Yes after what we've seen today we can only conclude one thing, the ps4 isn't nowhere near the value that the xboxone has to offer.
- more promising exclusives (scalebound, quantum break, crackdown 3, forza 6, fifa legends)
- more innovation with pheriperals like hololens and kinect.
- backwards compatiblity for all free games with gold and more.
- better framerates and smoother gameplay than the powerpoint station 4 because of the faster cpu and more cpu resources.
- better controller
- windows 10
A little word of advice, if you use the car to go to your work or go on holiday, be carefull that you don't drive into them... car damages can be expensive.
While I do agree that Microsoft is kicking the living shit out of Sony in terms of what they're offering and what they have going on, you're going to get crucified for what you've just said and you've gone completely over the top.
While I do agree that Microsoft is kicking the living shit out of Sony in terms of what they're offering and what they have going on, you're going to get crucified for what you've just said and you've gone completely over the top.
I held back, besides have you forgotten what they've done to us in the beginning of this gen. Time to give them a taste of their own medicine.
edit: forget the 'us' part, I forgot you have every system known to man and pretty much every game as well.
Also, you take life (and especially this site) too seriously. Not being able to see the comedy of this thread and hoarding everything that has something to do with gaming makes be wonder if everything is still ok up there , in that head of yours.
Isn't GeoW U also pretty good? It doesn't seem to be just an upscale/upres like GoW 3 Rem and with extra games.
They rebuilt it, think Halo 2 Anniversary, that is essentially what they did with Gears of War. God of War III Remastered is simply a resolution and framerate increase with altered bloom.
@commander: I now know you are delusional and can ignore anything you say.
Uncharted 4
Ratchet & Clank
The Last Guardian
Horizon Zero Dawn
Persona 5
Star Ocean
Nier sequel
All exclusives(except SFV which is only console exclusive) releasing in 2016. Sony still has 3 major shows left this year with Tokyo Gaming Show, Paris Games and PlayStation Experience. Microsoft is done for the year while Sony has lots more to show(Dreams, Quantic Dream new IP, GT7, Gravity Rush 2, Sony Bend new IP, Bloodborne expansion God Of War 4 reveal and who knows what else).
PlayStation will always have more games and more exclusives than Xbox.
Windows 10 could steal some customers from Sony due to streaming but I don't see anything that will help M$ beat Sony. Being able to play a superior version of Rocket League on XB1 is huge though.
Lems hiding behind PC will take a while new meaning.
I will definitely be getting an Xbox One later this year. Quantum Break looks phenomenal. Looked so damn good. I am also excited for the Gears remaster.
The best part is, we've just about accounted for the full roster of posters wanting to cheer on the latest "This is the return of the XBone" thread. Man, that Windows 10 streaming.. Gonna save the XBone, right and proper..
There is a lot to love about the Xbox One right now. Phil Spencer is doing a amazing job. He not only had to fix the insane screw ups from Don Mattrick but he has turned the Xbox One into a amazing system.
We literally have this thread after every game show. At this point, and I mean this quite honestly, it seems like MS could show a repeating gif of a dog taking a leaky dump in someones backyard and someone on this board is going to call it the return of the XBone.
Come on. Chill out with the routine for a minute. Wait til MS actually shows you guys the bombs you've been asking for like the Joe Montana exclusive or getting the rights to make Silent Hills. Anything but making this thread over and over again when the world collectively does this after another (decent at best) showing at a convention.
Look. I'll spare my usual XBox hatred and hyperbole for a post. You're not going to "Stomp all over the PS4" with games you've already announced and a console RTS. Not a little over a month after Sony showed off a new Shenmue, The Last Guardian, and an FFVII remake. You're starting to lose the plot here. If MS showed off that they had Silent Hills, then you have people's attention. If they turned that Joe Montana Football rumor into a reality, then I'd see this thread going for pages and pages and pages. Cow butthurt levels would be astounding.
