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[QUOTE="Thompsonwhore"]Does it have Metal Gear Solid 4 or Final Fantasy XIII?
Not interested.
Do you ever get tired of sequels, cuz those game look BORING.
no i will never get tired of metal gear solid or final fantsy
Im not using this for an exuse but the ps3 and wii could easily tie that up in one more yeari-lick-monkeysin one more year the 360 will have more AAA,AAs ...
[QUOTE="_KenKittyragi_"][QUOTE="Thompsonwhore"]Does it have Metal Gear Solid 4 or Final Fantasy XIII?
Not interested.
Do you ever get tired of sequels, cuz those game look BORING.
Says the guy with the Halo 3 picture in his sig.
Halo 2 and Halo 3 were horrible sequels.
Why aren't you tired of them?
[QUOTE="Thompsonwhore"][QUOTE="Relys"][QUOTE="Thompsonwhore"]Does it have Metal Gear Solid 4 or Final Fantasy XIII?
Not interested.
Please, stop posting your opinion... Over and over and over and over and over and over...
Make me?
Hardly. See my above post.
sequals that outsold Lair,Heavenly Sword, and Resistance COMBINED.
How is FF XIII Metro-sexual? The main character is a female. Shows how much you know >_>
its a female that we know so far we really dont have detailed info about the game yet now do we? but isn't it funny that the girl they've shown so far looks more like a man then most men by that company?
But thats the way of most japanese games the men look like women, and the women look like men.
To me they are useless, i havent spent a penny on crap i dont need. You are the one constantly saying im buying stuff that ive never even dreamed off. Whos the ones whos easling? OFfcourse, rumble is an important part of immersion, i sure dont have to pay extra for something i ACTUALLY want unlike Wi-Fi as you like to keep mentioning;) But offcourse, a £20 third-party adapter doesnt break the bank:lol: WuTangG
To plenty of other people, they're not useless. We're not arguing about what you like.
You're the one who's arguing that the 360 gives you options. That's true. And if you want the same functionality as a PS3, you're going to need to pay a lot more for those options. If you're fine with just the essentials, you can buy a PS3 for 400USD. But even that gives you a Blu-ray player as a standard for 50USD more than a 360.
But hey, don't worry, Microsoft will make that 50USD up with Xbox Live fees. They'll make it up every year.
sequals that outsold Lair,Heavenly Sword, and Resistance COMBINED.WilliamRLBaker
Do I seem like I care about any of those games?
[QUOTE="WuTangG"]To me they are useless, i havent spent a penny on crap i dont need. You are the one constantly saying im buying stuff that ive never even dreamed off. Whos the ones whos easling? OFfcourse, rumble is an important part of immersion, i sure dont have to pay extra for something i ACTUALLY want unlike Wi-Fi as you like to keep mentioning;) But offcourse, a £20 third-party adapter doesnt break the bank:lol: Thompsonwhore
To plenty of other people, they're not useless. We're not arguing about what you like.
You're the one who's arguing that the 360 gives you options. That's true. And if you want the same functionality as a PS3, you're going to need to pay a lot more for those options. If you're fine with just the essentials, you can buy a PS3 for 400USD. But even that gives you a Blu-ray player as a standard for 50USD more than a 360.
But hey, don't worry, Microsoft will make that 50USD up with Xbox Live fees. They'll make it up every year.
So basically Wi-Fi and other crap is useless and im not going to buy itSo basically Wi-Fi and other crap is useless and im not going to buy itWuTangG
So is this argument over?
Did I win?
[QUOTE="Thompsonwhore"][QUOTE="WuTangG"]So basically Wi-Fi and other crap is useless and im not going to buy itWuTangG
So is this argument over?
Did I win?
Yeah, because it means i have OPTION:DBut you don't have the option to win this argument.
[QUOTE="WuTangG"][QUOTE="Thompsonwhore"][QUOTE="WuTangG"]So basically Wi-Fi and other crap is useless and im not going to buy itThompsonwhore
So is this argument over?
Did I win?
Yeah, because it means i have OPTION:DBut you don't have the option to win this argument.
Youre right, i have to buy Wi-Fi for $100:cry:Youre right, i have to buy Wi-Fi for $100:cry:WuTangG
And you have to buy P2P multiplayer.
