is a basic C & P with two pictures in mockery to expose you an idiot. You still say , "PR shots", (worse being you think that this disproves anything), and have failed to articulate how those pics don't counter your statements that bandits hold no variety and trees are copy and pasted when those two shots entirely disprove you.

We're not arguing about resolution or bullshots, Einstein, we're discussing content. Bandits have variety, and trees are not C & P. Nor is what you say about the animations accurate either, but if you're too stupid and stubborn to not concede to pictures that have been shown explicitly to your face, well, let's just say I'm glad I didn't further waste my time as you're not interested in facts, but of going on your little hate-filled crusade.

Buuuuuut anyway....this is the extent to which I can be bothered. I stand in favor that this exchange has run its due course considering your incapability to back up what you say without instead resorting to insults and evasion, and I'm content with parting in mutual contempt.

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#199  Edited By deactivated-5a44ec138c1e6
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@DarkLink77 said:
@texasgoldrush said:
@DarkLink77 said:
@charizard1605 said:

It's true, breh. I justified this pretty well in the OP.

I highly recommend you give this game time (assuming you have not played it already, that is)

Yeah, but you think Skyrim is good, so I treat your opinions on open world games the way I treat texasgoldrush's opinion on anything... with an enormous fucking mountain of salt.

And no, I haven't. Played some of the first one, own the second one, have not finished either.

and its the same way I treat your opinions....

Bioshit Infinite is deep......what a laugh.

I don't think I ever called that game deep. Just really good with some neat concepts.

In fact, I don't think I've ever called a video game deep, with the exception of talking about depth in terms of mechanics.


It seems like games aren't good enough to deserve to be played by you. You're too superior.

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#200 deactivated-5d68555a05c4b
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Does Super Metroid / Metroid Prime count as open world? If so those are my favorites, still have some of the most carefully crafted worlds around, and encourage exploration like nothing else