This? This isn't where you want to set that bar. It's honestly not. By the time you (might) actually get a real good show and legit mushroom clouds appear, no one will even care what your spin on it is. Just chill with this nonsense. Let MS have the decent show for once. Quit turning nothing into something. Make them work for it.
One cannot deny that MS worked hard and are currently getting back in the game... They offered a good show at Gamescon, in my opinion better than what they did at E3..
However Sony have yet to announce many projects from their 1st Party teams so it is not like they will have nothing to offer... Lets see what Sony will show in the upcoming gaming related events !!
W Not a little over a month after Sony showed off a new Shenmue, The Last Guardian, and an FFVII remake.
Are we supposed to be impressed that Sony showed off a kickstarter multiplat, a game thats been in development hell and then again, another multiplat?
They also showed Horizon Zero Dawn which IMO looks better than anything Microsoft showed at E3 and today. I don't know what "Dreams" is yet, but Media Molecule has not made a bad game so far.
@commander: I now know you are delusional and can ignore anything you say.
Uncharted 4
Ratchet & Clank
The Last Guardian
Horizon Zero Dawn
Persona 5
Star Ocean
Nier sequel
All exclusives(except SFV which is only console exclusive) releasing in 2016. Sony still has 3 major shows left this year with Tokyo Gaming Show, Paris Games and PlayStation Experience. Microsoft is done for the year while Sony has lots more to show(Dreams, Quantic Dream new IP, GT7, Gravity Rush 2, Sony Bend new IP, Bloodborne expansion God Of War 4 reveal and who knows what else).
PlayStation will always have more games and more exclusives than Xbox.
Except I still prefer the PS4 exclusives to the Xbox One exclusives, and the dualshock 4 sits more comfortably in my girl-hands than the X1 controller, so no, it doesn't offer greater value to me.
That and sales, I guess. Just throwin' it out there.
I do agree that Xbox One has a better list of current and future exclusives. It doesn't change the fact that PS4 still has far more games, more third party support and better hardware.
In your delusional mind maybe, BUT I'm sure the console will become worth purchasing in the future even though one wouldn't care 'bout Forza or Halo. Looking forward on playing Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Geow 4, Scalebound, Rare Replay and ReCore sometime in the future.
All of this praise for MS has everyone forgotten what they wanted to do? if MS had their way we'd have:
No used games...
No one would actually own any of the games they paid FULL price for...
Would be unable to play ANY games at all unless you were connected to the 'net 24hrs a day and checked in with MS first...
A mandatory spy camera in every home watching and listening to everything that happens and then giving away to the federal authorities all of the above information...
Im convinced the world has gone mad, how quickly people forget just how evil MS really are.
This is an opinionated, dumb post cause the PS4 is what, 22 or 23 million sold by now while the X1 is 13 million sold? How in the world is X1 trampling the PS4? Plus, they have great games coming out next year, yeah they don't have jack for this year they still have a hell of a lineup next year. I love the changes the X1 is going through and love the games they are coming out with but be realistic, no way X1 is doing anything but playing catch up in sales to the PS4.
@xhawk27: I don't hate Xbox (although the Tomb Raider still pisses me off). I do strongly prefer PlayStation as brand and Xbox's main exclusives don't appeal to me at all.
While I do agree that Microsoft is kicking the living shit out of Sony in terms of what they're offering and what they have going on, you're going to get crucified for what you've just said and you've gone completely over the top.
I held back, besides have you forgotten what they've done to us in the beginning of this gen. Time to give them a taste of their own medicine.
edit: forget the 'us' part, I forgot you have every system known to man and pretty much every game as well.
Also, you take life (and especially this site) too seriously. Not being able to see the comedy of this thread and hoarding everything that has something to do with gaming makes be wonder if everything is still ok up there , in that head of yours.
Or have you been playing magic?
Guess what Xbone is still losing. Nothing changed, Xbone's gamescom conference was a borefest, almost nothing new.
And lol, a Halo 5 by 343 or any other of those mediocre showings won't change that.
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