Ummm... i prefer Dragon Age series (yep even Dragon Age 2 over The Witcher 2 lol).Can't wait for Dragon Age 3.
What about you SW?
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Same. Still like DA2 quite a lotUmmm... i prefer Dragon Age series (yep even Dragon Age 2 over The Witcher 2 lol).Can't wait for Dragon Age 3.
What about you SW?
But inb4 the elitist jerks who proclaim DA2 a horrible game not worth touching because it didn't meet their expectations.
Are you serious? :| The Witcher.
I liked Dragon Age Origins alot but DA II was a step back in many aspects. I'm not looking forward to DA III especially since Bioware keeps on stripping RPG elements out of their games by the release.
Difficult to decide between DA : Origins and the Witcher, both are very good games although I think DA:O was better, The Witcher had a lot of bugs when it first released..
Dragon Age 2 is cheaply thrown together shadow of the former game and really shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence as DA:O let alone The Witcher 2.
the witcher is so much better it's not even funny.BrunoBRSThis, I can't believe even 1 person dared to say otherwise let alone several ones already into the first page of this thread!!!! DA:O is a FRIGGING disgrace and a massive disservice to the RPG genre in general. Pathetic, watered-down in every respect, what a stepdown from Neverwinter Nights 1 or 2...Why not stick to that? It's a Call of Duty of RPG games...Utter garbage. Only The Witcher keeps it real, although I had a couple of gripes regarding TW2...
Same. Still like DA2 quite a lot[QUOTE="indzman"]
Ummm... i prefer Dragon Age series (yep even Dragon Age 2 over The Witcher 2 lol).Can't wait for Dragon Age 3.
What about you SW?
But inb4 the elitist jerks who proclaim DA2 a horrible game not worth touching because it didn't meet their expectations.
Lol, yeah because anyone who disagrees with you must be an elitist jerk. Tlak about irony.
I loved DA1, one of my favorite games of the gen. Witcher 1 was ok, but I barley got through it. Didn't really enjoy the world as much as the one crafted by Bioware.Â
The witcher 2 was a great improvement over the first witcher. A mroe interesting world to explore, improved combat, more interesting characters. Dragon age 2 on the other hand was a DOWNGRADE on just about every aspect of DA1, except with some fo the character dialogue which was pretty good.Â
So I would still give the ende to Draogn age, and I'm hoping to heaven and hell that Bioware won't screw it up for  second time. As for the Witcher 3? I can take it or leave it.
[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]the witcher is so much better it's not even funny.Salt_The_FriesThis, I can't believe even 1 person dared to say otherwise let alone several ones already into the first page of this thread!!!! DA:O is a FRIGGING disgrace and a massive disservice to the RPG genre in general. Pathetic, watered-down in every respect, what a stepdown from Neverwinter Nights 1 or 2...Why not stick to that? It's a Call of Duty of RPG games...Utter garbage. Only The Witcher keeps it real, although I had a couple of gripes regarding TW2...
What the hell are you talking about? I was a big Neverwinter fanboy, and there's no way in hell that DA:O doesn't craft a hell fo a better campaign, characters, and atmosphere. It's probably not as well crafted as BG2, but I think it matched BG1 as an entry into the series - hell I think I liked DA:O more than I liked the original BG.
Now, yes, when ii came to DA2, when I was essentially expecting BG2, and instead got BG:dark alliance, only not as good, I was shocked. But that was DA2, not DA:O.
Hard one. DA:O is miles better than Witcher1 but Witcher 2 is better than DA2.
Story on DA:O and Witcher 1 are great though, and both have an interesting world.
The story on both sequels weren't close to the original ones but Witcher 2 beats DA2 on that.
Combat wise, I find more enjoyable the one of DA2.
Graphics, Witcher 2 wins easily.
Characters, sorry, DA:O wins. Alistair, Morrigan, Zevran and Shale are superb. Sadly Witcher 2 ruined Trish by having her as the damsel in distress. And where was Shani in Witcher 2? I made Geralt romance her in Witcher1 and suddenly she disappears in Witcher2. Not even her romance is mentioned.
