Appearances can be deceiving. You have to play it to understand. I know this generation of "gamers" thrive on youtube and let's plays and twitch. I suggest actually playing the game before judging it. It's a crazy concept, I know.
Or you can just watch the gamespot/ign video review and realize what you see is literally 60% of the game which is solve maze puzzle-explore-solve maze puzzle-explore-find something cool-solve maze puzzle-explore then rinse and repeat tell you beat the game /shrug.
At least games like Soma spice shit up unlike the Witness.
From your assessment you clearly don't understand the game and have not played it. So your baseless opinion is null and void.
Yea cause clearly there's more than the typical "maze" puzzle in The Witness...oh wait, clearly you're full of shit as usual cause you literally didn't even try to prove me wrong besides "herp derp you're wrong you're opinion is null and void derp".
No seriously prove me wrong that the game is more than solve maze puzzle-explore a little-solve maze puzzle-explore a little-solve maze puzzle, rinse and repeat tell the game is "done". Seriously prove to me that's there more to this game than those two things cause if ANY OTHER game just had two things going for it, I can tell you that shit wouldn't fly if reviewers gave that game a 9 or 10.
The best games introduce a simple element and then expand on that. Using level variety, weapon variety, item variety, to add additional challenge to the once simple gameplay element. The best of every genre relies on this basic concept. From shooters to platformers to puzzle games. If you're seriously asking the witness to add a shooting section or platforming section to change up the gameplay then I cannot help you further.
What the game does do is change up the puzzle elements, variety, and challenge as you journey deeper into the game. The worst games are often the ones that are jack of all trades, master of none. They do too many things and do none of them well. So I don't think you know what you're asking for because nobody ever wanted the first Halo to "change up" what it did best. Only that it add a variety of enemies and levels to diversify the initial challenge to the gamer.
Then again I'm wasting my precious brain power on you when I should be directing it toward puzzles in The Witness. You've already made up your mind. And the worst thing of all, you're chastising a puzzle game for being only a puzzle game. Think about that for a minute. Maybe thinking isn't your forte.
Did I ask for The Witness to be like Halo? did I ask The Witness to have some sort of shooting mechanic with uber explosions?, or are you just that daft to assume cause I AM ASKING YOU TO PROVE ME WRONG that The Witness has more than a solve a maze puzzle/explore tell you finish the FRAKING GAME, that's not even breaking the pace of the fraking game, are you that easily entertained of seeing just two mechanics throughout a fraking game??? cause that's not justifying it to get a 9 or 10.
Games like Portal (which we all know I'm not a fan of) at least tries to break the pace of the mundane pace of explore/solve puzzle with dialogue from Glados or Wheatley and breaths air into the game, something The Witness lacks (hell even The Talos Princeple did it better than The Witness), unless like I've said time and time again prove me wrong or you're just full of shit.
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