Talk about misinformation. There are two separate areas, and huge ones at that: the mainland which encompasses Velen and Novigrad, and the isles of Skelliege which you can freely sail between. But from what else you wrote and edited in, something tells me you already know this and facts aren't your highest priority.
You didn't even mention White Orchard, the beginning area, which leads me to believe you're either an idiot who talks about a game he hasn't played, or worse you're an idiotic blind CDPR fanboy who didn't play the game, but is trying to aggressively defend the game because he's a blind CDPR worshipper. Since I'm the kindest, friendlist and most generous person in this world, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it's the former.
What, a tutorial area that you never need to go back to after you've left it? I'd hardly qualify that as part of the main game-world, as give me one single reason to go back to that area once completed in the early hours of play. But OK, you apparently being such a sweetheart, let my generous side come through in turn and grant you that third. I'm not sure what math you've taken, but that doesn't equate to 4-5. But something tells me you're going to cite, what.......Kaer Morhen and the Royal Palace? The funny thing is, you're obviously dumb enough to argue that areas such as these being separated by loading screens is enough to claim the rest of the game isn't open world. If you weren't going to mention these, then what makes 5? By your brilliant logic, Skyrim's not an open world either as many things (such as doors) necessitates loading screens.
What a crock of shit.
But let us get onto some of your other complaints (lest we remain misinformed) to see how true they really are: "The areas seem to be populated by the same copy pasted tree", and "bandits have all the same design".

Right, I rest my case. I'm not an idiotic blind fanboy, I'm just a person with little tolerance for people who spew flat-out bullshit.
I was wrong, it was neither. Not only are you a blind worshipper of CDPR, you're an idiot who has the intelligence that rivals that of a chimpanzee with down syndrome. Not only did you prove my points, by naming the maps individually, you also used PR shots to prove I was "wrong" without realizing that they prove my points.
Well, this "chimp" was smart enough to be able to see your laughably transparent and predictable responses oncoming a mile away and preempt them before they were even made. Not bad for a chimp with Down's Syndrome if I do say so myself, although I find this more of a testament to your stupidity than of a retarded chimp's intellectual capacity. Only someone like you would be patting themselves on the back in proclaiming victory because (by their estimation) a chimp was able to predict their oncoming points before they were even made.
So......congratulations, I guess?
It does not surprise me the point of those pics flew right over your head, that being: a variety in bandit models, and no C & P trees. Both of which run contrary to and disprove your points. I'd tackle all your other falsehoods such as the animations but can't be bothered for the effort vs. payoff which would fall on deaf ears anyway. I'm playing the game right now, so I and everyone in here who has that holds any semblance of objectivity knows what you vomit up in your attempt to pass off as fact is sewage. So sorry, your bullshit remains what it is: nothing but explicitly inaccurate bullshit. But already know this, don't you?
Are you uninspired's alt, by any chance?
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