Overall, Dragon Age Origins is the best of the four. Witcher 2 comes next, then Witcher 1 (the beginning was a pain) and then Dragon Age 2.
DA2 I think was a result of internal pressure from EA and trying to cater to console gamers way too much.
EA wanted Dragon Age to be a yearly series. Why you'd want to turn a deep, character and story based RPG into a yealry series? I don't know. The only rational conclusion I cna come up with is that whoever was in charge was an irrideemable idiot. You CAN'T craft an intricate, extensive RPG in one year. It's not possible, not without making incredible sacrifices which will, in the end, defeat the purpose, because what you'll end up with will be anythign but intricate, extensive, or of high quality.
The consolites also bit*hed and moaned about the combat. they wanted somethign closer to ::shudder:: god of war. An action, button mashing piece of cr@p because controlling multiple characters in tactical combat was too much for their gamepads and their little brains, I guess.
Now, yes I'm exageration for emphasis. Not all console gamers were askign for this, but there was a very loud minority fo them doing so in the Bioware forums.  And Bioware decided to actually listen to these meatheads. And so we got shallower combat where positioning and moving aorudn the battle field ina deliberate way mattered less, where enemies fell from the sky, where enemies exploded into giant blobs of blood and body parts a la Unreal tournament's insta gibb, and where when you "pushed a button somehting awesome happens - BUTTON - AWESOME"!!!!!!!! :roll:
The end result was a plot that meandered about with little purpose or drive, was rather forgettable, and which came apart in the end and completley robbed you of choice and took away all menaing from your prior decisions. A world that was one sided, monotone, boring, repetative, and offered zero in the way of interesting exploration or locales. Not to mention the decision to saddle you with a named character, instead of one of your own creation like in DA:O. And let's not forget the broing, shallow, by tthe numbers combat that isntead of becoming more tacticla and challenging as the game went on, became absolute drudgery.
About the only decent thign about DA2 where some fo the character interactions. The inter-character storytelling was top notch, and it's the only reason I finished that crappy game - because everythign else, EVERYTHING ELSE was a monumental disaster.
witcher 1 was decent and witcher 2 was awesome, dragon age 1 was awesome and dragon age 2 was horrible. I'd bet anything that witcher 3 will be better than dragon age 3, cd project still seem to enjoy what they do while bioware is under EA's whip now producing mediocre games that sell on brand alone.
[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]the witcher is so much better it's not even funny.Salt_The_FriesThis, I can't believe even 1 person dared to say otherwise let alone several ones already into the first page of this thread!!!! DA:O is a FRIGGING disgrace and a massive disservice to the RPG genre in general. Pathetic, watered-down in every respect, what a stepdown from Neverwinter Nights 1 or 2...Why not stick to that? It's a Call of Duty of RPG games...Utter garbage. Only The Witcher keeps it real, although I had a couple of gripes regarding TW2...
lol not every rpg has to use D&D system or have a thousand options to be good, dragon age origins was an amazing rpg while still conserving some tactical options.
