Consoles used to have more than just your large AAA generic bro games, they had arcade racers, arcade fighting games, extreme sport titles, etc.
There is less of everything, look at how long it's taking devs to pump out games. Rockstar, Square, Bioware, Capcom, etc. Have literally released NOTHING since the gen started. Konami has only released like 1 game.
Past consoles had multiple game types per genre from arcadey to Sim, not just 1 or 2 games.
Yes, indie exist but it is not the same thing as a dev releasing titles such as a Burnout, SSX, Fight Night, NBA Street, Killer 7, Capcom vs SNK, Devil May Cry, Crimson Skies, Midnight Club, Beyond Good and Evil, Soul Calibur, Chrome Hounds, etc.
Today's market is literally safe big budget AAA or indie, and light AA support from the few remaining companies like a Gearbox.
On top of that MS/Sony have sucked from a new IP standpoint (even exclusive standpoint), where is this gen Gears of War or Halo? Oh nope we'll just makes a Gears 4 and Halo 5 to continue on two already played out series instead of being creative and making new IPs.
You have Sony knowingly releasing unfinished games like SFV and $60 Indie Games like No Man Sky, why? To pad their list.
All these remasters and indies on their stores serve as nothing more than padding to cover up the truth, low game output from companies so they rely on indies to make it "seem" like there is a lot more than their really is.
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