Hello friends,
So, the PS4 obviously won this gen effortlessly (console wise, stop attempting to stand up PC gamers!)
But I still got an Xbox One, purely for Halo/Gears/Forza/Fable/Rare, and to play online with friends.
And yet, even for the limited use intended, the Xbox One was the most laughably broken piece of sh!t I have ever owned. To give some context, worse than the WiiU. Yes, it's that serious.
Startup: More than twice as long as either PS4 or WiiU (Yes, I timed it)
Game Launch: Repeatedly gives error "Woops, for some reason [GAMENAME] took too long to start!" and quits to dashboard.
Sign-In: About 90% of the time, it signs me in. The other 10%, it says, "Goodbye, Locopath", and makes me manually sign in. Why? And why for so many years? Who knows.
Cache: Constantly complains that there is not enough "cache space", when I specifically keep 20GBs free on the harddrive. I do the clear cache, I do the hard reset, I do it all, nothing helps.
Support: I contact them, they delay, lie and bullshit, and claim my console can't be having these errors.
Achievements: Sometimes it won't give me achievements I HAVE unlocked, sometimes it gives me achievements I HAVEN'T unlocked. It's a roulette wheel.
Halo Collection: Broken, achievements don't unlock, deleted my save file.
Halo 5 and Gears 4: Mediocre games, but at least they saved properly and gave correct achievements.
Gears 5: Seemed cool, deleted my save file, lol.
Minecraft: Constantly wants an update, but won't update. Stuck at 0.0%. Can't be cancelled, OR completed.
Forza Series: Actually works and unlocks achievements, without deleting my save! Praise Jesus!
In summary: this console and it's first party games are so broken that I genuinely think it should be illegal. It should be as illegal as selling rotten meat or fake medicine. The WiiU was weak crap with an empty games library, but at least it turned on, signed in and let the freaking games boot up. The Xbox One can't even do that. Ugh. Hopefully they fail next gen. Thanks System Wars, for letting me rant :)
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