Dragon Age has never interested me, but The Witcher series is awesome! Can't wait for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt!Â
Bioware and EA are to blame for its development time, it takes two to tango and the developers willingly pushed the product out; they're far from the only developer to ever be complicit like this. But yeah, it was a horrible mess and an amazing 'how not to do it' guide in so many respects, from writing to direction to design and to marketing and pr. Though I honestly wouldn't call it a bad game all in all. It's functional, and it's not horrible. Mediocre? Sure. And you're right about the forums. Bioware single handedly managed to create one of the worst fan-microcosms on the internet, then have it all implode with rabbid fan squabbling bred by the gushing and weirdly fawning nature encouraged in the walled garden. They managed to curate the worst kind of community to listen to, and low and behold DA's writer has now complained about the state of it. Whelp, you reap what you so, congrats for encouraging any sort of critic driven away whilst blocking your ears to any sort of criticism. All they managed to do is make the reactionary vitriol aimed at them worse, and now what was once a beloved company a few years ago, is now vilified by many of the same people who held them high. It's just insane how that turnaround has happened, it still amazes me. As a studio case-study it's at least an interesting thing.Kinthalis
I prefer DA:O over the first Witcher game; even if it so damn uninspired at times it sucked more hours then most RPGs do out of me. Even if Bioware can't craft half a believable world like the one in TW1. However I prefer The Witcher 2 over the entire Dragon Age series, though the second Dragon Age game really is a helluva handicap. TW2 is just an absolutely phenomenal game for most of the part, even despite it's faults, and I can't say the same about any of the other games in either series. [QUOTE="Kinthalis"]Bioware and EA are to blame for its development time, it takes two to tango and the developers willingly pushed the product out; they're far from the only developer to ever be complicit like this. But yeah, it was a horrible mess and an amazing 'how not to do it' guide in so many respects, from writing to direction to design and to marketing and pr. Though I honestly wouldn't call it a bad game all in all. It's functional, and it's not horrible. Mediocre? Sure. And you're right about the forums. Bioware single handedly managed to create one of the worst fan-microcosms on the internet, then have it all implode with rabbid fan squabbling bred by the gushing and weirdly fawning nature encouraged in the walled garden. They managed to curate the worst kind of community to listen to, and low and behold DA's writer has now complained about the state of it. Whelp, you reap what you so, congrats for encouraging any sort of critic driven away whilst blocking your ears to any sort of criticism. All they managed to do is make the reactionary vitriol aimed at them worse, and now what was once a beloved company a few years ago, is now vilified by many of the same people who held them high. It's just insane how that turnaround has happened, it still amazes me. As a studio case-study it's at least an interesting thing.skrat_01
Are you taking ancient literature lessons, by any chance?
[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]the witcher is so much better it's not even funny.Salt_The_FriesThis, I can't believe even 1 person dared to say otherwise let alone several ones already into the first page of this thread!!!! DA:O is a FRIGGING disgrace and a massive disservice to the RPG genre in general. Pathetic, watered-down in every respect, what a stepdown from Neverwinter Nights 1 or 2...Why not stick to that? It's a Call of Duty of RPG games...Utter garbage. Only The Witcher keeps it real, although I had a couple of gripes regarding TW2...
Dude, what? NWN might be more complex, but I think you're exaggerating a bit. DA:O had a great amount of depth IMO. It's something most western RPGs should be influenced by.
I have a huge problem with The Witcher, you can't create your own character. That is a capital flaw in a RPG for me.Â
Both Dragon Age are not superb games, but are very good. If I have to pick just one game, I'd say DA2. Even with all its flaws, it has the best characters of all those games.Â
I have a huge problem with The Witcher, you can't create your own character. That is a capital flaw in a RPG for me.Â
Both Dragon Age are not superb games, but are very good. If I have to pick just one game, I'd say DA2. Even with all its flaws, it has the best characters of all those games.Âpadaporra
an interesting main character > faceless speechless guy. Don't see the appeal of making your own face in a toon. I personally like how mass effect handled character creation, you can create your own character BUT he has dialogue and personality. Sometimes  i think they use the character creation as an excuse for not giving a personality to your character.
Never played Witcher 2 but I liked DA2 alot. Even more than DA:O. But then again, I played them on a console so...
I have a huge problem with The Witcher, you can't create your own character. That is a capital flaw in a RPG for me.Â
Both Dragon Age are not superb games, but are very good. If I have to pick just one game, I'd say DA2. Even with all its flaws, it has the best characters of all those games.ÂKrelian-co
an interesting main character > faceless speechless guy. Don't see the appeal of making your own face in a toon. I personally like how mass effect handled character creation, you can create your own character BUT he has dialogue and personality. Sometimes  i think they use the character creation as an excuse for not giving a personality to your character.
