I'd say both the PS4 and XB1 are about even right now and in to next year. It'll take all gen to determine which system has the better library.
Fanboys are so stupid.
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I think it's safe to say that Microsoft is fighting to win back the hearts and minds of gamers.. And so far, with Phil at the helm, they are doing a great job.. A stacked holiday line-up of all their heavy hitters, a complete UI refresh, cross-buy/cross-play/cross-chat with Windows 10 PC, backwards compatibility for all future Games with Gold titles, upcoming full DVR support, "teh cloud", and more..
Sony, on the other hand, is still in complete cruise control.. For all intents and purposes, they've already "won" this generation in terms of worldwide sales (It would take a miracle for the Xbox One to touch them at this point) and this is the result.. a "sparce" holiday season with zero flagship Sony exclusives for their own platform coupled with extremely slow responses to user complaints concerning PSN services and features.. But you go ahead and enjoy those sales, gentlemen.. Enjoy..
Hey tc, you do realize Sony will literally carpet bomb MS at TGS, Paris game show and Playstation Experience later on in the year with tons of unannounced games and stuffs right lol? Sony is saving all the big guns son, and as for better framrate, you do realize PS4 is 40% more powerful than XBone right? You honestly are either highly misinformed or purely living in denial.
Every time MS announces a game threads like this get created. Then the games come out....and nothing.
Hey tc, you do realize Sony will literally carpet bomb MS at TGS, Paris game show and Playstation Experience later on in the year with tons of unannounced games and stuffs right lol? Sony is saving all the big guns son, and as for better framrate, you do realize PS4 is 40% more powerful than XBone right? You honestly are either highly misinformed or purely living in denial.
The only thing that will be carpet bombed will be the second hand market, and the bombs will be ps4's.
Despite having the sales and console power, Cows are spending another gen on the defensive.
The still have the vaporware to dream about like Shenmue, Last Guardian and FF7 Remake.
Yeah but PS4 owners get Shenmue 3 in 2020 and FFVII remake in 2019. And the the constant promise of the last guardian in 2025.
Despite having the sales and console power, Cows are spending another gen on the defensive.
The still have the vaporware to dream about like Shenmue, Last Guardian and FF7 Remake.
All excellent games. But you can call any announced game vaporware until it's released......including those listed in the OP.
Hey tc, you do realize Sony will literally carpet bomb MS at TGS, Paris game show and Playstation Experience later on in the year with tons of unannounced games and stuffs right lol? \
I try to stay out of the fanboy bubble, but let's be frank here, look at Sony's announcements the last 5 years, what makes you think they have "that" many unannounced games in those 3 conferences? We will be getting a lot of the same games, a couple unannounced for late 2015 onward, maybe a couple earlier games, and that's it. Outside of that there will be move, there will be morpheous which can't be explained without being on stage, and maybe some tv features, some new PSN deals and that's it.
TGS won't have a WW impact, PGW won't have a WW impact.
Hey tc, you do realize Sony will literally carpet bomb MS at TGS, Paris game show and Playstation Experience later on in the year with tons of unannounced games and stuffs right lol
What games like TLG, Shen mue and other that wont be available for the next couple of years or 8 or 9 in the case of TLG
The sooner you accept the FACT that PlayStation will always be preferred over Xbox the better off you will be.
and PC preferred over both.
Lol at hermits, always wanting to come into console threads and mentioning their dynamic system that nobody gives a fck about.
Just lol.
Hey, don't group the jankar clone in with the rest of us
the conference today was pretty snooze worthy
Yeah they didn't have a kickstarter countdown, A Remake that isn't exclusive, and a long lost vaporware game.
The sooner you accept the FACT that PlayStation will always be preferred over Xbox the better off you will be.
It wasn't last gen so thats just bullshit.
We literally have this thread after every game show.
Spot on. After every show (E3 by far the worst) we have a bunch of threads with people going way over the top and buying into every piece of prime PR bullshit the machine fed them. Glad to see this one was no different.
@tushar172787: Which game? I don't think anything I mentioned is two years away (Summer 2017 or later).
That's probably the reason lol
On a serious note, PS4 has factually more games and slightly better hardware. I do agree that X1 has better exclusives, though.
i really want to see this trampling.
All i see is dust covered Xbone bundles that no one buy here.
Where do you live? japan?
europe are a lot of different countries, i know one thing the xbox bundles selling like hotcakes over here and I live in europe as well.
i really want to see this trampling.
All i see is dust covered Xbone bundles that no one buy here.
Where do you live? japan?
europe are a lot of different countries, i know one thing the xbox bundles selling like hotcakes over here and I live in europe as well.
If you are form the UK , it's weird you saying that you're from Europe.
i really want to see this trampling.
All i see is dust covered Xbone bundles that no one buy here.
Where do you live? japan?
europe are a lot of different countries, i know one thing the xbox bundles selling like hotcakes over here and I live in europe as well.
If you are form the UK , it's weird you saying that you're from Europe.
I'm not from the uk lol
Their conference put me to sleep, all I want is KI season 3.
What do you think of this? The X1 is not trampling the PS4. But its doing okay.
@l34052: this.. i knew this for years before all that bone launch insanity. And how long til ms with it madatory updates to free windows 10 uphrades turn into a subacription fee?
I'm not from the uk lol
Then where are you from?
Ah , that explains the Xbone love.
How does that explain any xboxone love?
Your country is close to the UK , so you copy them.
All North/West countries like the Xbone more then the East/South part of EU.
they have set themselves up for a good holiday run just like they did last year. but can we not forget that they only won 1 month this year so far and havent had an exclusive since last year. as long as lemmings realize that then maybe we can actually get some good conversations instead of blind stupidity...same for cows
Well you can't really gloat about 2nd place, and then cry when first place calls you out :P
but you're last place
System wars not Fanboy wars. Please read the rules once more of be flagged.
Oh, so I should go flag all your recent posts about console gamers/fanboys?
I guess it might be worth the karma hit to save everyone else from your fakeboy trolling
Your obsession with me is Cranlering every thread.
No, you're the one that generally cranler's up every thread and posts off topic with some PC fakeboy stuff
but you didn't answer my question, should I be flagging your fanboy posts or not? your last post was unclear
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