@trollhunter2 said:
what makes gears of war, forza and Halo games less stale than Uncharted? You also have new IPs like Dreams, you have the Last Guardian, Ratchet and Clank and Horizon which looks interesting. Not to mention all the exclusive Japanese games ps4 will have. MS has Halo wars2, gears of war, crackdown 3(which plays the same like the other titles in the franchise btw) so I dont know why you dont use the same argument against that
Those games are stale (any long running series is inevitably going to become stale regardless of what changes are being made) at the very least Halo 5 is actually adding new mechanics and modes to the game, increasing the player count by 50% for Warzone, squad based co op just like Republic Commando (which is IMO the best Star Wars along Jedi Academy) huge sandbox levels (which Halo 4 was devoid of) , multiple routes, destructible environments. There's also incentive to replay the game because character interactions and story bits change depending on how you play it. Not going to lie, 343 doesn't exactly scream confidence at this point (although Halo 4 was still a damn good game but not Halo quality we had for so many years) but at the very least it sounds promising ,and Halo 5 is most likely do or die for them if they ever want Halo to be taken seriously again or if it'll fall into the same league as COD or even below like Halo 4 was.
On the other hand Uncharted is adding a grappling hook which looks situational, and a Jeep which according to Bruce Strayley is a set piece, probably use to fool people into thinking it's an open world game. I can kind of respect the fact that 343 is at least making the effort to push Halo forward (weather it excels of crashes and burns, will see) but Naughty Dog seems to put more effort into their presentation than actually making Uncharted...a fun game? Can't speak for Gears 4 since we've barely seen any of it, although the E3 presentation was kind of meh, same with Forza although racing games usually add new cars, tracks and features, there's really nothing else to add to them, I actually enjoyed Forza Horizon 2 better than main Forza since they added a zombie/infection mode which was fun as hell, and the game had amazing presentation, it's kind of silly to compare it to an action game.
Ratchet and Clank, looks fun, I'll probably get it since R/C is one of the few Playstation franchises I still enjoy, it'll probably be a budget title just like Into the Nexus was, but it's still more of the same and nothing to write home about, I have no idea what Dreams is, Media Molecule is pretty hit and miss, Little Big Planet was garbage but Teraway was excellent so will see how that turns out. Last Guardian, if you're into that thing, game looks boring to me but I know people love Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, nice that they finally have a release date but will see if it actually comes out and doesn't get delayed.
Horizon, yeah....I really want to look at this game in a positive light but it's hard to be excited when you see "Guerrilla Games" under it, and their less than stellar track record, n their 10+ years as a developer they've made one really good game, one decent game and a bunch of mediocre one's.
Yeah sorry, nothing here screams "amazing lineup" I understand it's subjective and some people may pop an erection for the PS4's lineup, Good for them
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