I'd argue Commander Shepard has zero personality. Seriously he/she is a brick. What counts is how they're executed; the voice acting and animations go a long, long way. Which is interesting you say that - character creation systems were conceived to give character and parameters for players - in a Pen and Paper game sense. The problem is most videogames do a pretty bad job at writing around that kind of open-endedness. Planescape Torment is an example of how well it can be done. Vampire the Masquerade is probably one of the best 'in between' personality, character and player freedom I've seen (which is a bit of an evolution of Arcanum's - also damn good).Dragon Age 2 is one of the worst video games I have ever played in my entire life, so The Witcher series wins by default.Â
[QUOTE="lx_theo"] Same. Still like DA2 quite a lot
But inb4 the elitist jerks who proclaim DA2 a horrible game not worth touching because it didn't meet their expectations.
Lol, yeah because anyone who disagrees with you must be an elitist jerk. Tlak about irony.
I loved DA1, one of my favorite games of the gen. Witcher 1 was ok, but I barley got through it. Didn't really enjoy the world as much as the one crafted by Bioware.Â
The witcher 2 was a great improvement over the first witcher. A mroe interesting world to explore, improved combat, more interesting characters. Dragon age 2 on the other hand was a DOWNGRADE on just about every aspect of DA1, except with some fo the character dialogue which was pretty good.Â
So I would still give the ende to Draogn age, and I'm hoping to heaven and hell that Bioware won't screw it up for  second time. As for the Witcher 3? I can take it or leave it.
People who say the game is "horrible" or anything like that are idiots. Plain and simple. Was it a disappointment in comparison to its predecessor? To many, yes. Was it a bad game? Not even close.Â
Dragon Age 2 is one of the worst video games I have ever played in my entire life, so The Witcher series wins by default.Â
Case and point coming from the resident village idiot.
People who say the game is "horrible" or anything like that are idiots. Plain and simple. Was it a disappointment in comparison to its predecessor? To many, yes. Was it a bad game? Not even close.
Dragon Age 2 is one of the worst video games I have ever played in my entire life, so The Witcher series wins by default.Â
Case and point coming from the resident village idiot.
Why so mad?I didn't like the game. Get over it.Â
People who say the game is "horrible" or anything like that are idiots. Plain and simple. Was it a disappointment in comparison to its predecessor? To many, yes. Was it a bad game? Not even close.
Dragon Age 2 is one of the worst video games I have ever played in my entire life, so The Witcher series wins by default.Â
Case and point coming from the resident village idiot.
Why so mad?I didn't like the game. Get over it.Â
And I'm saying that not liking the game and saying it was horrible because it didn't live up to expectations are idiotic. Largely because there is absolutely no logic that follows it being in the same level of quality of actually horrible games. Those are plentiful and its clear as day DA2 is a much better game.You happen to be a great example of doing stupid things like this. Get over it.
Why so mad?[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]
Case and point coming from the resident village idiot.
I didn't like the game. Get over it.Â
And I'm saying that not liking the game and saying it was horrible because it didn't live up to expectations are idiotic. Largely because there is absolutely no logic that follows it being in the same level of quality of actually horrible games. Those are plentiful and its clear as day DA2 is a much better game.You happen to be a great example of doing stupid things like this. Get over it.
I had zero expectations and I still thought it was a bad game. Recycled environments, bad writing (unfortunate, as the frame narrative was a nice idea), combat mechanics got worse, characters were completely re-written for no good reason, dungeon design was outright bad, etc. There's also the fact that the PC version barely runs properly. So yeah, I'd classify that as a bad game. And unfortunately for you, the fact that you disagree doesn't make me wrong or "idiotic." It also doesn't make you wrong. I do love your incessant need to jump down my throat over my opinions, though. It's endearing.And I'm saying that not liking the game and saying it was horrible because it didn't live up to expectations are idiotic. Largely because there is absolutely no logic that follows it being in the same level of quality of actually horrible games. Those are plentiful and its clear as day DA2 is a much better game.You happen to be a great example of doing stupid things like this. Get over it.
Expectations are part of a game as much as gameplay is you brainlagging dungbag.
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