As we all know the Xbox One gets a lot of ( underserved) hate, but if you stop hopping on the "Xbox One sucks" train because it's cool you'll see a lot of which makes the X1 a good console to have. Even the best this gen, in my opinion of course. We always want to focus on what's bad or went wrong with it, lets focus on what it did right:
Introduced free BC, and constantly updating it with new games ( I understand it's not as good as Wii u's BC, but so much better than Sony's crappy cash grab implementation.)
The best controller compared to the competition once again, especially with the elite controller. But it's priced too high for now.
Making The console a developer kit, and MS has become much more indie friendly. ID@Xbox is a good example.
Having sales, bundles, and deals.
Updating The MS store with free games the first day of the month unlike The PS4 and Having to wait a few days for the store to update.
Constant UI updates, and console updates which allow for external storage, something Sony hasn't done. And updates that's made The UI quicker and easy to navigate. MS continues to show future support with The addition of cortana voice commands and background music.
Closed the gap on multiplat performance, I know everyone wants to act like PS4 is 100x stronger, but it's a marginal difference between the 2, and almost all multiplats look and perform identical.
When it comes to The library the X1 has better games than the competition. All these games are critically acclaimed by users and critics alike and are not on PS4 or Wii U: Dead Rising 3, Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, Ori and the Blind forest, Forza 5, Forza 6, Halo 5, Halo: MCC, Rare Replay, RotTR, Quantum Break, Gears Ultimate Edition, and Killer Instinct, and Superhot. With games like Cuphead, Gears 4, Scalebound, Crackdown 3, Recore, and Sea of Thieves for The future. And games like all the Forzas are exclusive to X1, ( yes Forza Horizon 6 is still exclusive, apex on PC is a completely different, F2P, and most of The content stripped.) Halo 5, Halo: MCC, Rare Replay, and Sunset Overdrive are All exclusive to X1.
I understand the X1 has had it's flaws, but compared to the Wii U and PS4 I think it's the best choice. Let the hate commence, I'm sure it's coming lol.
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