A few console innovations because of the Xbox 360:
- Achievements. Gaming without achievements is no longer the same. PS3 has trophies, same as achievements. And if you play a game for achievements, kill your self
- Wireless controller standard PS3 and Wii have this as well
- Guide button PS3 and Wii have this as well
- Detachable hard drive Been done before
- Free three year warranty Only needed due to so much hardware failure
- RTS, WRPGs and FPS that actually work on a console (incredible) RTS games still don't work well on consoles, WRPGs always worked on consoles along with FPS on the PS2/Xbox
- Best controller ever You are honestly going to say the 360 has a better controller than the PS2/PS3?
- Project Natal.... best non-controller ever This is a stupid gimmick just like Eye Toy
- Xbox Live Arcade PSN and Wii Ware
- Netflix Oh look movies in my video games
- Xbox Live Primetime (ie 1vs100) This isn't innovation, this is again a gimmick
- NXE Not innovation, just stupid
- XNA It is called a PC, PC created indie games
Also if you say "360 did it first" only because it came out first, and see Wii and PS3 didn't have an extremely high fasilure rate did they?
I also can't help but notice your signiture
>LittleBigPlanet: 5.0/10 (bad gameplay)
I admit, LBP is garbage
>Metal Gear Solid 4: 4.5/10 (not enough gameplay, bad AI, ugly gfx)
This is a joke right?Not enought gameplay?Yet you like Mass Effect? There was no problem with the AI, and the graphics were amazing and realistic
>Gears of War 2: 9.5/10 (amazing campaign)
Gears 2 is a fun game, but is overrated, the campaign is decent at best, and the online is only fun when nobody gets host advantage. Horde is the best part
>Killzone 2: 2.5/10 (generic lame enemies, bad art design, very bad gameplay and annoying story, does anyone play it online anymore?)
You say this has an annoying story, yet there is no problem with Halo's? Generic Lame Enimes? Halo has that too, hey at least the Helgast look pretty awesome, very bad gameplay? It isn't amazing, but it is a pretty good game, how does it have bad gameplay? Let me guess because it isn't on your beloved 360? And what is wrong with the art design?
>Fable II: 9.0/10 (great but kind of short),
Fable II is fine is you are a casual, but honestly, you can't die, the game is completely boring after playing for 4 hours, and the gameplay is mediocre at best
>Halo 3: 10/10 (best game ever)
Halo 3 is Halo 2 with better graphics, the game has a horrible campagin, the multiplayer is fun but gets boring after a few months Halo 3 is far from the best game ever
>Mass Effect: 9.5/10 (epic story, epic game, great gameplay and great dialogue, the best WRPG ever)
ME has a boring story, and very little gameplay, Fallout 3 is a much better WRPG
>Uncharted: 5.5/10 (too short)
How the hell is it too short? The game is amazing, one of the best on the PS3, Uncharted 2 looks even better
Infamous: 3.0/10 (bad story, ugly graphics, lame powers.... does the fun ever start?)
Story suck, The graphics are great, and the powers are pretty cool, not bad, not great, an good rental
>Halo Wars: 9.0/10 (makes PC RTS obsolete like how Halo: CE made PC FPS obsolete)
Halo Wars is an ok RTS, not great, not bad
Also if it wasn't for FFXIII going to 360, it would have looked way better, there was a comparison before and after pic proving it
Another note, you cannot call me a fanboy as I own all 3 systems, also you are blinded fanboy who is too poor to buy more than one console making all others bad in your opinion, you should stop playing video games and proceed to kill yourself afterwards, you are just as bad as Sony Defence Force giving Haze a 10/10. Go Fuuck your self
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