Oh, Microsoft knows how to make money, I'll give them that.
Does it have Metal Gear Solid 4 or Final Fantasy XIII?
Not interested.
And the PS3 does? Seriously, we're not talking about some vague unknown future, we're talking about now. MGS 4 is coming out in the next 5-6 months while FFXIII is probably more than a year and a half away...
[QUOTE="Thompsonwhore"]Does it have Metal Gear Solid 4 or Final Fantasy XIII?
Not interested.
And the PS3 does? Seriously, we're not talking about some vague unknown future, we're talking about now. MGS 4 is coming out in the next 5-6 months while FFXIII is probably more than a year and a half away...
So I should buy a system that has games I don't really care for instead of waiting for the games I actually want?
If you want to talk about the now, there's Assassin's Creed and Call of duty 4 coming out in a couple weeks.
Gamespots opinion is invalide when it comes to rating games between systems... They're totally kissing the 360's ass...Relys
it has 13 AAAs on gamerankings. you = selfowned :lol:
[QUOTE="Relys"]Gamespots opinion is invalide when it comes to rating games between systems... They're totally kissing the 360's ass...AchievementNuts
it has 13 AAAs on gamerankings. you = selfowned :lol:
GS is biased against the 360.This is on fire?
Gears of War = 9.6 = multi-plat
Oblivion = 9.6 = multi-plat
Orange Box = 9.5 = multi-plat
Halo 3 = 9.5 = YAY EXCLUSIVE
Forza 2 = 9.2 = YAY EXCLUSIVE
GRAW = 9.1 = multi-plat
R6 Vegas = 9.1 = multi-plat
Puzzle Quest = 9.0 = multi-plat
Bioshock = 9.0 = multi-plat
Perfect Dark Zero = 9.0 = YAY EXCLUSIVE
Am I supposed to be impressed? Yes, its better than the PS3, but its hardly amazing. And a significant amount of MS' "proven" franchises have failed to produce AAA games so far this gen. Thats not a good sign.
Dead or Alive = 8.8
PGR = 8.5
Splinter Cell: Double Agent = 8.5 = not even exclusive
And lemmings try and put those games in the same league as Tekken, GT, and MGS. Seriously? Perhaps the developers of those games should've delayed their releases and put a little more polish on those games. Because a delayed AAA > rushed AA.
This is on fire?
Gears of War = 9.6 = multi-plat
Oblivion = 9.6 = multi-plat - Best version YAY!
Orange Box = 9.5 = multi-plat
Halo 3 = 9.5 = YAY EXCLUSIVE
Forza 2 = 9.2 = YAY EXCLUSIVE
GRAW = 9.1 = multi-plat - Best version YAY!
R6 Vegas = 9.1 = multi-plat - Best version YAY!
Puzzle Quest = 9.0 = multi-plat - Best Version YAY!
Bioshock = 9.0 = multi-plat - Better graphics on 360 YAY!
Perfect Dark Zero = 9.0 = YAY EXCLUSIVE
Am I supposed to be impressed? Yes, its better than the PS3, but its hardly amazing. And a significant amount of MS' "proven" franchises have failed to produce AAA games so far this gen. Thats not a good sign.
Dead or Alive = 8.8
PGR = 8.5
Splinter Cell: Double Agent = 8.5 = not even exclusive
And lemmings try and put those games in the same league as Tekken, GT, and MGS. Seriously? Perhaps the developers of those games should've delayed their releases and put a little more polish on those games. Because a delayed AAA > rushed AA.
I edited that for you :D
[QUOTE="Franky-the-bat"]I agree with Thompson with Halo being much better than Halo 2.
But I have to admit I wouldn't be so confident with FF13, look at FF 10-2, 11, 12, the last 3 games have been crap.
MGS for the ps is still one of the best games ever made, but I really can't say that about the second what was hugely disappointing, the 3rd MGS is much better but still not in the league of the first.
Anyway you should seriously be looking in buying a 360, I know you might feel loyal with the sony brand, but the 360 is Cleary the better gaming console right now, it has a great libary and still has great looking games coming out soon, why do you guys keep having to wait? that's all I hear from you, enjoy yourselves now.
Unlike the Microsoft Defense Force here, I'm not loyal to a console. I had an Xbox last generation and was a ravid fanboy of it; that was until I reached the age of reason.
I got the PS3 because it had the games I wanted, not because it's a Sony console.
Is this the same "age of reason" that prompted you to buy a console 2 years before you could buy the games you want for it? I wonder when I will reach the "age of reason" when I start buying items so that they can sit on my shelf while I wait for them to become useful to me.
Wow! And 2 more strong AAs just this week!
Compare to the PS3's 3 AAAs (none exclusive), and 28 AAs (mostly 8.0-8.2).
Momma, I want a 360 for Christmas!!!!
On GAMESPOT, the site which rigged a graphical comparison between Madden 07 PS3 and Madeen 07 360 in December 2006, then quietly "fixing" it in early 2007 after being busted by someone from the Neogaf forums.
Wow! And 2 more strong AAs just this week!
Compare to the PS3's 3 AAAs (none exclusive), and 28 AAs (mostly 8.0-8.2).
Momma, I want a 360 for Christmas!!!!
You dont have a 360?
[QUOTE="accameron"]Wow! And 2 more strong AAs just this week!
Compare to the PS3's 3 AAAs (none exclusive), and 28 AAs (mostly 8.0-8.2).
Momma, I want a 360 for Christmas!!!!
the 360 has 2 exclusive AAA's
that's really a years difference? pathetic
Also, the 360's AAA multi-plats are mysteriously superior on the 360 than the PS3. In EVERY CASE.
Haha Thompsonwhore is the prototype example of a modern cow: bitter and resentful. His every post is laced with undertones of anger, a natural side-effect of getting cheated for $600 :D Yo Thompson, your system of choice is a never-will-be, just like you. You may have made a bad choice, but the shoe fits, ya know? Worst news is that crummy Blu-Ray drive can't evenplay pr0no. Have fun with that...trollop_scat
You must really have a depressing life to come to internet forums and try to make personal insults. I can only imagine how dead inside someone like you really is.
But if you really want to turn to insults...
You should just kill yourself now. There's no significant future to your life. It'll be nothing but an empty, meaningless joke of an existance.
I can't promise killing yourself will be painless or enjoyable, but I can promise instant relief. Just a short amount of unpleasentness compared to a lifetime of suffering and hopelessness.
Is this the same "age of reason" that prompted you to buy a console 2 years before you could buy the games you want for it? I wonder when I will reach the "age of reason" when I start buying items so that they can sit on my shelf while I wait for them to become useful to me. JimJackJose
Two years? I've been using the thing since the day I bought it.
Since when do you own have a personal diary of my life and somehow know whether I don't use it?
That's the thing about assumptions. If you assume wrong, you make a total ass of yourself.
[QUOTE="NavigatorsGhost"]This is on fire?
Gears of War = 9.6 = multi-plat
Oblivion = 9.6 = multi-plat - Best version YAY!
Orange Box = 9.5 = multi-plat
Halo 3 = 9.5 = YAY EXCLUSIVE
Forza 2 = 9.2 = YAY EXCLUSIVE
GRAW = 9.1 = multi-plat - Best version YAY!
R6 Vegas = 9.1 = multi-plat - Best version YAY!
Puzzle Quest = 9.0 = multi-plat - Best Version YAY!
Bioshock = 9.0 = multi-plat - Better graphics on 360 YAY!
Perfect Dark Zero = 9.0 = YAY EXCLUSIVE
Am I supposed to be impressed? Yes, its better than the PS3, but its hardly amazing. And a significant amount of MS' "proven" franchises have failed to produce AAA games so far this gen. Thats not a good sign.
Dead or Alive = 8.8
PGR = 8.5
Splinter Cell: Double Agent = 8.5 = not even exclusive
And lemmings try and put those games in the same league as Tekken, GT, and MGS. Seriously? Perhaps the developers of those games should've delayed their releases and put a little more polish on those games. Because a delayed AAA > rushed AA.
I edited that for you :D
lol, so you admit history is repeating itself. The new MS console is the same as the last one. Its got a few good exclusives and better multiplats. Awesome.
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